The June breeze swept over the Malfoy manor as the flowers and grass moved along with the direction of the wind. The air smelled fresh as it has just stopped sprinkling basically it was a perfect spring day just as Hermione had hoped. She got up and looked out the window and smiled as she turned around and looked at her best friends snoring one on each side of the spot she had laid in, it has been a year and 2 months since Draco had asked her to marry him. She waved her wand and all the curtains around them room opened.
"HERMIONE!" Pansy squealed.
"Hermione…" Ginny groaned as she rolled over "It's way too early."
"I'm getting married today," she started to sob which made them bolt right up and motioned for her to sit down in the middle of them "I mean I, Hermione Granger, am getting MARRIED. I can't do this…"
"Hermione," Ginny cooed.
"Your marring Draco Malfoy who is head over heels in love with you and would do ANYTHING for you," Pansy came in "He wouldn't just ask anyone, ya know."
"I'm just so unsure."
"Cold feet," Ginny sighed "You're not going to regret it…"
"It's just what if Draco doesn't want me after awhile," Hermione wiped a tear away "I can't believe I'm having doubts! This is Draco Malfoy the LOVE of my life the one I want to spend the rest of my life with," She nodded her head furiously "Why am I acting like this."
The two girls just laughed and got up.
"Let's go eat some breakfast alright. You're to have breakfast with the groomsmen and your maids are having breakfast with your groom," Ginny said as she started to get dressed "I'm excited!"
"So am I," Pansy pulled on a pair of pants "Just remember Hermione you can't see Draco until the wedding!"
"I know," she held her arms out for hugs "I am so glad I have you two!" They laughed as they both exited out the room leaving Hermione to her hair.
"Today's the BIG day how do you feel?"
"Zabini…" he rolled over "Don't you think it's too early."
"You have breakfast with the Maids," Ron rolled over on his cot "While we have breakfast with Hermione."
Draco's head popped up at the sound of her name "How about we switch I'll go to breakfast with her and you guys can go with the girls," he smiled.
"That's a bad omen seeing your bride before the wedding…isn't it," Ron looked around and noticed the nods "I thought so. Plus we miss Hermione."
"I do too," he whined "Hey tomorrow's the honey moon."
The boys laughed "Where too?"
"Everywhere...Anywhere she wants to go as you know-"
"Money's not a concern," They all chorused.
Draco laughed and shooed everyone out of the room so he could hurry up and get ready, but before he did anything he stared at the cell phone on his night stand. Since they weren't allowed to see each other they could still talk to one another and Hermione taught him how to use the phone and everything. 'She said all I had to do was press 2 and hold,' he pressed it and held it up to his ear. Ring ring ring ring.
"I'm glad you remembered how to use it."
"I'm glad you taught me... I miss you already," he laughed "I can't believe today's the day."
"I know I am so excited."
"Hermione, you're not going to back out and leave me at the altar are you?"
"I'm kidding Draco I'll be there," she laughed "I love you and I got to go meet a couple of nice boys for breakfast."
"Oh yeah," he smiled "I got some gorgeous girls waiting on me, Love you."
"Love you, bye."
"Bye baby."
Draco decided to wear a white dress shirt and a pair of black slacks to Breakfast which kind of turned into lunch. As he made his way to the restaurant he bumped into Pansy who was coming out of a flower shop. He smiled and stuck his hand out to let her know not to run into him. She laughed and nodded her head. She had to pick up the flower arrangements from the florist and send them to the Manor so they could be set up in the back yard where the wedding was being held. When Pansy was done with that she turned to him.
"Okay shall we walk together?"
"I don't see why not," he laughed "Oh Pansy it's still crazy to think how everything was at the beginning of the year."
"Tell me about it... I was going after you;" she pretended to puke "I'm kidding. I'm happy for you and Granger, Granger," she smirked "It's so weird to call her that."
Pansy laughed "I know pretty soon people we'll be Malfoy and you both will turn around," he laughed "So what are your plans with Ron?"
"Umm well he's been staying with me sometime and then I'll be staying with him. I haven't really got acquainted with the whole Wealsey family yet."
"That'll take YEARS," they laughed "Well whatever happens I hope your happy."
"Thanks Draco," she looked up at him as he reached for the door and opened it "You'll always be my best friend."
"You as mine," he nodded "Now hurry up I'm getting hungry."
As they made their way to the table Draco noted Hermione had her maid of honor sitting next to him and next in line to the left was Pansy next to her Cho.
"Hey girls," he nodded his head and sat down.
"Hey Mr. Malfoy," they said simultaneously with a laugh. The lunch went by smoothly a lot of giggling typical of girls with one guy. Just guys didn't get girls at all. Ginny who was the maid of honor was the one to wrap up the lunch with a toast, she held up her glass and everyone followed.
"To Draco Malfoy, the man who won Hermione's heart and the one who is responsible for ever breaking it we will hunt him down and chop his manly member off and feed them to the hippogriffs that Hagrid still raises on Hogwarts grounds then we will unleash them and scratch his pretty boy face off and then we wi-"
Cho interrupted decided to step up and make a real toast "To Draco, May all your and Hermione's dreams come true," he tilted her glass towards him and drank the rest followed suit. Ginny was turning red due to embarrassment she could not believe she went off like that. 'What was wrong with me,' she felt a comforting hand on her thigh and looked up at Draco who was smiling at her.
"Don't worry about it alright," he laughed and she held back her tears "Ginny…don't," but it was too late she was already crying. Pansy noticed Draco's look and ushered herself and Cho out leaving them two to talk it out.
"Ginny what's wrong," he scooted his chair next to her as he took a napkin and dabbed her tears away.
"I can't believe I was such a bitch. Where did that come from…I KNOW you're going to treat her right I KNOW you're going to be there no matter what, but there's always that chance that you're going to break her heart. I don't know," she sniffed.
"Listen to me the last thing I want to do is break Hermione's heart I already have once when I drank that potion and believe me I won't want to go through that again. I love her Ginny more than anyone will ever know she's the first and last thing I think about before I lay my head down at night."
"I know I'm so sorry," she pulled him into a hug and he patted her back "Hermione Malfoy, huh," she laughed and Draco smiled.
"Just don't treat her how Blaise treated me," she said under her breathe.
"What was that?"
"Nothing let's just get you back alright," she began to get up, but Draco stopped her.
"He didn't do anything Ginny, I promise, I know him. He loves you."
"You know…does Hermione?" he shook his head "Thanks Draco for not telling her she doesn't need to be stressed over my relationship with Zabini right now."
"She's going to kill me once she knows I know and she doesn't."
"I'll tell her tomorrow or whenever she has time. Right now it's all about her, today is your day," she smiled.
"He was on a business trip and nothing happened."
"Draco stop, this has happened before, remember at the Carnival he left me for Megan."
"It was just dinner. What else do you think there is?"
"That's funny he told me he didn't even have dinner with her," she got up and left. She left Draco thinking 'Oh shit.'
"Hermione," Blaise yelled as she came into the room smiling. Harry pulled her chair out for her and scooted her in as she sat down. Ron poured her a cup of ice water and sat back.
"Geez you guys you know how to make a girl feel welcomed," she laughed "Has everyone already ordered?"
"It's a buffet," said Harry as he handed her an empty plate and headed for the buffet line. When everyone was all settled in Hermione watched her friends eat. She just could not believe today was the day. While everyone was out eating the Malfoys, Grangers and the Weasley family were back at the Manor getting it all ready for the wedding that was too be hosted in the backyard. Hermione had chosen to have it at the manor for its beautiful gardens and layout. Draco even conjured a silent waterfall to where they would say their vows in front of. 'God I love him,' she thought as she picked all the mushrooms off her vegetable platter.
"Here Hermione I'll eat them," Ron reached over and forked last every last one off her plate and devoured them.
"How could I possibly forget you're a human hog," she laughed "Blaise thanks for being there for Draco and I," The other two boys grunted. "I mean like he was Draco's friend and then became my friend as well. I can't believe we all hated each other," she set down her fork and admired the boys for a bit.
"Same here I can't believe I'm dating Pansy Parkinson," Ron reclined back and patted his stomach "Let alone fell in love with her," he pulled out a velvet black box and pushed it towards Hermione. She picked it up and studied the contents in the box. It was a sliver rings with a red ruby in the middle and an inscription on the side that said 'I'm forever yours R.W'
"Ronald! This is beautiful!"
"I know," Blaise grabbed it "How did you afford such thing," Harry grabbed it next and admired it.
"For your information Zabini I'm pretty well off now," Ron sneered back.
"Wow so when are you going to pop the question?" Harry asked ignoring the two.
"I was thinking after the ceremony," he shrugged his shoulders "Like when were on the dance floor or something."
"How about you do it when Hermione and Draco are saying their 'I dos' I mean you're already planning on asking her at the wedding why not then?"
"What's your problem Zabini," Ron stood up "All you've done today is be negative towards me and I'm sick of it," Blaise was standing up now in Ron's face.
"I just don't see why you can't ask her some other time instead of using Hermione and Draco's day to do it. Isn't that a bit selfish," he looked down at Hermione.
"I don't mind really. I don't think Draco would either," she smiled.
"Well I know Draco and believe me he would mind," Blaise stormed off leaving the Gryffindors to stare at his retreating figure.
"He's just being an ass," Ron sat back down. Hermione glanced over at the seat where Blaise was sitting and looked at the boys "What's his problem?"
Harry was hesitant to answer so Ron did "He's just pissed that Ginny didn't want to marry him."
"What? When did he ask her?"
"I think the night after her Graduation. She said it just doesn't feel right anymore. So now all the love in the air is making him sick, I guess," Harry filled in the rest.
"She never told me," She was shocked she never noticed this, but then again Draco and she were off in their own world ever since they graduated. Blaise was off doing official ministry business ever since he graduated and met Ginny every time she had a Hogsmeade visit or break. She wondered what was up with her 'I guess I need to talk to her,' she sighed as she looked at the boys letting her know she was ready to leave now. They both stuck an arm out for her and she hooked on to both of them.
Hermione stopped in front of the door and took a deep breath once she entered this door she'd be finally getting ready for her big debut as a bride. She pushed the door open and was welcomed by her Mum, Narcissa, and Molly Wealsey along with her maids. Once she stepped into the door she was sat directly in
front of her vanity and her hair being done by everyone and making being applied everywhere. In the corner of her eye she could see Ginny smiling at her.
"Ginny we need to talk."
"I know Hermione, but save it for later," she smiled "You look beautiful."
"Thanks Gin. Where's Pansy and Cho?"
"Their probably talking to Harry and Ron I heard Blaise stormed off at lunch."
"Yeah he did."
"Oh rubbish forget about him," Narcissa came in "Today is your day Hermione don't worry about anyone else right now."
"I know Mrs. Malfoy," she beamed.
"That'll be Mother to you soon," she squealed and glanced at Hermione's mum who seemed to have a tear in her eye.
"My baby girl finally getting married to her Prince Charming," she sighed "You made your Father and me so proud of you and we want you to know we love you and Draco very much. Your cousins came along too. Naudia and Megan are coming up as we speak."
"Megan?" Ginny asked "You're kidding me. This is a wizarding world how can they come here?"
"I guess the ministry pulled some strings to let our Muggle family come see Hermione's special day."
"More like a certain Ministry official," Ginny sighed and set her bouquet down. Ginny was wearing her hair down with hair clips pinning the hair out of her face. Her dress was Black and white; it was Black with the white fabric outlining the dress from the front and in the back a big white bow. Ginny crossed her legs and sat back as she admired her best friend getting ready. Hermione's hair was done up, like the Yule ball, but had diamond hair clips pinning it up and tendrils framing her face. She was slipping into her wedding dress now which was white and puffy; she looked like Cinderella with her dress on. It was a corset white top with diamonds outlining it and a tiara was set on top of her head by Narcissa who put her veil over it.
"I wore it when Lucius and I got married and now I'm passing it on to you," she dapped at the corners of her eyes. Everyone took a step back and admired Hermione Granger soon to be Malfoy as she stood in the middle of the room in her white wedding dress and her bouquet of white lilies. Her Mother came up to her and hugged her and kissed her cheek. There was a knock on the door and Molly went to answer it. In came Pansy, Cho and Hermione's dad.
"My baby girl," he held out his arms and she came to him "You're absolutely more beautiful then I have ever imagined that my daughter could be on her wedding day," a tear fell "Draco's one lucky man," Everyone laughed.
Hermione turned around and looked at herself in the mirror she had to agree as well, she was beautiful and she couldn't wait till Draco saw her. Ginny came up to Hermione and hugged her.
"You looked Amazing," Ginny smiled.
"Beautiful," Cho cooed.
"Hot," Pansy laughed "Draco's not going to be able to take his eyes off of you let alone his hands!"
"Thanks you guys," she looked over at the clock "25 more mins."
Draco paced back and forth and forth in front of the fire place thinking hard until a couple of voices, angry voices were heard. He crept over to the half opened door and decided to watch and listen. To his surprise he saw Megan Hermione's cousin and Blaise arguing.
"Blaise come on she thinks we messed around, it's over between you and her just face it were meant to be," she smirked.
"Megan you don't get it I love her. I shouldn't of ever took you out on that stupid offer to dinner, How stupid am I!" he threw his hands up "I messed up with Ginny and now Hermione's mad at me as well cause I messed her lunch date up with her boys." She came up to him and put her arms around his waist.
"Calm down everything will work out just fine," she said soothingly "Forget that red head."
Draco just watched on as they interacted Blaise never shoved her off of him and that's when Draco decided to open the door, but Naudia came and pushed it close. She eyed Draco like she was getting ready to devour him.
"Hello Mr. Malfoy," she purred "Remember me."
"Yes I do," he pushed her out of the way "You and your sister are always causing trouble no matter where you are," he pushed open the door and found Blaise in the same spot where he last saw him in Megan's embrace. Blaise looked up and shook his head.
"Come to get onto me too," he moved Megan out the way "Hermione probably told you how I walked out on her during lunch."
"No, but you just did. What is wrong with you Blaise," he nodded at Megan "Are you with her or what?"
"I'm not with her I told we had dinner and that's it!"
"That's what you told him?"
"That's all we did Megan now this is between me and Draco so stay out of this," He glared at her.
"Whatever Blaise, I had fun that night," she flipped her hair over her shoulder and Blaise grabbed her.
"Why do you always fucking make is sound like we did more, huh. This is why I'd never want to be with you Megan because you start so much shit. I love Ginny end of story," he looked up as he heard the door creek and was faced by a pair of blue eyes, Ginny smiled.
"Draco…You're needed by the altar," she nodded her head and left. Blaise let go of Megan and went after Ginny leaving Draco and the two other girls in the room. Naudia came up to Draco and squeezed his ass.
"Still want to get married," she whispered.
Without even thinking Draco pulled out his wand and hit both the girls in the chest with a stunning spell and left the room, smiling to himself. He met Harry and Ron who were descending down the stairs with big grins on their faces. He looked at them questioningly.
"Your one lucky man," Harry patted him on the back as he made his way to the entrance where the bride's maids were waiting on the groomsmen. Draco looked over at Ron who agreed with Harry.
"We'll see you up front mate," he nodded at Draco.
The sun was shining down on Draco as he stood up by the altar nodding at his guest as they took their seats his Father and Faith were walking up to him. Draco leaned down and picked his sister up.
"Faith," he kissed her forehead "She's getting so big."
"Yeah just wait till you have your own," his Father smiled "So today's the day where you break our pureblood line."
"Are you serious you're going to bring that up on my wedding day?"
"No I'm not saying it as a bad thing. I'm glad that you're changing the Malfoy past. Draco I'm very proud of you more then I have ever been in my whole entire light and dark life."
"Thanks Father," he smirked "Are you going to cry?!"
"Shut up," he took Faith from him and smiled "I was about to until you said something," he laughed. Next thing he knew Snape was entering the gardens along with the Dumbledore he wearing a white and Black tuxedo. 'Weird,' Draco thought as he glanced down at his attire. He was wearing Black and white Dress robes with a lily in his side pocket and his hair slicked back like always, but the front pieces of his hair were falling in front of his vision just how Hermione liked it, he smiled as he saw the court coming out. His best man Blaise smiling at Hermione's Maid of honor Ginny. Pansy and Ron followed, but Ron tripped on Pansy's train causing the congregation to laugh and Draco thanked him in his head for making everyone loosen up a bit. Harry and Cho were next and also caused a little laughs for Harry ended up on Hermione's side instead of Draco's so it was Draco, Blaise, Ron and Cho. The other side was Ginny, Pansy and Harry. They all looked at one another and laughed some wedding this was going to be. Soon everyone rose as the Bride and her Father took the aisle now. Hermione saw Draco standing next to Blaise and as she saw the ends she laughed, but as she started taking her first steps her eyes caught Draco's and no one else in the world seemed to matter as the feet between them turned into inches. Hermione was tearing up under her veil as her Father rubber her arm. Draco on the other hand felt like he died and was already in heaven as he watched Hermione walk up to him after she gave her Father kiss on the cheek and her veil was pulled over her head. Draco forgot to step forward and take her hand.
"Draco," Blaise shoved him "Go."
Snapping out of hit trance he smirked and took her hand and kissed it as they both stood before the Minister. Hermione and Draco couldn't stop smiling and Draco even laughed and Hermione did too along
with the guest. As the Minister was about to speak Draco held up his hand to stop him and faced her and she gave him a confused look.
"Can we just hurry this thing along so I can make you my Wife already," she laughed "You're just so beautiful Hermione I feel like I'm marrying an angel. I've never laid my eyes on someone as beautiful as you and no matter where life takes us I'll forever be yours Hermione Granger, Till Death do us part, You'll be the keeper of my heart." Her lip started to tremble as he spoke those sweet words to her.
"Draco you're absolutely the most amazing man I have ever been with and I can't see myself with anyone else except for you. You're the air I breathe and I agree we should hurry this wedding along so you can be my husband," she smiled.
"Very well then," The priest interrupted "Do you Draco Malfoy take Hermione Granger know it all book worm as your wife," everyone laughed as they heard her little introduction Draco did as well "I do."
"And do you Hermione Granger take Draco Malfoy the Ferrets of them all as your husband," She tried to answer, but couldn't stop laughing as she glanced at the guest who were smiling up at her "I so do."
"Then I know Pronounce you Man and Wife you may kiss the Bride," Draco smirked at her has he pulled her into a fiery kiss as everyone applauded "I give you Mr. and Mrs. Draco Malfoy!"
Thanks so much for reading!
Your Imperfection