"You are so great, giving us all hope," said the woman. She looked down at Cynthia. "I don't want her going to one of the families. I don't want her mind being changed into something dreadful." She looked up at me.

"I wish there was something I could do."

I heard the door to the cell open. I looked over and saw Malfoy. He came over to me and unlocked my chains and helped me up. I was sore from sitting on that hard ground.

"What are you doing?"

"The Dark Lord wants you to stay in the Upper Commons."

"No thank you. I will stay here with people like me."

He looked around at them all staring. He came close to me and bent towards my ear.

"Please don't make me use magic on you. I don't want him coming down here and making you go. I don't want him to hurt you. What can I do to make you come with me?"

"Let me take Cynthia."

He looked up from her ear and looked her in the eyes.

"Who is Cynthia?"

"This woman's child. Please." I pointed down to the sleeping little girl on the floor. "Don't let her stay here. Let me keep her."

He kept looking into my eyes. The mother was praying next to her child.

"Only until the Dark Lord finds a family for her."

"No, I want her to be mine."

"You are not old enough to take care of a child! And I don't know if I have that kind of power to let you have her!"

"Fine just let me take care of her until he finds a family for her. She's the only little girl in here. Look at the men in here eyeing her up. If she was your child would you want her to be in here."

"She's not my child!"

"But what if she was."

He looked at the little girl lying on the floor.

"Fine take her."

"Thank you dear. Thank you," said the woman giving me the Cynthia. She was only four years old but she felt lighter from the lack of eating.

Draco led me through so many hallways and up so many staircases that I was wondering if were in some kind of multiplying mansion. Finally we stopped and he unlocked the door in front of us. The room was dark and he turned the lantern on that he was carrying. He found some lanterns hanging and lit them. I put Cynthia on the bed and tucked her under the covers.

"Nicole," he said coming towards me.

"What? Don't you have something to do for your precious Dark Lord?"

"Please let me explain everything."

"What else is there to say?" I walked over towards the window and looked down at darkness. I held myself holding back the tears. "That you lead me to my death?"

"No, he doesn't want you dead." He came up behind me put his hands on my arms. I felt his head lean on the back of mine.

"Then what does he want?" I shifted from him. I didn't want him touching me anymore. I turned around and saw him. I looked at his eyes. He was crying.

"Death Eaters are not supposed to cry. That shows weakness. Didn't he teach you anything?"

"Oh my god! Please just stop talking!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. I swear it would have woken Cynthia up but she only stirred.

"I have already shown my weakness back at Hogwarts."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just let me talk…Blaise saw it. He's the reason why you are here. I was never going to hand you in. I was already passing my due date. I told the Dark Lord I couldn't get to you. He understood everything and that's why he let it go. But Blaise saw how much I loved you and decided to threaten me. He threatened if I didn't hand you in that he would. And whoever hands in…"

"The person they were supposed to bring it do what they want with them."

He looked up at me. "Exactly, so I handed you in to protect you from him. I knew if he would have gotten to you…He would have done anything in his power to make sure that I suffered too."

"I'm sorry," I said. I placed my hand on his hair and moved it to the back. He put his head to mine and cried. I cried with him. His hands on my lower back and mine on his head…which reminded me of when we met…..

"AHHHHHH!" I yelled falling into something as the train quickly turned. I looked up at what I had fallen into. It was Draco Malfoy. I had my hands on his head while his were on the mid of my back. "Thanks Malfoy." I mumbled the thank you and slowly pulled my hands away from him. His hands of course didn't move off of me. He smirked down at me and I rolled my eyes.

"What?" I asked annoyed that he still hasn't taken his hands off of me.

"You know you're cute when it looks like you have been thrown around."

"Urgh, you are annoying Malfoy. And that's always, now please take your hands off of me."

I grabbed his arms and tried to pull him off of me.

"Fine, if I touching you is so horrible I'll take my hands off of you."

He let go unexpectedly and I fell on my butt from trying to get his hands off me. "You ass! You know what you were doing!" I got up and pushed pass him. "I've always hated you Malfoy!"

"That's what attracts you to me, Davidson."

I turned around and glared at him. "In your dreams, Malfoy! I'd rather go out with Blaise!"

"You called," said a voice behind me. I turned around and rolled my eyes. "Can I not get away from you two? I feel like I'm a magnet!"

"Well you are in Slytherin and it is bound to happen that you are going to be going out with a Slytherin. It seems faith wants me or Draco to be with you." He played with my hair.

"You two are despicable!" I walked to the other end of the trains hallway feeling Draco and Blaises eyes on me all the way to the other part of the train until I closed my eyes feeling the little bit of air between train parts. "I may be in their house but there is no way in hell I would ever be attracted to them. Never."