Part I:

Part I:

"Oh, just the sent of you makes me hurt.

So how's it you that makes me better?"

-Vanessa Carlton

"Fears run heavy, tears run from my eyes into my hands,

They burn. I will wait here for your return


-"Closer" Devine Madness.

Part II:

"And I know things can't last forever--

But there are lessons you'll never learn."

-Vanessa Carlton

"I guess I remember every glance you shot me.

Unharmed, I'm losing weight and some body heat."

-The Used


He left this morning humming a tune under his breath. I woke this morning with a smile on my face. I'm happy. So very happy for the first time in such a long time. We're happy. It's so strange to think that Will and I are a "we" now. I guess on some level we've always been a "we".

There was a time when it was almost physically painful for me to be around him. To watch him be happy with another guy or sad by himself on the couch. Either tore me apart.

I knew it would be strange to see our dynamic change. Is a relationship worth ruining a friendship over? What if the relationship and the friendship are with the same man?

I rolled over onto his side of the bed and breathed in his delicious smell.

These questions I'll save for later. Right now, I sleep and await his return.


"Mr. Truman?" the intercom broke my train of thought as I stared out my office window.

I pressed down the button. "Yes, Lonni?"

"Mr. Hilson here to see you."

Shit. I braced myself for unwanted awkwardness. "Send him in."

He came in wearing a pressed linnon suit. Gray flannel. A bold choice. I didn't stand for fear he'd want a hug. "Mr. Hilson." I said almost curtly.

"Please, William, call me Darren. How many times must I tell you?" he sat on the edge of my desk--a spot usually reserved only for Jack.

"Mr. Hil—Darren. Call me Mr. Truman, please. I'd like to keep this purely professional." I debated trying to swat him off my desk like a fly, but decided against it. He might think I was flirting.

"What fun is business without pleasure, Mr. Truman?" He purred my name in a way that echoed every student/teacher role-playing porn I'd ever seen.

"Legalities aren't meant to be fun Mr. Hilson."

Confusion clouded over his eyes. "You are gay, aren't you?"

"Not that it's any of your business, but yes, indeed, I am." Why do I always get so formal when I'm mad?

He took a moment to unscramble his thoughts. "Do you have a significant other?"

I let an aggravated sigh pass my lips. "Yes. Now I'd appr--"

"It's not Jack McFarland, is it?"

My head snapped up from the papers I was filing. "Yes"

He snorted. "Listen to me: That kid is good for nothing but a quick fuck. He's a dirty little man whore. Trust me, I remember every little freckle on that kid's body."

His anger surprised me, and when he slammed the door, my window shook.

Lonni came bursting in. "Is everything all right Mr. Truman."

"Hold the fort down while I'm gone." I managed to say before to tore out of the office.

Sorry it took so long for me to write this chapter. I fell out of love with this story while I was writing it, but I just recently found it again, and fell back in love with it. The next chapter is coming sooner than this last one did! I swear on my life!

