We do not own Naruto!


A small cry could be heard echoing through out the thick forest near the river's edge. A small orange fox was struggling with a hunter's trap his right paw was caught in. The trap was meant for a larger prey and not for a weak small fox that looked no more then 3 months old. The fox's cries grew louder at every pull blood starting to trickle down each time.

Itachi wandered though the forest, his partner not with him. Itachi was on a 'mission' so to speak. So as to why his partner wasn't with him. While jumping though the trees, he kept hearing a small cry. Being Itachi, he ignored it for a while until he came upon what was crying. A small fox he noticed was caught in a trap. Jumping down from the tree, he looked at the fox, wondering If he let it go, what purpose would it serve him.

The fox froze in place seeing the man before him his brown ears slowly flickering back as he laid flat on the ground. The fox was shaking badly from fear of what the man could do to him remember stories from other animals that had been hit by arrows or bullets, but this was different it was a human trap and he couldn't escape. Which meant he was at the mercy of whoever the man was before him.

Seeing the animal lay down, sensing fear from it, he smirked. The animal knew who was in control, so that was a plus on the animals freedom. Or well, from the trap at least. Grabbing the animal by the scruff of the neck, he released the animals paw from the trap. "Fox, you shall obey me. If I didn't save you, you would have died. You disobey, you die." he stated in a cold disinterested voice.

The young fox looked to the man his big blue crystal orbs watered slightly as he tried not to make a sound as he kept his ears back. Slowly he leaned forward licking some of the blood from his cut paw.

Seeing as the fox hadn't tried to bite him, he figured the animal got what he said. Picking him up over his shoulder, he dropped him in the hood of his Akatsuki cloak. Jumping into the trees again, he continued on his way with the fox in his cloak. It was big enough for the fox to be in and not fall out as he jumped tree to tree.

The fox was tending to the cut on his foot while he curled into a ball as he tried to think of what was going to happen to him now. He didn't know who this human was or where he came from and from the tone of his voice he was scared of what other humans he ran with in his pack.

Itachi continued on his way, getting to the village he needed to reach. Sneaking in, he hid in the shadows, jumping around building tops to get to a certain building. Sneaking in again, he quickly killed a person and grabbed them up. Taking the body with him he swiftly snuck out of the village unnoticed completely. Back into the forest, he fled from the village a good distance before he stopped to make 'camp' It was after all, way past dusk.

The little fox was starting to mewl as he tried to jump up out of the hood of the man's cloak. He whimpered sadly as he placed his good paw against the back of his neck letting out a weak cry a few drops of blood dripping on the back of his neck.

Stopping at a place to rest for the night, he pulled the fox out of the cloak, placing him onto the ground. Sighing, he figured he'd have to give the fox something to eat, or heal its wounds. Taking a closer look at the fox, trying to see what wounds he had.

The fox didn't struggle when the older male handled him his blue orbs watching closely. Slowly he reached forward with his bad paw a few drops falling to the ground.

Pulling some gauze and herbs he'd picked earlier, he started to wrap the wound with the herb. The bleeding should stop on the fox after 30 minutes or so, and heal up not too long after that. Looking to the dead body he had laying next to them, then back to the fox.

The fox slowly slumped back seeing the dead man then to the cold man that had fixed his paw. He was amazed with how calm the man was with everything that was going on at the moment.

Leaning back against the tree, he listened for anything coming near them, making sure no one had tried to follow him, or people from the village went looking for their 'missing' person. He hadn't heard anything at the moment, but he was sure he wasn't going to be able to stay the whole night here.

The little kit slowly leaned forward on his little perch before rolling off and landed hard on the forest floor a pile of leaves blowing up into the air from the impact.

Eyes quickly darting into the direction of the sound. Seeing as it was the fox that made the noise, he mentally glared. Making a sound would give them away, if anyone was hiding or trying to find them. Giving the fox a small glare, he picked him up and placed him into his lap, hoping that he'd just curl up and go to sleep.

The kit blinked when he was pulled back into the man's lap thinking the man wanted to play he bit down playfully onto his hand.

Looking at the fox as he was bit, he smacked the fox, pulling his hand back. He didn't hit him hard, since it wasn't needed. Only enough to tell the cub 'no'.

The fox let out a weak whimper as he looked down slowly laying down his ears back.

The fox apparently taking his warning, since he didn't try to bite again. It was about midnight, but wasn't all that tired, so he decided to continue to move. Picking up the body, he grabbed the fox and dropped him into his hood again. About that time, he heard voices in the distance, along with chakra. They'd come to look for the body, or well. They went to look for a man still alive. Jumping into the trees he was gone.

The fox curled into a ball and bite down on a corner of the hood. He was afraid of slipping out of the hood especially in a place he didn't know anything about.

Itachi jumped through the trees for a few hours. About 3 or 4 in the morning is when he stopped again. Setting the body aside, he pulled the fox out of his hood and sat him on the ground. Leaning against the tree, he checked his surroundings once again, before relaxing. Or as much as Itachi does relax.

The young kit slowly limped forward toward the scary yet calm looking man slowly biting down on his shoe letting out a low playful growl.

Watching the fox bit at his shoe, he lightly quirked a brow at him. He didn't mind that the kit wanted to play, but he wanted to rest. Closing his eyes, he pet the kit bite at his shoe. "Calm down. You can do this tomorrow. Rest now." he stated in a clam voice. Hoping that the kit would get the point and settle down. When they were traveling in day, he'd let the fox play.

The boy let out a low whimper when he was told to calm down, but he did what he was told to slowly he laid down on the forest floor on his side breathing lightly as he looked to the man sadly.

Opening his eyes to see that the fox laid down. Placing a hand onto the kits head, he gave it a light pet, placing his hand back to his side. Closing his eyes once again, he fell into a light sleep.

The fox curled into a ball his tail resting over his black wet nose. The fox slept silently at his new master's feet.

At dawn, he awoke. Glancing around, he made sure no one was around once again and looked to the fox that was still asleep. Sitting there for a moment, to give himself time to wake up.

The fox shifted in his sleep and stood limping he walked over to a bush hiding away from his new master.

Quirking a brow at the fox, he decided it was time to go anyway. Standing up, he picked the boy back up, slinging it over his shoulder and walked over to the bush the fox was hiding in.

Slowly a young blonde stood from the brush looking up to the man he smiled kindly his little ears perking up his tail wagging. He was completely nude at this moment in time.

He stood there for a moment, figuring out that the fox had turned into a human. Or at least a human form. He wondered why the fox hadn't done this the moment he was out of the trap. Never minding it, the boy was nude. Although it didn't bother him, he couldn't have him running around like that. "Take the clothes off the body." he stated, placing the body back onto the ground.

The fox boy blinked and moved over to the body kneeling down before looking up to the man curiously. "But the clothes are all dirty... and bloody..."

Seeing as the fox boy could speak, he glanced over the body. "There should be water near by. You can wash it off there." He stated, instructing him to take the clothes off. But leave something on, since he didn't want to be carrying a naked body.

The boy gave a faint nod his ears low as he stripped the man beside his boxers. The fox scurried off then to the stream that was close by and started to wash the blood away.

Picking up the body, he walked to the stream where the boy was and waited. Looking toward the sky, the sun was still coming up. He wanted to be half way there before mid morning.

The boy flicked away the water on the clothing and struggled trying to figure out how to put the clothing on.

Standing there, he watched the boy with bored eyes. He wondered how long the boy would struggle until he got them on. "Do you not know how to do this?" he questioned. Unless this was the boys first time in human form, he was sure the boy knew how.

"No..." He whimpered out through the arm of the shirt his little brown ears poking through the other sleeve.

The male lowered his eyes at the boy, dropping the body once more. The body was going to rot before he got there. Walking up a bit towards the ban, he motioned for the boy to come toward him.

The boy went toward the other man once he was motioned over. He stood in front of the darker hair male waiting for help.

Pulling the shirt off the boy, he corrected the shirt and slid it over his head. Telling him to place an arm in each sleeve. With the pants, he simply instructed him on how to put them on. Once again, he instructed the boy on how to put the dead mans shoes on.

The fox shifted in the dead man's clothing until he finally made a hole in the pants for his puffy tail to slide through. "... Where are we going master?" The blonde head fox blinked looking up to the dark hair man smiling.

Looking to the boy, he glanced away, into the direction they were moving. "To meet up with my partner. And to bring him this." he said, picking up the body once more. He was getting very tired of this dead man.

The young blonde nodded and followed after him jumping slightly like a curious fox would. "Why do you have to take the dead human to him why doesn't he come get him? Are you guys going to eat him later?" The boy was thinking like a conniver.

Listening to the boys rants, he didn't respond for a few seconds. "We aren't going to eat him. It was my mission to kill him, he does away with the body." he stated, walking though the forest they were in.

The boy blinked and watched him. "But it be a waste to throw it away wouldn't it?"

He shook his head. "We are not simply throwing it away. We're getting something out of it in the end." he explained to the young boy.

The fox slowly nodded and looked to the sky. "Do you not like me like this?"

He didn't respond. To him, it didn't matter. In human for it was easiest, since he could speak. Glancing to the boy as they walked. "It does not matter weither your human or fox. You can speak this way." he said. Although, speaking can be a nuisance, which he hoped the fox wouldn't achieve.

The young fox gave a faint nod as he followed after the man clinging to a piece of his cloak.

Feeling his cloak being grabbed, he didn't turn to see, since he already knew what it was. It was about mid morning as they arrived to a small cleaning in the forest, near a giant rock. Putting the body down, he sat down. "We wait here." he stated, so the fox would know not to go too far If he decided to sniff around.

The boy looked up hearing the man's words he nodded and looked up to the trees. "... Master I smell a bad scent... Like the dead man's..."

The boy looked up hearing the man's words he nodded and looked up to the trees. "... Master I smell a bad scent... Like the dead man's..."

Looking to him, then glancing around. He wasn't sure if it was Kisame or not, since he didn't know what he smelt of. "It may or may not be who we're looking for…" he stated, standing up.

The fox ears perked up hearing light foot steps and on instinct he went off to kill the perpetrator that he felt was a threat toward his master. His claws were out and his teeth bared as he ran off into the forest once out of sight there was a loud scream.

Glaring at nothing, he walked back into the woods to where the scream came from. The fox shouldn't have ran off like that, and If it was Kisame that the fox attacked, he'd have to discipline him.

The fox laid on the ground whimpering as the light blue skinned man stood above him his sword over his back.

Looking to the man, then back to the fox boy who was on the ground. "Kisame, did you hit him?" he questioned in a calm voice.

"Yeah this thing came out of no where and bit me." He growled slamming his sword into the soil glaring down to the fox before kicking him in the side. "I bet you'll think twice before attacking again right?" The pale faced man spoke the fox let out a low growl as he shifted biting down on the man's leg.

Looking to the man as he spoke, watching him kick the fox. This was an annoyance to him. Watching the fox growl and bite at the other again, he gave a glare toward him. "Fox, stop." he stated, motioning him to come back toward him. "Kisame, don't get carried away. He's ours, hopefully we can train him to attack other things than you." he stated, looking at the fox.

The fox boy didn't move from where he laid on the ground for a moment before he tried to get up only to fall back down. "I guess I kicked him a little too hard." The blue fleshed man spoke looking over to Itachi.

Glancing off to the side, his way of 'rolling' his eyes of sorts. Moving to the fox, He picked him up and slung him over his shoulder, holding him near his own body. "The body is in the clearing. Get it, because I'm not carrying it anymore." he stated, turning and walking back to the cleaning.

Slowly the young fox wrapped his arms around the man's neck tightly nuzzling his head into the side of his neck. "... I was trying to protect you..."

Itachi only gave a small nod. It wasn't the fox's fault, but Itachi wasn't going to say anything. Getting back to the cleaning, he placed the boy down against the rock, letting him lean upon it. Waiting for Kisame to grab the body and figure out where they were going. If Kisame were to take to body and exchange it in then, he'd go back to where he stated.-

The light blue skinned guy came out to where the body had been placed and takes the body out of sight of the two. "... I'll do better next time master..."

Coming into the clearing, he watched as the other male take the body and leaves. Seeing that, he turned back to the fox. "There aren't many you have to look out for." he stated. "Him and the others that wear the same cloak." he stated, so the fox wouldn't attack another member and die in the process. Looking to the fox boy again. "Can you turn back into a fox?" he questioned. He didn't want to carry another body all the way back. Even If it was alive.

"... Yeah, I'm about to anyways my body is struggle to keep this shape in the status my body is in right now..." The boy gave a faint smile as he closed his eyes his body poof revealing a fox that was laying weakly on his side.

Watching as the fox changed back into his original shape, he grabbed him by the nape of the neck and placed him in his hood once again. Gathering the clothes, he placed them in his cloak and jumped into a tree. From there, he jumped from tree to tree until he had reached his destination. It didn't look like anything. It was a mountain, but as he walked up, he did a few hand seals and made the illusion disappear. A door was made into the mountain, which he opened. It revealed a living room of sorts. It was a house in the mountain. Which he and Kisame lived in.

The fox was curled in a ball in the man's hood purring softly as he slept against the warmth of the man's warm neck his fur nuzzling against him.

Stepping inside, he closed the door, making the hand seals again to hide the door. Walking into the living room which didn't hold much of anything. Only a couch and a table were present. Grabbing the fox, he picked him up and set him on the couch. He didn't think he had any wounds, but a few bruised ribs, so there wasn't much he could do.

The fox opened his eyes halfway when he felt the man pick him up out of the back of his hood. A sly smirk slide over his mouth as he leaned forward licking his master's hand gently nuzzling slightly.

He blinked as the fox licked and nuzzled his hand. Showing affection he figured. Somewhat odd to him. Sitting on the couch next to the fox, he figured the fox needed rest for him to heal. After the fox slept a bit, he'd figure out what to get the fox to eat.

I hope you enjoy this new differnt couple.