AN: I'm going to give this story a go. I don't know how it'll do, but it's worth the chance:). A fresh start is good, no? I'm going to be doing this one and updating Forever's not Eternity at the same time for a while. Basically this one is about a woman who is marooned on the same island as Jack. He takes her aboard, and well, you'll see:). It's an AU; Jack has been rescued from Davy Jones' locker, but that's all. Think of Miley Cyrus's hair in Hannah Montana; that's how I'm trying to portray her hair. It might be hard to describe, which is why I'm giving you that visual. Read and Review please!!!
Jack Sparrow looked out into the horizon as he steered, the sun starting to sink below the line that separated sea from sky. He enjoyed many things, as everyone accustomed with his name knew, such as rum, finding lovely little strumpets in the streets of Tortuga, and of course, being the captain of the fabled Black Pearl. But his favorite, although it'd taken him quite a few years to admit to himself rum wasn't his favorite, was being at the helm. He could steer, command his faithful crew, and think all at the same time.
On this particular day, however, his quiet helm time was interrupted by Gibbs. As much as he trusted the man, he did not like being interrupted by him when he was at the helm. Attacks, raids, and men that he just wanted to torture were an exception. "Cap'n!"
He turned his dreadlocked head towards the first mate. "What the bloody hell is it?"
"A woman, Cap'n. She's…"
No other words needed to be said, for Jack immediately left the wheel in possession of Gibbs and looked over the rail. A few yards away was the island that Barbossa, who was regretfully on the ship at the moment, had marooned him on before. But instead of it being empty-shored, like it usually was whenever they occasionally passed it, there was a woman lying on the golden sand. She appeared to be unconscious, but due to the fading sunlight, Jack could not tell. "Men, prepare a longboat. Gibbs, Cotton, come with me. Hector," he turned to his at-the-moment friend, Barbossa. "Drop the anchor. Mr. and Missus Turner, prepare a makeshift bed in my cabin. No lingering." He went to the spot where a longboat was supplied with a blanket and oars. It wasn't that far to the island, but due to the fact he was going to carry aboard the woman, the boat would help.
The boat was lowered, Jack, Cotton, and Gibbs all aboard as it gracefully touched the water. The latter men rowed the short distance while their Captain kept an eye out in the back. Before long, they reached the stretch of land that Jack had come to despise with a passion. He didn't hesitate to get out, swaggering in his traditional fashion over to the unconscious body. He knelt, checked for her pulse, and lifted her into his arms. It wasn't the fact that he wanted to help the poor soul; it was more of the fact that he wanted to know who also marooned people. At least Barbossa would finally have someone to chat with since they both had a common interest, Jack thought with a grimace as he carried the woman to the boat. He sat in the back once more, this time a dark-brunette adorning his lap.
The boat was raised from the water once they reached Jack's beloved ship, the newcomer being gawked upon as he carried her to his cabin. He instructed Will and his murderess-now-forgiven wife to leave, shutting the door behind them. He laid her on his bed, noting her appearance. Her arms showed muscle that was usually not expected from a woman, along with what he could tell of her legs through dark brown breeches. The sleeves of her cotton shirt were dirty, as were his own; hers, however, were thinner, showing her toned arms. She was relatively thin, yet healthy with a tanned complexion. Delicate skin adorned her face, which Jack considered to be beautiful. There wasn't a flaw about her, except for the fact that there was something untold about her that made him want to know more about the beauty before him. Her dark hair was sprawled around her as she lay, waving and curling. Jack was about to dare himself and touch it, when he found himself being stared at by a pair of pure blue eyes.
I stared up at the man before me. Oh, why did I recognize him? I knew I'd never met him, but his identity was deffinatly stored in my brain somewhere. His hair fell in dark waves and tangles, bangles and dreadlocks adorning it. No doubt he was a pirate; the mark was branded into his left forearm, which was hovering above my forehead. His eyes were a dark shade of brown, yet not quite black. I could tell he was confused about me; most men were, considering that most dark haired, fair-skinned women didn't have blue eyes. I knew that he was sensing that there was more to me. Of course there was more, there always is in life. I sat up, leaning back on my forearms, which rested on the pillow behind me. I spoke as I shook out my long dark hair. "Who are you?"
The man's mouth curved itself into a smirk, revealing a few golden teeth. "Italian, are you?"
I had a faint Italian accent, for I was Italian. But I'd been raised since I was eight or so by pirates, with an English accent of course. Therefore, I sounded like every other English woman except for a faint trace of my heritage. Only when I got aggravated or angry did my true Italian accent show itself; mostly because I was known to speak in Italian at those moments. I replied sarcastically. "Is it that obvious?" The man just stared at me, the smirk never leaving his quite handsome face. "Well, since you can't seem to answer a question, I'll introduce myself as if you'd asked the question. Andrea, Andie for short." I extended my right hand for it was closest to the man, leaning on my left arm with ease.
He just stared at me before taking my hand, releasing it quickly. "Captain Jack Sparrow."
As he spoke his name, I heard a click in my mind. That's who he was! Bootstrap had often described the man to me when I'd came aboard the ship I'd been on until the Captain had rudely marooned me on that forsaken strip of land. "I've heard of you. Wait a moment. If you're Captain of this ship, which I assume you are, then Will and his lass, Elizabeth, should be on board somewhere, no?"
Jack's eyes widened as he leaned back slightly, taken back by my knowledge. "How do you…"
I grinned as I swung my legs over the bed. "I assume you'd like to know how I got on that island, eh? Bootstrap mentioned that you'd been marooned there a fair amount of times. By a Barbossa."
"Bootstrap Bill Turner?"
"Yes, who else?" I could tell that I would give him a run for his gold. "I was marooned on that island by Davy Jones. Now I know you know him. He's spoken of you several times. Before he was ordered to destroy that horrible beastie of his, you were eaten, no? By Elizabeth Swann, wife of William Turner, son of Bootstrap, who is captive on the Dutchman?" I stood, watching his facial features twitch as I spoke.
"Past is the past, love. Now to more important matters, you speak of our mutual squid-faced… acquaintance as if you're, dare I say, friends with him. Are you telling me that for once in his ancient life he hasn't tortured a human being with two legs, two arms, and other essential parts that a human is supposed to have?"
I laughed and smiled at him. "He didn't harm me when I was found quite some time ago, drifting in the ocean on a piece from a sunken ship. Bootstrap was ordered to teach me the ropes, as it were. I took a liking to him, considering I couldn't remember anything other than my name and age. As the only female on that ship around males, obviously I've taken to doing 'male' things, such as deck work…"
"No offense, darling, but as fascinating as that is, I really must insist on finding out why you were marooned."
"He told me as I grew older that I reminded him of his lover with my fiery temper. Last night, I stumbled upon him talking to a random crew… creature about who had hold of his heart. I'd never heard the name of the one who'd ordered him to destroy the Kraken. He discovered me listening, got angry, and threw me onto that island you found me upon. Now I know why his lover left him with that curse; he's horrible and angers at the slightest thing. I'd always respected him, for I didn't want to depart my father-like figure in my life, Bootstrap. But I've always hated how he kills men, that's how most of the men said I was different; my female instinct to protect. But I proved them wrong on the protecting part. I never spoke against it. So here we are…"
"Aye. I suppose you wouldn't mind allowing said name slip accidentally on purpose from your pretty little mouth, eh?"
I snorted and raised my eyebrows at the pirate Captain before me. "One condition, Jack."
"Captain, Andie. Never forget that…"
"Yes, well, one condition. You shall allow me to stay aboard this fine ship of yours to live as a crew member. That despicable creature marooned me; therefore I would like to make him angry by being on your crew. I'd live by any standards, except for the ones I oppose to."
"Darling, that would make them your standards…"
I ignored him. "Do we have an accord?"
He extended his tanned and bejeweled hand, which I shook. "One question, love. How did you breathe underwater?"
I laughed. "That is for me to know, and for you never to find out. Now obviously it's dark outside." I motioned to the window not so far away. "Where shall I sleep?"
He grinned, raised his eyebrows at me and made a sweeping gesture with his hands. "In here love. I'll do something I normally wouldn't do; an effect of being momentarily sober. You can have the bed, for I can imagine what an effect the day has had on you. If all goes well, then you can move into a cabin of your own tomorrow, darling. Barbossa is staying in a hammock, so you can have the extra one." He turned and exited to tell the crew some information, I presumed.
I pulled the covers back and laid down, thinking about something he'd said. 'If all goes well…'
He must know, I thought before drifting off to the scent of Jack, which I didn't mind at all. Rum, the ocean, and the male musk. All three I'd come to love over the twenty years I'd been on the Dutchman. The question is, how?
AN: I hope that wasn't too confusing for anyone! You'll find out what Jack 'must know' in the next chapter;). Evil, I know. Well, evil for anyone who reviews. Virtual cookies for anyone who reviews; I accept anonymous reviews. Just put a random name for all I care. Billy Bob Joe Frank Jr. works for me! R&R loves.