Sequel to Without a Trace; be sure to read that first!
DISCLAIMER: Pokemon, I do not own. ): No copyright infringement intended, thanks.
Rated for later chapters
It was pretty late in the afternoon, the sun hot and boiling down on the little town of Lavender. People went from place to place quickly, not wanting to be caught in the strange heat wave for long. It hadn't rained for four days over the Lavender, Celadon and Cerulean areas. The drought was highly out of place, but expected to stay for awhile, said weather experts.
The unusually hot day made great for swimming, which was why May had dragged Ash, Brock, and Max out to Route 12 just south of Lavender, which was a maze of beach, fisher and bridge. Ash, of course, had been the one to give in – at about two weeks after coming home with their rescued friends, everyone knew about Ash and May's new relationship. Mrs. Ketchum was not letting them go anywhere alone, which was really just fine for the two – all they wanted was to hold hands, cuddle, or kiss. Ash was not big on the kissing thing though, it was awkward for him. What was he supposed to do with his nose anyway?
"Ash! Are you just going to stand there all day or get in the water?"
Ash snapped out of his thoughts and looked down at May, who was already in the water. Max and Brock had already changed into their swimming trunks and were making waves. Ash was in his swimming trunks, but oddly, he didn't want to swim. He had brought Pikachu, Corphish and Totodile, who were playing in the shallows with Brock's Mudkip. May's Eevee, Squirtle and Skitty were also playing in the water close by.
"Well... I guess I'll get in." Ash hesitantly ducked below the bridge, crossing the sand and reaching the water's edge. May waved him in and Ash swam out to his friends. He splashed Max and got splashed back. Max then proceeded to send wave after wave of water with Squirtle's help at Brock. Ash swam over to May and playfully ducked her underwater. She grabbed his waist and brought him under with her. Ash took a gulp of air before his head went underwater, and he tugged May off of him and started swimming around her. She grabbed his foot and tickled him. He started laughing, sputtered, and surfaced. She followed, and laughed. Ash laughed too once he was able to breathe again, and Max and a very wet Brock joined in.
They played in the water for several hours, until the sun started to go down. It was still quite warm out, but the group swam to the shore and began to gather their things. May changed from her two-piece to her regular clothes in the privacy of the guard house while the boys picked up. They were walking back to Lavender when things began to get strange.
They were headed to the PokeCenter to phone Ash's mother. They planned to stay there for a few days and find out more about the drought. The sun was just dipping beyond the horizon when an eerie sound covered the sound barrier. Everyone clamped their hands over their ears. It was a horrible sound, indescribable, a high-pitched wail of sorts, and a grinding sound too. When the noise died away, everyone looked around, trying to find the source.
"What the heck was that?" Max asked, pulling his glasses off to make sure they had not cracked.
"I have no idea, but it can't be good." That was from Brock.
Ash was about to agree when suddenly, the Pokemon Tower exploded above them. Several people screamed and Ash, May and the gang ran and dodged falling bits of the Tower. When it was over, there was a huge gaping hole in the Pokemon Tower. Onlookers stared up, horrified, at the Tower, and others began to investigate. The gang looked at each other for a moment, and then headed towards the Tower as well.
They had come for swimming, but they were about to get another adventure.