
Gosh. It's done. Three hundred and eighty–six pages, over the course of eight months. I'd like to thank all of you who stuck with this, and made it all the way to the end. For those of you kind enough to review, getting your notes at the end of each chapter has kept me coming back to the computer during some of the harder bits to write.

"What, no wedding party?" Some of you may be asking. Yes, no wedding party. We've all been to one. We know what happens. And really, it'd be anti-climatic. Imagine it however you like. Saying they loved each other was the climax of this tale, what followed was the wrap up.

Is this the end of Snape and Hermione? Do they ride off into the sunset? No it's not the end. I intend to write more of them, and the rest of this cast. At some point I intend to do a sequel and a prequel. At some point I'd like to write a great tale that starts with Severus and the Werewolf Caper and ends with Snape's death. (At 103, surrounded by family, in his bed.)

But I'm not quite up to that at this point. And what I don't have is an actual plot for the sequel. So, for those of you who want to see what comes next, make sure I'm on your author alert list. I have a feeling that for a while I'll be putting out bits and pieces, scenes that won't let go, but aren't quite part of a story yet. Call them spoilers if you will. One of these days I'll get that plot, and begin to put everything together.

In the meantime, if any of you are interested in seeing what I like to read for inspiration do a web search for Red Hen Harry Potter. Ms. Hen has some excellent essays that have given me much to play with. If you search Harry Potter Essays you'll find a lovely Live Journal Community, anything by Swythyv or Professor Mum is also worth the read. As for fiction, search Antosha, it'll lead you to the live journal of one of my favorite writers of Harry/Ginny romance. Ashwinder is where I go when I want Snape/Hermione.

Not too much else to say. Thanks for reading. Thanks for reviewing. I hope to hear from you in the future.