Hi all, as most of you know school is starting soon. (The Azu-Girls groan) I know I know, so I thought after a long week at school, why not give all the Azu-Fans something to look forward to on the weekends, so starting today, and on every Friday, you will look forward to what I call my 'DREAM FIC" It's a complete retelling of Azumanga Daioh done Anime Rebirth Style, Get ready to See Chiyo, Osaka, Sakaki, Tomo, Yomi, Kagura, Kaorin, The teachers, as well as some new original characters in hilarious (and sometimes dramatic) situations. Now I don't guarantee I will update every Friday. But I sure will try, and with that said……ON WITH THE SHOW


The alarm clock was buzzing away. It was like the small device was trying it's best to do what it was designed to do. Unfortunately it was buzzing in vain, for the person it was trying to wake up was still snoring away in bed. It was a shame that the poor clock didn't know that it's time was near……

SWOOSH…..CRACK……. It was the sound of it being thrown and breaking into several pieces, it appeared to land in what appeared to be several broken clocks that preceded it.

The young woman that it tried to wake up just yawned and went back to sleep….

Suddenly a voice was heard from outside her room. "YUKARI WAKE UP DO YOU WANT TO BE LATE ON YOUR FIRST DAY ON THE JOB!!!!"

The young woman just groggily got up and then saw the wall clock. "Hmmm." Then reality finally hit. "OH NO!!!!!!!!!" she quickly got out of bed and went into the bathroom to take a quick shower. "MOMMY WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME SOONER!!!!" she said from the bathroom.

All that Yukari's mother could do was just sigh. "It doesn't matter how old she is, she is always going to be late for school."


Azumanga Daioh Is Not Mine…….It Belongs To Kiyohiko Azuma.


By Anime Rebirth

Episode 1 (Yukari is Shown standing next to a giant number 1)


(First Day Of School)

The new teacher was quickly riding her bicycle towards Azumanga High School. "Great, after all the sucking up to get this job, I go and oversleep." She thought. "I've got to get a better alarm clock or something."


Yukari Tanizaki, Age 23 First Year English Teacher at Azumanga High School

She tried to peddle as fast as she could. "This is not happening, please tell me this not happening." Suddenly she could see the school up ahead. "At least my bike chain didn't break or anything." She hit the brakes to slow down, but she notice the bike kept going. "Huh?" She then realized something. "Oh yeah, I meant to get the brake fixed."…….The bike hit the curb, and the teacher flew into the air and landed on the front steps.

As she lied down on the ground with swirls in her eyes, a young woman with black hair walked up. "Well Yukari, you've made quite an entrance on your first day huh?" she said as she closed her eyes and smiled.

"Shut up Nyamo." Yukari said.


Minamo "Nyamo" Kurosawa, Age 23, First Year PE Teacher, Azumanga High School

Minamo helped Yukari up. "Honestly Yukari, you always seem to cut it close, why don't you get up earlier?" she asked.

Yukari just grumbled. "I need a new alarm clock." she said as she walked off.


(Hello Class)

Yukari opened the door to her classroom. "Heh heh heh, now that I'm the teacher and not the student it's time to have my way with them." she thought as she headed to her desk.

"Welcome fresh meat." She said to her students which caused them to giver her a strange look. "The name's Yukari Tanizaki and I'm gonna make your life a living hell." she said as she gave an evil laugh.

A girl that sat in the middle of the first row raised her hand. "Yeah what do you want?" Yukari asked her.

"Yukari-Sensei, since you came in late you should punish yourself." She said as she laughed.


Tomo Takino, age 15, first year student, Azumanga High School

Yukari joined in the laughter……then suddenly she threw a piece of chalk at Tomo, knocking her over. "ANYONE ELSE HAS ANY COMMENTS THEY WANNA MAKE?!!!!!!!!" Everyone in class shook their heads.


(Best Friends?)

Some time later Tomo was in the restroom feeling the little bump on her head. "Oh man does that teacher have a strong arm." she said.

"Well that's what you get for trying to be a smart-ass." she heard a voice behind her said. Tomo turned around to see a not to tall brown haired girl wearing glasses.


Koyomi "Yomi" Mitzuhara age 15, first year student Azumanga High School

Tomo just gave her an annoyed look. "I wasn't trying to be a smartass." she replied as she gave Yomi a serious look. After a few seconds she burst out laughing. "Okay maybe I was, but you gotta admit, IT WAS HILARIOUS!!!!!"

Yomi just sweat dropped. "Oh God, you are such an idiot." Yomi replied.


It was lunchtime. Yomi sat under a tree enjoying her sandwich. "Ahhhh, it's nice to enjoy your lunch outside for a change… away from the crowded lunch area.. Away from the noise… away from…."

"HEY YOMI!!!!!! " Tomo screamed as she sat down next to her.

"Tomo……" Yomi grumbled.

"So, why have we decided to eat lunch out here today?" Tomo asked.

"We didn't decided… I did." Yomi responded. "Hasn't it ever occurred to you that sometimes I want a little privacy?"

Tomo just stared at her. "What's your point?" she asked.

Yomi could not believe the ignorance of that that…… "BAKA!!!!!!" she screamed.

But Tomo seemed to be preoccupied with something else. "Hey are you gonna finish that sandwich?"

Yomi's glasses just glared as she sighed. "No go ahead and take it." She replied as she handed the reaming sandwich to her.

"Thanks Yomi, YOU DA MAN!!!1!!" Tomo said.

"Excuse me?" Yomi responded.

"Oh I mean girl….you da girl." Tomo replied as she sweat dropped.


(Cuteness Is A Little Girl)

Back in Yukari's homeroom, a tall girl was sitting at her desk looking out the window. Her face showed no emotion.


Yuri Sakaki, age 15, first year student Azumanga High School

Sakaki then looked around the class, there was no one there except a few students. She looked at her watch and noticed the class was about to start soon.

The bell played that familiar tune to signal the continuation of classes and in no time the class was filled up with students……..time passed…and no Yukari.

Sakaki wondered if she was okay? "I hope nothing bad happened to her." she thought.

The door then slid open and in came a groggy looking Yukari. "Damn college kids." She thought as she just slumped into her desk. "Just read a chapter of any book you want and wake me up when your done."

It was at that moment that the door slid opened and Minamo walked in. "Yukari?" she said as she then saw Yukari asleep at her desk. "As a student or teacher…she still sleeps in class." Minamo thought.

The entire class saw as Minamo walked up to Yukari as she also signaled for them to not make a sound. It was then that she bent over and placed herself near Yukari's ear as she took a deep breath……

"OH NO YOUR ALMOST OUT OF LIFE POINTS!!!!!" Minamo screamed which cause Yukari to quickly jump up.

"NO, I CAN STILL BEAT THIS GAME!!!!!!!" Yukari screamed as her hands moved like if she was holding a game controller. "Huh?" she said as she slowly turned towards Minamo. "You……little……bi…."

"Yukari?" Minamo said as she quickly prevented her from finishing that last word. "You have a special student assigned to your class."

"Special student huh, I guess that means I'm special." Yukari said as she smirked.

"No it's because the other classes are filled up and yours is the only one they could place her in." Minamo replied which caused Yukari to sweat drop.

"Just bring in the fresh meat." Yukari answered.

Minamo went out of the classroom and within a few seconds, she reentered the room with a little girl who appeared to be about 11.…


Chiyo Mihama, age 10, first year student Azumanga High School (and an adorable one at that)

The entire class just gasped as they saw her. But no one more than Sakaki.

"She's….so cute." Sakaki thought.

"Chiyo is a very intelligent girl, in fact they thought that her genius would be wasted at her old elementary school so they went ahead and gave her permission to start high school." Minamo replied.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Yukari-Sensei." Chiyo said as she giggled.

"Damn you're so cute." Yukari replied as she just stared at her.

Chiyo then turned to the class. "My name is Chiyo Mihama and I hope we can all be good friends." she said as she bowed.

"DAMN YOU'RE SO CUTE!!!!!!" The entire class replied.

Chiyo just seemed confused at the way everyone was reacting to her.


The end of the day came and Chiyo made her way to the exit.

"HEY CHIYO-CHAN!!!!!!" Tomo screamed as she rushed up.

Chiyo turned around to face her. "Oh hello… you're in Yukari-Sensei's class as well aren't you?" she asked.

"Yep. The name's Tomo Takino" Tomo replied as she closed her eyes and smiled. "So Chiyo-chan, how did ya like your first day of school?"

"It was a fascinating experience, I must admit I was nervous at first, but I'm sure everything will work out as the year goes by." Chiyo replied.

"Well stick with me and I'll show you how to survive high school." Tomo told her.

"Survive?" Chiyo replied.

"Yeah, you know, how not to crack under pressure when a big exam comes up, our how not to wimp out in PE class, our being ridiculed by your peers for being such a shrimp." Tomo explained.

Chiyo started to tremble. "Pressure……wimp out……. Ridiculed?" the small girl said nervously.

"Yep, and when it comes to handling those situations, I am the best." Tomo replied as she gave a victory sign.

"Leave her alone Tomo." Yomi said as she walked up. She then turned to Chiyo. "Don't listen to her Chiyo-chan, her mouth moves before her brain reacts."

"I…see." Chiyo answered in a confused tone.

"It's nice to meet you Chiyo-chan, my name is Koyomi Mitzuhari, but everyone calls me Yomi."

"It's nice to meet you Yomi-san." Chiyo said as she bowed.

"You'd better get home now before it gets any later." Yomi warned.

"I will and Arigato." Chiyo said as she giggled.

"Damn she's so cute." Yomi thought.

After Chiyo walked off Yomi turned to Tomo. "What's the big idea scaring Chiyo-chan like that?" Yomi scolded.

"Yomi, Yomi, Yomi, we're in high school now, we have to be prepared for whatever this year throws at us."

"You were never prepared in kindergarten, you were never prepared in elementary school, you were never prepared in Junior High, and I doubt you'll ever be prepared for anything now." Yomi replied.

"Ah, but that's where your wrong, this time I have a plan." Tomo said.

"What, goofing off the entire year?" Yomi replied.

"Of course not…. That's plan b, but anyway….." Tomo continued as Yomi sweat dropped. "My plan is to become the most coolest person in school."

Yomi started to laugh. "Oh please, you popular, everyone in Junior High couldn't stand you." she replied.

"Maybe, but that's because they don't know cool when they see it." Tomo said as she struck a pose.

Yomi kept laughing so hard she fell to the floor. "OH STOP IT TOMO YOU'RE KILLING ME!!!!!!" It was then that everyone started to stare at her.

"Geez Yomi, you're making an ass out of yourself." Tomo replied as she slowly distanced herself from Yomi.

Yomi looked around and blushed in embarrassment as she slowly stood up. "TAKINO!!!!!" And with that she started to chase Tomo around the school grounds.


Minamo was just staring out the window as she saw Yomi chasing Tomo around. "I have a feeling that this is gonna be a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong year." she said as she sweat dropped.



And there you have it, the first episode in my retelling of Azumanga Daioh. And don't worry, the other characters will eventually make an appearance, so until then, take care…..