The mother Metroid descended on Samus. She felt her suit crunch against her skin, slicing through it and breaking her rib. She barely managed to pry it's jaws back open. Samus dropped to the floor, trying in vain to muster some strength. As she did, she prayed. Just a word, to no one in particular. Just a word, to drift across the void of space. Help. A dying woman's final plea, for closure, for a fluke, just once. It was then that she realized an emotion rarely felt by her, fear. She was afraid, she feared death. She rejoiced in this revelation momentarily as now, now she felt human. Not just a woman, scorned by the ghost of an evil she was reluctant to destroy. This internal victory motioned her to fight her demon, to vanquish her suffering. It was time to fight. Lock and load.

She raised her head, only to see the Metroid's mouth above her once more. She rolled sideways in the small room. The creature slammed its massive cranium into her; she retaliated by blasting the monster with ice beams, which it disregarded as mere annoyance. Then it dawned on her. She was going to die. The beast assaulted her, taking her once again in its jaws. In the darkness, struggling for consciousness, Samus raided her suit for bombs. When she found all she needed she armed one and held it close to her chest. As if in slow motion, the pressure on her increased. At the moment when she felt her ears pop and her eyes bulge, Samus detonated the bomb. She knew for certain that she would die, but for some reason, she still hoped to survive.

After hearing it's "mother's" desperate cry for help, Samus's metroid arrived on the scene, to find nothing. The debris from an explosion is obvious. Everything is unrecognizable, there is the smell of dead metroid in the air. The metroid looked down to a small, black, human like shape. It wonders if it could be her. It dwells on this for a moment, scorned by the ghost of a girl it was slow to save.