Title: Poor Kakashi
Authoress: TnR
Summary: A jutsu hits Gaara and he gets turned into a chibi. Who else to take care of him but our all-time favourite jounin Kakashi?

DC Omg! Chibi Gaara! So cute! ¤glomps¤
K . -clinging round Kakashi-
DC Don't cling too tight dear, Kakashi still needs to take care of Gaara p
K No he doesn't Y.Y gods ur so mean
DC Actually... he does, or Tsunade will kill him oO;;
K No she wont -glomps Kakashi even more and runs off with him-
Chibi Gaara ... Kaka... shi? TT
DC OMG, Kay, get the HELL back here!!!
K Mnoooohoooo Y.Y
Kakashi Wait don't I have a say in this O.o
K No...
Chibi Gaara ¤sobs¤
DC Erm, Kay?
K ¤turns head round the corner¤ Myes?
Chibi Gaara ¤wails¤ Kakashi!!!!!
Kakashi ¤dragging himself towards Gaara unable to resist the little boy¤
K ¤clinging to Kakashi's leg for dear life¤ MNOOOOOOOOOHHH HE'S EVIL, EVIL I TELL YOU
Chibi Gaara ¤looks up at Kakashi through teary eyes before stretching out his arms to be picked up with a small sob¤
Kakashi ¤Picks up Chibi Gaara¤ Dont cry you can put red...
K ¤knocks kakashi out cold in case he gives away more of the up coming story and drops herself next to DC with a huff¤ Stupid Jounins and their likes for chibi's...
DC Yah v.v" Well, let's start the fic, ne?
K ¤Points at DC¤ This is all ur fault!!! ¤nother huff¤
DC Okay
K ¤huff¤
DC ¤starts the fic¤
Tsunade coughs into her hand at Kakashi. "Kakashi, I have an important mission for you. It's A-ranked and of the utmost importance."

Kakashi frowns, immediately interested in what the hokage has to say.

"If you ruin this mission, the peace treaty between Konohagakure and Sunagakure will be at stake so there is no room for errors, do you hear me?"

This time he narrows his eyes, why does he have the idea this mission is going to turn out... badly...even though he nods; agreeing once again.

"Good." and suddenly, Kakashi has his hands full with a 5 years old looking red-headed boy with big innocent green eyes, outlined in black. "Somehow, Kazekage-san changed into a chibi, you are to take care of him until the counter-jutsu is found. Dismissed."

Kakashi twitches preventing himself at the last possible moment from letting the boy drop. "But hokage-sama!" He protests. "I am no teacher! Why not give this kid to Iruka?"

"A-anou... who are you?" Gaara asks shyly, blinking up at Kakashi, biting his bottom lip softly afterwards.

Kakashi twitches again. "If it was to me you will never know." He answers looking wide-eyed at what the boy was doing, trying to resist him.

Tears start to grow in Gaara's eyes before he glances down quietly. He's used to people being mean to him anyway, so why does it still hurt?

"Ark dont cry!" Kakashi retorts. "TSUNAAADE!!!!"

"Dismissed." Ebil glare of an over humane strong PMS'ing hokage.

Now it is Kakashi's time to pout but choosing eggs for his money he hurries out of the hokage's office with the boy still in his arms. Once outside he sits the boy on a bench and simply stared at him. How is he to take care of this kid?

Gaara doesn't look Kakashi in the eye, simply kicks his leg in the air slightly, a sad look on his face.

Kakashi sighs. "Erm ramen?" He asks pulling up one eyebrow. He knows it worked with Naruto but will it work with this kid?

Gaara glances up, though only his eyes move. "What's ramen?" he asks softly, as if afraid for the answer.

"Its food." Kakashi answers nicely.

"Food..." Gaara muses silently "I never heard of it."

This took the silver haired man a bit aback. "Well it's nice." He says.

"How is it nice?" Gaara tilts his head to the side curiously.

"Well you eat it and erm... its nice." The man shrugs. "Want to try it?"

Gaara blinks cutely "Can I?"

Kakashi nods satisfied. "Yea you can." He picked up the boy and disappears in a whirl of smoke.

Of course, the streets are busy and a lot of people stare at Kakashi because he has a random kid no one ever saw before in his arms, but it's those stares that makes Gaara burry himself deeper into Kakashi's arms, trying to hide from them.

Kakashi tries to dispose the child on one of the chairs in the ramen shop while he, with some random hand gestures, orders two bowls of ramen.

Gaara isn't about to let go of him anytime soon though, clinging to him for dear life, small shoulders shaking.

"Nani?" Kakashi asks bewildered. What did he do this time? A small sweat drop forms at the side of his head. "Want to sit on my lap?" He asks with an equally small sigh.

Gaara nods shyly, face still buried in the other's shirt. He doesn't know where he is, he doesn't know anyone here, and he's scared as hell.

With one hand around the boy Kakashi dumps himself on one of the bar stools, trying with all his might to ignore the people staring at them. Normally he doesn't mind people staring, but this is going to cost him his reputation. He wondered what his enemy's will say and the sweat drop grows bigger. "Come on you can't eat ramen while facing my clothing." He told the boy. "What's your name?"

"Demon." Gaara replies, finally taking his face away from Kakashi's shirt. Truthfully, he has no idea what he name is, but with people always calling him Demon, that's probably his name, ne?

"That's an odd name, did your parents call you that?" Kakashi replies on his turn, tilting his head to the side in order to have a better look on the boy.

Gaara shrugs. "I think my mother gave me a different name, but I killed her, so my dad re-named me, and because he's Kazekage, the whole village calls me by this name."

Kakashi looks up for a bit trying to remember whether or not Tsunade gave him a name with the kid. He doesn't think so but she did call him Kazekage-san. That meant... Gaara? He shakes his head.

"But, I also have a demon inside of me, so it's no wonder..." Gaara mumbles softly, lowering his head, eyes hidden behind crimson bangs.

"That still ain't no reason to call you one." Kakashi shot back. "Gaara, we'll call you Gaara ok?"

"Gaara?" the name sounds familiar to his ears. "I know that name..."

Kakashi smiles. "Good." Is his reaction before he settles his gaze on the two bowls of damping ramen on the counter. "Foods ready." He goes on happily, his eye forming its typical n-shape.

Gaara glances at the food. It smells good, but... "It looks icky."

"Well it is good." Kakashi tells the boy. "But watch it, its hot." As to prove his points he carefully tastes the ramen.

Gaara still looks warily at the ramen. Shouldn't trust something unfamiliar, ne? Though once he sees Kakashi taste it, he figures it can't hurt much, can it? Of course, chibi's don't blow their own food, they need it blown for them.

Noting Gaara wasn't about to touch the food he turned his attention towards the boy, oblivious to the fact chibi's need their food blown for them. "You don't want to try?" He therefore asks

Gaara shrugs "You said it was hot, I'm waiting for it to cool down."

A smile reaches Kakashi's lips. "If you blow at it, it will cool down faster." He offers.

"Blow at it?" Gaara blinks "Like this?" He blows softly at the bowl.

Kakashi nods. "Like that." He said.

"When will I know if it cooled down enough?"

That was a good one, Kakashi ponders for a bit. "When it will not vaporize into the air anymore." He said. "See the white smoke?"

Gaara nods, blinking cutely again.

Putting down his own sticks Kakashi grabs new ones and fishes some of the ramen out of Gaara's bowl before blowing at it for a while. He holds the food in front of the little boy.

Gaara takes a bite carefully. It doesn't taste that bad, better then anything he normally gets anyway. He chews and swallows before smiling at Kakashi brightly "It's so good!"

Kakashi smiles back. "You want to try it?" He asks offering him the chopsticks

Gaara nods and takes the chopsticks, copying the way Kakashi held them. "Like this?"

Kakashi nods encouragingly, also grabbing his chopsticks again so the boy would have an example. Getting some ramen out of his bowl he blows at it.

Gaara, though a bit clumsily at first and dropping the ramen back into the bowl, is a fast learner and has some ramen on the chopsticks pretty fast and blows at it.

After eating the ramen Kakashi looks around for a bit. It's getting late. Where is he to dump the kid for sleep? He himself has only one bed and a couch. "Tired?" He asked the boy.

Gaara nods. "But I can't sleep."

Owh great that is even worse. Kakashi doesn't ask why but simply nods. "What do you want to do then?"

Gaara shrugs. "I don't know..."

Well that doesn't really help either. Kakashi ponders. "What do you usually do?" He asks

Gaara bites his bottom lip in thought. "Most of the times I sit on the roof and watch people sleep, because that's the only time they don't run away from me."

"Am I running away from you now?" Is Kakashi's reaction

Gaara seems to think this over before shaking his head slowly, confusion evident in his eyes. "No..."

"Good." Kakashi responds, his eyes curving up

"I like you." Gaara smiles cutely, eyes closed "Because you're nice."

"Ehm... Thank you." Kakashi scratches the back of his head before he looks around as if searching for something. "Want toooo..." He begins, but he doesn't finish.

Gaara blinks, tilting his head to the side slightly. "Want to what?"

Kakashi heightens his shoulders. "Don't know." He responded

"Ne, where am I?" Gaara blinks "And what's your name anyway?"

"Hatake Kakashi." Kakashi responds this time. "And you are in Konoha."

"Konoha?" Gaara blinks "Daddy was talking about Konoha with some creepy guy with a long tongue some time ago."

Kakashi raises his eyebrow. "Really?"

Gaara nods "Or-Oro-Ororochi?"

"Aaahh..." Kakashi responds, having already guessed who the boy is talking about. "What do you think about a swim?" He asks, maybe the bathhouses where still open. It is the first thing that came in mind, normally he spends the night reading his book but showing that to a chibi Gaara? No way.

DC o... m... g... Gaara and water o.O;;
K ¤still muttering¤ This is still ur fault
DC ¤clicks tongue¤ Ne, Kakashi
Kakashi -.-
DC If Gaara gets hurt, I'm sending Tsunade after you and make Jiraya go hardcore yaoi on your ass...
Kakashi ¤Unfazed, actually too shocked to show any emotion¤ You'll what...?
K YOU TRAITOR ¤Throws computer at DC¤
Kakashi ¤sweatdrops¤ Ne, Gaara...
DC ¤eeps and hides¤
Chibi Gaara ¤blinks¤ Yes?
Kakashi Lets go?
K ¤rampaging through FF in search of DC¤ Don't you dare lay a hand on MY Kakashi!!!
Chibi Gaara ¤smiles cutely and takes Kakashi's hand¤ okay
DC ¤refuses to come out of hiding place¤
Kakashi ¤runs off with Gaara¤
K ¤twitch¤ gods that shounds wrong ¤continious her search¤
DC ... Every review will slow her down. Save me people and review!!!
K Let them try, they cant spam reviews forever! I'll get you some day!


Gaara blinks "I don't know."

"Do you even watch movies?"

"I don't have them in my room, and I'm mostly there except when watching people sleep."

Putting a tape in the tape recorder, yea you can call him old fashioned, Kakashi presses the play button and dumps himself back on the couch next to Gaara.

Gaara blinks as a maid enters a room, a very skimpy and frilly dress on. "Oh Kaine-sama!!!"

Are dresses supposed to be that short? He doesn't Think so...

Kakashi frowns for a bit, he doesn't remember this part in the action movie...

"Look what I got for you!!!"

Of course, porn isn't meant to have a plot, so the dress is lost.

Gaara: O.O