Andromeda watched with a sad smile as her daughter cradled baby Teddy in her arms. She was swaying back and forth and humming softly, and Teddy was sound asleep, wrapped in his blanket. But Andromeda could see the worry in her daughter's eyes. She knew what it felt like not to know where her lover was. To know if he was okay, if he was coming home soon. She looked at the clock. It had been two hours since Tonks had stumbled in with Teddy.

"He's gone... gone to fight..." she'd said, trying desperately to maintain her composure."It's tonight, at Hogwarts..."

Andromeda remembered feeling like the floor had bottomed out. The last battle, she thought to herself.

"He s-said I had to stay here, that he c-couldn't risk... losing me... t-too," Tonks said, but she couldn't hold back tears any longer. Andromeda gathered her in her arms and led her over to the sofa.

"Shh... it's ok," she said, softly stroking her hair. "He'll come back, you know he will. Shh..."

And for the last two hours Tonks had been pacing, wringing her hands and looking at the clock every five minutes. She would only stop when Teddy woke up and would slowly rock him back to sleep again. Nothing Andromeda said, it seemed, made any amount of difference.

"Nym, love, you need to get some rest," she said, after Tonks had laid Teddy back down in his cradle. But she appeared not to have heard Andromeda and continued her pacing.

Andromeda sighed. She knew Tonks wouldn't be happy unless she was out on the front line. But she, herself, happened to agree wholeheartedly with Remus. It was much too dangerous.

Besides, Teddy needs her... she thought.

And you need her, said some familiar voice inside her. She tried her best to ignore it.

And she needs Remus. She heard the voice clearer this time. She knew it was right, but she couldn't bear the thought of her daughter out there fighting to the death.

You would have gone, she heard the voice say. You know she can't stay here.

Andromeda sighed and looked at Tonks, with her limp, mousey brown hair. Hear dark blue eyes were on the brink of tears as she again looked at the clock. She knew the voice was right, as much as he hated to admit it.

"Go," she said, and for the first time since her arrival, Tonks actually looked at her.

"W-what?" she asked incredulously.

"Go to him. You need him," Andromeda said softly. "And he needs you."

Tears had begun to spill down Tonks's cheeks.

"But..." she said, and turned to look at Teddy, sleeping soundly in his cradle on the table.

"He'll be fine. I'll watch over him. Go. It's okay," Andromeda told her.

Tonks looked hesitant but Andromeda just smiled and shooed her towards the door. Tonks had one foot out of it when she turned back. Before Andromeda knew what hit her Tonks had run back into the kitchen and was hugging her. She buried her head in her shoulder like she had done when she was little.

"Thank you… thank you." Her words were muffled by sobs.

Andromeda wrapped her arms around her and kissed the top of her head. After a few more moments Tonks let go and looked down at her mother's shoulder.

"Oh mum, I'm sorry. I got you all wet..." she said. She wiped her eyes on the back of her hand and reached for her wand, but Andromeda stopped her.

"I'll get it. Don't worry about it," she said. She tapped her wand on her shoulder and muttered a quick spell. "There," she said. "All better." She smiled down at Tonks.

"I love you," Tonks said as she started to cry again.

"I know, love. I love you too, with all my heart, but if you stay any longer you might not be able to leave."

Tonks gave a watery smile and walked over to Teddy's cradle. She bent down and kissed him softly on the forehead. Then she just smiled down at him for a moment.

Teddy Remus Lupin you look just like your father, she thought. Except for your hair! and she had to stifle a giggle over the little tuft of bright turquoise hair on his head.

"I love you," she whispered, and got up to go. With one last glance at her mother, she turned to leave.

Andromeda watched her go with a heavy heart, knowing full well it may be the last time she saw her.

"I don't know, Ted... Did I do the right thing?" she asked to the seemingly empty kitchen.

She had to go. You couldn't have kept her here much longer, said the voice.

"But what... what if..." Andromeda couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence.

She won't, the voice said. And even if she does, they've left their legacy behind.

She looked over at little Teddy Lupin sleeping in his cradle. So innocent, unaware of the war and turmoil around him. She couldn't help but smile at how much he already reminded her of Tonks.

"I'm going to miss her, Ted. I'll miss her so much..."