Please note this is an AU, if you don't like AU s the maybe you shouldn't read it, forgive me if the characters seem a little ooc but come on its hard to stay in character in an (here's those letters again) AU. If you think I own Danny phantom or the Gotham girls then you've probably been living under a rock.

Of Witches and Ghosts.

Chapter one: Changes of the Bad Kind.

High above the darkened Californian skyline atop a large building, a battle of epic proportions was under way. Two demons of monumental power were locked in an age-old battle for ownership of the Earth. Surrounding the demons were five young girls. One of them, dressed in a light blue outfit, was already bruised and bleeding. The girls stood evenly spaced around the demons, at the points of a star hastily marked on the ground. Light blue, yellow gold, cherry red, dark obsidian and deep green and purple, the girls, battered by the demonic winds coming from the battle, held tightly to large chunks of quartz-like materials and began to chant;

"Demons dark from shadow dwell,

Chaotic forces we wish to quell,

To rid the Earth of your sick unwell,

We cast you Daemons Back to Hell."

They intoned the first verse together then they spoke one by one.

"For all the creatures of the night,

And the birds who trade in flight,

Your darkness we now quell,

We cast you daemons back to hell."

The first crystal glowed with a golden light.

"For the creatures of the fur and creatures of the fin

We doom you daemons now within your mortal skin,

Your evil we now quell,

We cast you daemons back to hell."

The second crystal began to glow with a dark black and silver light.

"For all the magic of the light,

We here refuse to give up the fight,

Your horror we now quell,

We cast you daemons back to hell."

The third crystal lit with a sky blue light.

"For the survival of our kind,

Your powers we now bind,

Your madness we now quell,

We cast you daemons back to hell."

The fourth crystal shone with a red glow.

"For the life of the land,

From this world you now are banned,

Your perversions we now quell,

We cast you daemons back to hell."

The fifth and final crystal shone with a dark green and purple light and the girls began to chant in sync once more, their voices rising with each line trying to be heard against the ever-increasing winds.

"Daemons dark from shadows dwell,

Chaotic forces we wish to quell,

To rid the Earth of your sick unwell,


The light from the five crystals raced out to join each other in a series of lines - a five pointed star. The lines copied the pentagram beneath them then light shot forth once more, arcing up into the sky and meeting somewhere above the daemons, trapping them in a cage of light. The light grew brighter and brighter, closing in on the daemons until the light beams had become a blinding pinnacle. The girls fell to their knees one by one as their energy drained into the crystal spell cage. The pinnacle's brightness lit up the surrounding area, turning night into day before it exploded outward sending waves of concussive force across the sky, totally obliterating the daemons. The sky faded once more to black and the girls lost consciousness.


Three weeks later…

"I agree that she shouldn't stay here, but Mum you have trouble looking after yourself as it is and I hear there's a lot of hooligans around; I really don't think it would be best if Samantha stayed with you."

"Oh please, Sam and I can take care of ourselves. Besides I have some nice young people who love to help me out and they'd be good for Sam; they're the same age and they go to the local high school so they could help her ease in."

"Maybe it would be best if she went with Mum. I mean, it's a small town and there probably won't be any of these hard core gang types like those animals that did this to the girls."

Sam's mind could hear - she knew she was definitely hearing, but the words, the words made no sense to her. Zoey, Zoey would know what they were talking about, Zoey always knew.

"Z- Zo- Zoey?" That wasn't right, why did it hurt to speak?

"Sammy-kins, oh baby, are you finally awake? Please speak to me, speak to mommy."

Mommy? What was she talking about where was Zoey? Why didn't she answer?

"Zoey?" Sam tried again, her speech was less staggered this time but it still hurt to talk.

"No Sam, it's Mum and Dad… and your grandma."

Why wouldn't these people stop talking, where was Zoey?

"Excuse me, Mr. and Mrs. Manson?" a new voice from a little further away, she knew that voice.

"Barbra?" Sam called for her friend. She heard wheels on vinyl. That was not right, that was not Barbra's walk.

"Sam?" Barbra's voice spoke close to her ear. "Sam, will you please open your eyes and look at me, I have to tell you something, it's important, it's about Zoey."

Open her eyes? Of course, they were shut, that's why there was darkness everywhere. Sam's eyes slid open slowly and she turned her head to the side. Barbra's blue eyes were blood shot, her auburn hair tussled; she looked like she hadn't slept in weeks and there was something else.

"Barb?" Sam tried to sit up slowly but she found she lacked the strength.

"I'm sorry Sam," Barbra's eyes glistened with fresh tears, "Zoey didn't make it."

"The others?" Sam hardly dared to ask, she knew the cost might be high but this…

"Selene has total amnesia, Haley it a basket of nerves, she was out for three days, and…" Barbra trailed off.

"Barb? Barbra why are you in a wheelchair?" Sam had managed to roll onto her side and now she could see what it was that was wrong. "Barb, how long have I been out?"

"Three weeks."


Two days after Sam had woken up in Hospital, she had been allowed to leave. She and Barbra had walked, or in Barbra's case rolled, to the local cemetery; to the grave of their friend, their sister at heart, Zoey. She had been the first one in their group of five to find her artifact; she had been the keeper of the book, the first to try a spell from it. They had all cast spells from the book but Zoey had been the first, the most daring of all the girls when it came to magic. She had been reasonable too, she had been their driving force leading them into the many battles they been part of, but now there was no one to bear the Compass artifact. Zoey had died, Selene, left with amnesia, had moved away, Haley, now scared of the smallest noise, would move away tomorrow and the day after Sam herself would be gone. Barbra would be alone in the city. The only comfort Sam had was that the rift that had allowed demons access to the city had closed when they had banished the Daemon lords Balthazar and Beelzebub.

"Sam, Zoey told me before she died; if we were to separate that she wanted you to care for her artifact. Just until its next owner needs it. She thought it might do you the most good, she also said, and I agree, that you should be the new keeper of the book. You're going to need it the most - I did some research and apparently there is a lot of paranormal activity in Amity Park, ghosts and the like mostly, so you shouldn't have to worry too much, your Grandma did say they weren't that bad."

"Barb, I don't think I should cast any more. Don't talk just listen, please. The night Zoey summoned Beelzebub to fight Balthazar, I… I said some things to her. I think I'm the one who made Zoey cast the summons. Her death is my fault because I can't watch my own stupid mouth and if I can get some one killed just by talking, Barb, what if I kill someone with a cast because I was careless in my wording? I don't think I should be allowed anywhere near the book." A single tear slid down Sam's cheek.

Barbra took her friend by the hand, for a while they just stayed by Zoey's grave, then finally Barbra spoke once more, her blue eyes covered in a white mist.

"Your going to need the book Poison Ivy, You'll need it if you want to save him, your true one, he walks in two worlds and yet he belongs to neither. Give him a world where he can belong - for there too can you belong. You have many battles ahead little Ivy, many things you can not face alone, trust the old willow, she can help, she can teach you things you have not drowned in the growth long enough to learn."

Sam's purple eye momentarily glazed with a forest green as she looked at her chair-bound friend.

"Barbra, if you can't be Batgirl anymore, who are you?"

The white vanished from Barbra's eyes and their gazes locked.

"I am Oracle now."


From the window of her Grandma's van Sam could see only a small portion of Amity Park, but her Grams had said it was bigger then it looked and Sam wasn't inclined to disagree. The trip from the Amity Park Airport was a short one, and the two women soon reached their destination - Grammy Manson's house. Out the front on the porch steps was a boy who looked to be Sam's age. His hair was pitch black and it flopped in his eyes, not like her own which, although it was black it had a purple tint to it, and on the odd occasion her powers were kicked into over drive, it had been known to support deep green power streaks.

"Oh how lovely, Danny's waiting for me to come home." Grammy Manson said to Sam as they got out of the car. Hearing the van doors open, Danny's head shot up and he smiled.

"Hey Grams," he said as he got up and jogged over to her. "I was getting worried you were never coming back. Did you have a nice trip?" Danny was taller than Grammy Manson by quite a bit, and when he hugged her, he lifted her almost a foot off the ground.

"It was very nice thank you Danny, my Granddaughter is awake now - in fact she's around the other side of the car." Grammy Manson opened the back of the Van and Danny automatically grabbed her bags for her. He put one down beside his feet and reached back in for another bag, a black duffle bag with an odd symbol in purple that he couldn't quite see, when a hand stopped him. He looked up and for a moment he thought he was drowning in a purple eternity. And then he was jolted back to reality.

"That, is my bag, you do not touch it. Ever." Sam grabbed her black duffle bag as well as another identical bag that had been hidden behind it. Sam started over to the front door and Danny quickly grabbed the bag he had placed beside his feet and took after her. After shutting the back of the van, Grammy Manson followed at a slower pace, a smile lining her lips.

Props for any one who knows where the Batgirl-Oracle thing is from.

Feel free to flame it ok, I have a fire extinguisher and I know how to use it….. Kinda have to in my line of hobbies….

Ps. Daemons in this context refers to upper level demons, demons refers to, well demons, as a race in general.