Chapter 1


Hermione walked down the hallway headed towards the kitchen of the Burrow. This had become the unofficial Headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix. Everyone much just started getting together here during the war with Voldemort and the Death Eaters. No one had guessed just whom it was that would meet in this place. They had thought Grimmauld Place would be safe for a while but then Voldemort launched an attack, led by the traitor Snape. So that idea went down the drain.

The whole affair had made this Christmas a very dulled and boring. It was only two and a half weeks away and there was certainly a lack of festive cheer. Even Mrs. Weasly's amazing cooking still hadn't made anybody smile in who knows how long. Hermione couldn't remember that last true smile she had seen. Grim smiles were all the rage now.

Harry had decided to stay back and not search for the Horcruxes while Voldemort was launching almost daily attacks. It would put him, Hermione, and Ron in danger like that. He now always wore that necklace that Dumbledore had died for. It was sort of a symbol for him of why he had to go on fighting.

Ron had become sort of the man with the plan. Surprising to everyone he was good at planning counter attacks against the Death Eaters. Quiet a few of his plans worked amazingly well.

Hermione had delved into the books that allowed her learn double what she had known when they had left Hogwarts, over a year ago. She could do things with a wand that would have had Dumbledore scratching his chin.

Hermione heard a slight click from a room to the right. It had once been Fred and George's room but now it served as a room for a guest. There were still a lot of the boxes that the twins had left and never come to get. They were doing well with the shop so they hadn't been by in a few months.

She opened the door slowly and looked around. She flicked her wand at the chandelier she had put into the room. All the candles light up instantly. She was now an expert at noncommunication spell casting.

One of the boxes in the corner was shaking. It was almost like it was afraid of something.

She walked over and opened the lid.

The box was empty except for a small, very small, Time Turner. It was shaking slightly from who knows what. Alek picked up the small thing that it fit easily in the palm of her hand.

"I thought all the Time Turners were destroyed back in the Hall of Time." She thought back to when she had smashed into the shelf that had held the Time Turner stock of the Ministry back in her fifth year. How in the world had Fred and George come to possess one?

Suddenly the little sand turner in the middle began to spin on its own accord. The cord wrapped itself around her wrist, meaning that she was going for the ride. She pulled against the cord with her other hand but the thing wasn't going to let her go.

A feeling of plummeting came over her. This was a new feeling for her when time travel came to play. In her third year she had never felt a sense of plummeting when it came to it. She had always just watched people go back in time. This was defiantly a new one.

The cord pulled tight and she knew that this wasn't going to end well for her and whoever found her when she got wherever it was she was going. Well rather when she was going.

Wind started to fly around her as she went in what felt like a tight tunnel. It was almost like Apperating.

Hermione felt odd as she was pulled along.

Before she had time to adjust to the odd sensation she was plummeting towards the ground. Hard, stone ground. The kind that was going to hurt when she slammed into it.

She was right. It did hurt. A sharp pain shot through her back as she landed hard on the ground. Her head launched back a little and the breath knocked out of her. She felt a stinging sensation in her hand.


Godric Gryffindor sat back against his chair, his booted foot tapping on the stone floor of the castle. He knew that he should probably get carpet for the room but he was far too busy to ever get it done.

He lightly flicked his wand as a bug flew by him. The bug suddenly stopped in midair and then zoomed straight towards him. The bug, a fly, landed on his desk and began to dance. The bug started to waltz around the desk and robes of rich color appeared on the little fly as it continued to dance.

A loud thump came from outside his office, causing him to let the fly go. He stood up and ran out to the hallway, quite curious as to what the noise was. Outside his office, laying on the floor was a girl. She had on black robes with a small skirt underneath it. His eyes went wide as he saw that her legs were quite exposed and her shirt revealed her cleavage.

"Umm, girl?" he asked.

She moaned a little but there was no other response. He lightly prodded her with his fingers in the shoulder.

"Godric?" called a voice. He turned around to find a man in green robes. Godric smiled at him as he stood up, the green man fast approaching. The man looked down at the girl and raised an eyebrow.

"I haven't the slightest clue where this girl came from, Salazar," Godric said to the man before Salazar could say anything else.

"I think we should get her to the medical wing," Salazar said.


Rowena sat in her study flipping through a new book she had just received from a Chinese wizard that admired her intellect. With a new spell, something she herself had invented, she had translated the book with relative ease. It was an interesting book. She was fairly interested in what this Chinese wizard had come up with.

A knock at the door came in a few short raps. Salazar, she thought. Only Salazar would knock so curt and politely. Much like his personality.

"You may enter," she called.

The door opened an in stepped the expected man. His black hair that fell to just above his hips was pulled back in the normal fashion with a silver ribbon. He had on his favorite colored robes, a deep rich green, with silver hemming. The black fur on his trim was the usual of the winter along with the large sleeves with the same hemming. A silver belt made up of metal rings was around his waist. He also wore his customary locket with the serpent S and matching ring with matching green stones. He was his usual handsome self.

"To what do I owe the honor?" Rowena smiled as he walked over to her. She stood up from her chair and he kissed her hand.

As he rose up the usual smirk wasn't playing on his lips. She normally loved the little smirk that would play when he was around her.

Instead he looked grim.

"Salazar, not that it isn't normal, but what had made you so grim?" she asked.

That earned her a chuckle. "I fear a little girl has suddenly dropped into out mist. Godric found her a few moments ago, outside his office, lying on the ground. We transported her to the medical wing and into the care of Mavate. "

Rowena, who had been turning to close her book, stopped mid turn.

"I beg pardon?"

Salazar, during normal circumstances, would have found a stumped Rowena an interesting sight. She was the brightest witch of her age and certainly wasn't one to be stumped a lot. Or ever if his memory served him well.

"Come see." Salazar offered her his arm, which she took.

The two swept out into the cold hallway. Winter was such a cold time in a stone castle.

Salazar led her not to the office but to the infirmary. She figured that he must have moved the girl out of pity for where she must have been.

He kept his face impassive as they walked into the large room. But internally he was quite curious about this strange girl.

Something about her was making him overly curious.

Rowena spotted the bed that Lady Mavate Hestrom, the nurse of the school, was leaning over. Her dark hair was braided back and in a bun. Her glasses were pushed back high on her nose. It was quite odd to see a woman with glasses but there she was. Her soft warm hazel eyes were looking over a strange girl.

The girl was lying on a bed her eyes shut tight. It was obvious that she was playing asleep. She seemed to be fooling Mavate but Rowena knew instantly that she was quite awake.

Mavate looked up at the pair. She bowed her head slightly and then turned around to grab a potion from the table next to the bed. It wasn't often that she got a patient this bad. When she turned back she then spoke to them.

"I have healed her head as best I can Professor Slytherin." Rowena could almost see the smirk that was on his face.

Mavate had a sister that taught with in the school, Elanora Hestrom. She was a brash and rather ditsy young witch, quite the opposite of her reserved and polite sister. She was extremely bright when it came to plants, so naturally she taught Herbology. But Salazar hated that she was so forward. She was constantly insisting that he call her "Elanora" and she call him "Salazar." He hated it.

Rowena turned to Salazar as she noticed Godric sitting on a summoned chair next to the bed. "I will alert the others to the news." With that she left in a flourish.


Hermione stayed perfectly still as the nurse looked over her. She didn't know the where in the world she was but she didn't want to give anything away.

Better question would be to ask when she was. The Time Turner had broken in her hand when she had landed in the hallway. Everything on her hurt as she had tried to lift herself up.

Then a strange man had come out, dressed in the oddest robes she had ever seen. And that was compared to Dumbledore, who dressed like no other she had seen. It would have been funny had she not been in the situation she was in.

After she had fainted she had found herself in what looked like an old version of the Hospital Wing of Hogwarts. Then a nurse had come up and started to tend to her. One thing was for sure. This woman was no Madam Pomphrey.

"Young lady, while the performance in admirable, I fear, much to your disappointment, I am not being fooled." This man's voice was very striking yet had a sense of demure to it. He had a deep and commanding sounding voice.

Hermione knew that the jig was up. So she opened her eyes to be met with a man sitting next to her.

He was staring at her with curious blue eyes. He had light brown hair that was pulled back with a red ribbon and a small tuff of hair was just on his chin. The cloak was a deep red, not the color of blood but a nice red, with gold hemming. Underneath she could see a lighter red tunic that also had gold hemming down the center. The bottom of the tunic became a sort of a skirt for him that went down to just about his midthigh. He wore brown tights with brown leather boots. His sleeves were wide, as seemed to be the custom with most robes. On his hip rested a sword she knew all to well having seen it in Dumbledore's office quite enough times.

The same man who she had first seen when she had landed.

"Much better. Now I can talk to you properly," the man smiled.

Hermione settled for just staring at the man.

"Care you to tell us your name?"

"Hermione Granger," Hermione said sitting up to face the man. The nurse looked as if she was about to protest but the man in the green held up his hand to tell her to wait. "Who are you?"

"Godric and the man next to me is Salazar Slytherin. And the nurse you were so adeptly ignoring is Mavate Hestrom. "

Hermione sputtered on the potion that she had just taken from the nurse. She whipped the stuff on her cheeks with the end of her sleeve, much to the disgust of the nurse.

"Your who?" she cried.

"Do you know of us?" Godric asked. Salazar was looking at the girl with a mix of disgust and annoyance. He thought the girl was impudent and rather rude.

"What year is it?"

This cannot be happening. This cannot be happening. Hermione kept repeating that in her head. There was no way she had traveled a thousand years into the past and landed in Hogwarts where the founders of the Hogwarts were still alive.

No. This was just all a weird dream. In a few minutes she would wake up with Ron shaking her shoulder. Then Harry would tell her that she had fallen asleep while reading a book, most likely Hogwarts A History. It wasn't unusual that she would dream about what she read. This was just the weirdest one she had ever had.

"987," Godric answered curiously.

"Oh bloody hell," Hermione muttered putting her face in her hands.


I had to redo some of my chapters because they seemed to resemble one of my favorite FanFics, "Love in Antiquity." Whenever I was writing this story, I guess, though I certainly didn't me to, I subconsciously thought about some key points and went with that as a basis of my story. So I went back and changed some of the major points that resembled that amazing FanFic.

But most of it is the same story as it always was. I would like to apologize for accidentally doing that.