Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach, Kubo Tite does. I'm young and penniless so don't sue me.
A Birthday To Remember - Chapter 1 - The Beginning Of The End
The Kurosaki family along with Rukia were crowded around the dining table having dinner together.
As usual, Ichigo and Isshin were arguing about pointless topics and the three girls were shaking their heads and sighing.
"Rukia-Chan, when's your birthday?" Yuzu piped up suddenly.
"Uh...January 14th," Rukia replied a little surprised at the question, "Why do you ask, Yuzu?"
Yuzu gasped, "Rukia-Chan! That's in two days time!"
Ichigo and Isshin stopped fighting and turned their attention to Yuzu.
"What's in two days time?" Ichigo asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Rukia-Chan's Birthday," Karin replied, sounding vaguely interested, "didn't you hear?"
"Ehh…" Ichigo scratched the back of his neck and scowled before muttering something incoherent.
Suddenly, Isshin slapped Ichigo across the head.
"What the hell was that for?!" Ichigo yelled as he stood up from his seat.
"My confused little Ichigo! Can't even remember his own girlfriend's birthday! You should be asham-" Isshin was cut short when Ichigo's fist had collided with his jaw.
"She's not my girlfriend!" Ichigo shouted as he felt his cheeks burn.
"Now now, Ichigo. There's no shame in admitting your love for Rukia. She's already like my third daughter; it wouldn't really make a difference if you decided to marry he-" Isshin was once again cut short when Ichigo punched him, only this time, it was harder and it sent Isshin sailing out of his seat and rolling a few metres away.
"Shut the hell up, you old fart!" Ichigo yelled, aware of the fact that he was still blushing like mad. He spared a glance at Rukia and noticed that she too, was blushing, Rukia suddenly looked up and their eyes met. They both looked away abruptly, their blushes deepening into a darker shade of red, if it were possible of course.
"Ichii-ni, that was mean!" Yuzu huffed as she walked over to comfort a weeping Isshin.
"Oh, Masaki! Our son is so mean to his father! So cold, so cold!" Isshin cried as he threw himself against the portrait of their mother.
It took over 15 minutes for things to settle down again. When they were, once again, sitting around the dining table eating, Yuzu decided to continue with the subject of Rukia's birthday.
"So, how old are you going to be turning, Rukia-Chan?" Yuzu asked.
"…A-ano…" Rukia stammered as she glared at Ichigo to help her out.
Ichigo smirked, "16."
"Uh…yeah, 16," Rukia nodded in agreement, "…Do birthdays really matter?" she added with a confused look. "I mean, sure, another year older, but it's also another year closer to your death..."
Ichigo smirked; he thought that the comment was quite ironic considering she was already dead.
"Well, that's another way to look at it," Karin said in an amused tone.
However, Rukia's last comment had made both Isshin and Yuzu choke on their mouthful of rice.
Rukia, noticing she had said something wrong, quickly tried to cover her mistake. "Oh, you see when I was brought up, Birthdays meant nothing, it was like any ordinary day. No one really celebrated it," she said with a dramatically sad smile.
It seemed that Rukia's comments had yet another dramatic effect on Yuzu and Isshin as they started crying.
"That's so s-sad, Rukia-Chan!" Yuzu said with tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Not to worry, Rukia-Chan! We'll give you a birthday to remember! We'll hold a birthday party for you!" Isshin said decisively as he hugged a crying Yuzu.
"A-ano, that's quite alright, you don't need to do that. I don't want to be any trouble," Rukia said hurriedly with a weird little laugh.
"No no, it won't be any trouble," Yuzu insisted as she walked over to Rukia and gave her a small hug. "I'll make a nice cake for you! We could have games and stuff too!"
"It'll be alright, Rukia-Chan, it might be fun," Karin said with a reassuring smile as she noticed that Rukia still looked rather unsure.
Rukia looked at Ichigo and he shrugged and said, "It's up to you, midget." She kicked him under the table. Hard.
"What the hell?!" Ichigo shouted.
Ignoring Ichigo's yells, Rukia smiled at Karin, Yuzu and Isshin. "Well, if you insist but I really don't want to be any trouble..."
A/N: Well, that's chapter one finished! I'm sorry if it's boring and all... It will get better...i hope.
Reviews would be appreciated... This is one of my first FanFictions and i'm wondering how i'm going.