Intro to The Nightmare Room

Bloody Mary

By finaldestination.person.



The Nightmare Room ® and all related titles are owned by R. L. Stine (except this story and other fan-

fiction on I do not own The Nightmare Room, this is a work by a fan.

Red River, Tenesee

11:54 PM

"Come on, Stacy, we don't have all day!"

"Errrr, don't you mean night?"

"Yeah, whatever."

Stacy just stood there, in front of the two lit candles, the only source of illumination in the room. The rest of the girls, 4 in all, stood there, some afraid, some impatient. Stacy was the unlucky victim forced to call upon the Mirror Queen. For a moment, Stacy thought she saw a shadow in the mirror. She blinked, and it was gone.


"Alright, Gloria, don't get your panties in a twist."

Gloria fumed. With one, no, two deep breaths, Stacy started to say the "curse words".

"Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary..."

She would have to say it 13 times in order to complete the spell. Everyone was waiting for her. Either they were tense, impatient, waiting to go to the bathroom, or a combination of all of them (except the bathroom part). Stacy only had three more to go.

"Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary."

She hesitated for three seconds. Get this stupid thing OVER with, she thought.

"Bloody Mary."

The candles went out. Everyone was frightened, but they didn't dare make a sound. The room had no windows, and they double checked to make sure the door was locked so that Gloria's little brother couldn't bother them. Stacy was sure she didn't blow them out. There was no way anyone or anything could get inside the bathroom. The girl that needed to go to the bathroom lost it.

"Eww, what is that smell?!

Before anyone could answer, they all started screaming. For 4 seconds. Then it was silent.

Dead silent.