DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these wonderful characters from either Shakugan no Shana or Zero no Tsukaima.

Chapter 1 - The Bumbling Hunters

It was nearing midnight, and the training was over. Yuji heaved a sigh of relief. His set of exercises today were meant to have him able to hone his control over projecting his power of existence, and Alastor had been very demanding.

"It is no mere weapon that you wield, Yuji Sakai. It is your own life, your very existence, and you would not want to be wasting a single bit," the otherworldly monarch had said. Then he added, "This means this technique you saw in your literature called the Turtle Destructive Wave is out the question, but the Genki Dama isn't."

"Isn't using the life force of living things around you to power your attack something that a Guze no Tomogara would do?" Shana pointed out.

"Oh," sighed Yuji. "Well, so much for those. How about Reikou Hadou Ken? It would use my own spirit energy, and that should translate into my own power of existence, right?"

"It is odd that you should mention that. You do not wish to use Rei Ken and would prefer Rei Gun techniques?" Alastor asked. Yuji shifted on his rooftop seat before answering.

"Well, wielding an orange sword made of spiritual energy doesn't look right, especially if I'm standing next to Shana in her full regalia. People would think we're married or something."

Shana felt her cheeks flame. "Stupid Yuji! No one normal would be able to see you if you try to use your abilities, as they'd probably ve immobilized by the Fuzetsu!" Taking a breath to calm herself, she addressed her next words to Alastor. "And what have you been doing the times when I was spending private time with Chigusa?"

"I have been studying this world's legends and secrets cleverly hidden from normal eyes as a recreational form known as manga. Indeed, it is a devious way of hiding a secret, by putting it in plain sight and labeling it a young man's entertainment."

Shana felt her brow twitch. "Rei Ken? Genki Dama?"

"Forms of combat that seem fanciful to normal humans but are easily applicable by those from Guze, and special individuals like Yuji Sakai. I believe that an appropriate technique exists for him - the Reikou Hadou Ken seems to be a perfect match for him, what with its limits of usage per day."

"That's nonsense. He should focus training on using Blutsauger effectively, as well as moving with it so he can employ it to its full potential."

The re-appearance of the sword, which they had thought was lost when the Bal Masque flying fortress winked out from this dimension, was a surprise to both Shana and Yuji. Right now the sword was leaning against a wall of Yuji's room.

"But if Shana was to teach me swordwork, I'd probably die early," Yuji observed.

"Urusai! The enemy does not show mercy in battle -" Shana began, but was cut off by a new voice.

"Heh! Cozy thing going up here, eh? 'Allo, children, we are your neighborhood artifact hunters, and we're after one that supposedly is hidden in a worthless-looking brown-haired young human, often seen to be hanging about a black-haired flat-chested little girl who isn't his sister."

"Nice flaming wings, by the way. Can you launch a storm of burning feathers do rain death and destruction in an area?" another unknown voice asked.

"Now, now, Brother Kemono, don't you be giving the children creative, wild ideas on how to use her powers. No good would come out of it I tell you."

"My apologies, Dr. Hone. Ah - ! Where did the children go?"

"Hey, you're right! They're gone! Find them! The boy especially! He's what we're after, I'm sure of it!"

Elsewhere, in a distant yet nearby world, a young Japanese man was doing laundry in a very strange way. He rose early, poured water into his basin, and began to wash frilly girls' underwear.

We will say that again. He's doing laundry, and it's mostly it looks like it belongs to a girl. A petite girl, from the size of the panties. Curiously, there were no bras in the frilly pile. There were shifts, there were night rails, a couple of blouses, a skirt, but no bras.

Hastily, the boy did his duty. Taking a quick glance around, he verified that he was alone, then took off his jacket. He could have sworn that it was enchanted, because he knew he had worn it through some rough stuff and and yet here it was, still unscratched. This he washed with great care.

Saito Hiraga knew that magic-blast proof clothing was as rare as horny Japanese males in Halcheginia, and he was going to take care of his only set the best that he can.

The jacket was the easy part. His undershirt, his pants, and his underwear - ah, now that was a dilemma. He supposed he could borrow some clothing from the kitchen crew, but the Master of the Kitchens might think oddly of that, and Saito knew he wasn't strong enough to fend off a frenzied attack from the big man without drawing a weapon.

He weighed his need to be clean with his ability to withstand early morning temperature. The need for cleanliness won out. He took his pants off, washed that as best as he could, and took a deep breath. Mentally, he composed himself as he undid his shoes and removed his socks, and still clad in his boxers and undershirt, he leapt into the large vat that he used for hot baths, which was currently filled with unheated water.

Once in, he submerged, shed the rest of his clothes and gave them a rapid yet efficient scrubbing, and wrung them to get most of the water out. He hung them on the rim of the vat, and then proceeded to scrub himself clean. He was so intent on his task that he did not register someone approaching him. "Saito-san?"

He paused in mid-scrub. "S- Siesta?" he sputtered. The maid smiled.

"Are you having your country's bath again?" Siesta asked.

"Well, not quite. The water is cold, and initially I just used the vat to hide in since all my clothes are wet after I washed them."

"So, does that mean that you're naked under the water?"

"Of course! I mean, why would you be wanting to know such a thing?!"

"I just wanted to be sure, before I offered my help."

"Help, huh? I really need a quick way to dry these clothes, but I'd really die for a quick change of clothing. Something that doesn't mark me automatically as an outsider."

"You mean, these," Siesta gestured, "Are all the clothes you have?"

Saito nodded.

"Miss de La Valliere hasn't given you -" Siesta had yet to finish her question before Saito nodded his head again. "Oh my. Well, I can't make your clothes dry faster, but I think I can ask around for clothes of your size, or at least close enough to it. I need to take your measurements though."

"Gladly! So, hand me the measuring tape and I'll go measure myself."

"Measuring tape?"

"Oh, if you don't have that, maybe some lengths of string or yarn or something that I can loop around my body and tie in a knot."

"That's a strange way of going about taking someone's measurements, Saito-san."

"You have a better idea?"

"I was going to suggest taking your measure with my hands."

Saito immediately was lost in Perverted Thoughts Land at the mention of Siesta's hands on his body. "Yes please!" he cried out, changing position and miraculously keeping his naughty bits under water. "I'm ready!"

Louise de La Valliere was at this moment wondering what was taking her familiar so long to come back from laundry duty. "He must have caught sight if that- that- that overgrown hussy of a m- maid and- argh, that no good dog!" she fumed. She dressed herself, fuming all the while, and grabbed her wand before storming down the dormitory steps, muttering about a certain breast-infatuated perverted canine. "If I see him with that maid..."

Minutes later, a loud explosion was heard. The first year students decided that the explosion worked as good as a magical time keeper, and began to stir.

It was the start of another ordinary day at Tristain Academy of Magic.

Back at the Sakai residence, a strategy huddle of two was being held in hushed voices.

"Are we going to fight them?" Yuuji asked, lifting Blutsauger into a ready position. It felt surprisingly light to Yuji, but Shana knew that ordinary humans would find it very, very heavy.

"No. We'll try to lose them, then circle back home," Shana replied.

"That's a bad move. One of them could give chase, and the other could just stake the place out," Alastor replied.

"Wilhemina can probably take whoever was left behind," Shana posited.

"She could, and then again, maybe she could not. Are you willing to expose her to that risk, and perhaps Yuji's mother as well?" Alastor countered.

"I don't want mom in any danger. If it means fleeing, then I'll go," Yuji decided. "At any rate, they don't seem to be adept hunters - I can still hear them bustling about on the rooftop."

"I see. I shall create a Fuzetsu, then we can inform Wilhemina of the situation." After she had spoken, Yuji's world assumed its familiar red-lit tones as Shana placed it in a sealed area of time-space. "Let's go, Yuji."

They found the other Flame Haze at the doorway as soon as they opened the door. "What's the Fuzetsu for, de arimasu?" Wilhelmina asked.

"There are two individuals who are after Yuji, or at least someone of his description. They know that a powerful artifact is hidden inside of him, and they claim to be artifact collectors," Shana replied.

"I see." Wilhelmina stared balefully at Yuji, who hid behind Shana. "I will see to it that Chigusa Sakai is not involved in this mess, then you two try and draw them away. If they both pursue you, I will strike from behind after ensuring oku-sama's safety. If one of them stays behind, you will return here and we will finish the other one off after you have taken your pursuer out."

"It is a good plan. I can trust you with my mother's safety, right?" Yuji asked.


Meanwhile, on the roof, the two irregulars were finally getting their act together. "Did you sense that pulse?" Kemono asked.

"Yeah. Whatever it was, doesn't seem to work on us, though," Hone replied. "It seemed to come from inside the house."

"Right below us," Kemono agreed. They leapt of the roof, Kemono's odd, brown monks' robes and redwood staff making a marked contrast with Hone's equally odd black, red, and white doctor's uniform. Hone's long, scraggly, white hair flew wildly as he jumped, while Kemono's was hidden in his cowl under the wide straw hat that he wore.

They landed silently, on their feet, and they spun to face the door - just as it swung open and outward, smacking both of them hard. Kemono flew into the garden wall and Hone was laid flat against the exterior of the house. Wilhelmina glanced about, carrying Chigusa in her arms, and glanced askance at a pair of feet sticking out of the bushes. "Is that one of them?"

Shana glanced at the fallen Kemono, and noticed the other imbedded into the wall. "Yes, and this is his companion."

"I shall take no chances and proceed as planned. Get yourself away from here, you two." With that, Wilhelmina took to the air.

"We should go, Yuji. Come on."

"Back door. Let's take the back door instead."

"Oh, okay."

At that moment, Kemono came back to his senses and sprang to his feet. "I don't know who did what to me, but someone's gonna pay! This ain't your lucky day, missy!" Kemono snarled. He stretched his arms wide and transformed - there was simply no other word for it - into a humanoid wolf form. He struck what he supposed was a menacing pose, and then rasped out in surprise, "Dammit, my summoning spells aren't working! Hone! Doc!" In a blur, the werewolf leapt for his companion, took him out of the wall, and shook him awake.

"Shana!" Yuji called.

"Just let me take a swipe at this guy!" Shana called back. She lunged with Nietono no Shana, and the blade bit into flesh, her thrust sending the blade through the werewolf's back and out of his stomach. Suddenly the blade caught as the wound closed instantly.

"That really wasn't very nice, you know," the werewolf snarled. Before Shana could let go of the hilt a flaming paw gripped and lifted her by the uppper arm and slavering jaws closed about her shoulder. Shana screamed in pain at the burning sensations in her arm and opposite shoulder.

Two things happened then. First, Hone groaned himself back to awareness, which caused Kemono to drop his jaw to take a look at his partner. Second, Yuji came rushing out the door - he started running when he heard Shana scream - and with a leap, brought Blutsauger down on the arm holding Shana in its burning grip. The arm exploded, with bits of blood and bone flying everywhere. Kemono howled in pain as he was hurled back by Blutsauger's signature spirit shockwave, and still he twisted his bulk to make sure his frailer partner was protected somewhat from the blast.

"SHANA! Are you alright?" Yuji didn't bother to survey his handiwork, his concern was only for one person. "Can you move? We have to get out of here!"

"It hurts," Shana gasped. "Poison, I think, from the bite - AAAGGH!"

Quietly, Hone got to his feet. He hurt all over. But the target was in sight, and was turned away from him. He reached into his coat for his bone wand and pointed it at the boy, and froze as he felt the spear of bone he was trying to summon and send screaming into the boy's back brush against an invisible barrier and fade away. "So this is what that pulse before does. "It stops summon type, as well as spirit type spells too. We did not foresee this," he thought to himself. "In that case, the barrier must go down first."

Moving as stealthily as possible, he ducked behind some cover and took out a blue tome. Opening it, he recited a few arcane words, and something began to happen. The red lighting was still around, but slowly the color was beginning to return to normal in a small circle around him. Encouraged by this reaction, he turned the page and recited the same incantation again. Two pages of the book turned to dust, and still he chanted.

The ground shuddered, and there was a horrible roar as the red Fuzetsu area vanished. Hone didn't expect this, but was pleased nonetheless. What did not please him was the power flowing backward, creating a gash in space-time in the very coordinates that he was in, killing him instantly. His last thought was, "Oh, wow."

From far away, Wilhelmina felt rather than saw the Fuzetsu shatter, and quickened her pace. As she cleared the rooftop of a rather tall home, she watched in horror as what seemed to be a piece of the starry night sky appeared on the ground and sucked two slight figures in, removing them from sight, before disappearing from her view. Once again, Wilhelmina was staring at the Sakai residence. Only traces of a fight remained - none of the combatants could be found.