
A/N: Wrote this a LONG while back and I just found it… Just a ramble, hope you enjoy it, review if you don't.

Sawyer always said that she would fall someday. She had no regard for safety, and even less regard for her own safety. Not one ounce of responsibility that could be governed by anyone other then the reckless demon that plagued her heart.

She climbed so high sometimes that he was surprised she didn't get lifted right into the sky where her damn head belonged, right up along there with the white, fluffy clouds. He never warned her himself, but others had, and that was enough. He would never go so far as to show that he actually cared whether or not she fell; it didn't really matter to him.

But he always said it would happen someday.

So it was like a bet with himself, a wager in which he earned a point if he was right, and would have to suffer the loss of one if he was ever proven wrong. For him it was the perfect wager- one he could never loss.

But his heart conflicted painfully with his mind, and resisted the basis that the wager was created upon, and he didn't know why.

The day she fell would be the day he regretted for the rest of his life. Because as much as he tried to convince himself all was not bad, all was not lost, Kate was still lying motionless on the ground, and any bet he had previously occupied his mind with was gone.

It wasn't like he was obsessed with her; he had numerous secret bets going on besides the one where he knew she would fall.

He had a bet going that Charlie would come out of the closet.

He had a bet going that Claire would give out and join the deranged French girl in the jungle.

He had a bet going that Sayid would never think of creating an on/off switch to anything he'd be able to create using the limited electronics they had at their disposal.

He had a bet going that Jack would finally crack; then run into the jungle and try to duel down the people of the plane.

He had a bet going that another plane would soon crash onto the island, and they would create their own little Lord of the Flies scenario.

He had a bet going that Michael would try to start building houses, a right little home for them.

He had a bet going that he would catch someone trying to take his books, and he already knew what he would do to them.

True, all these bets were with himself, but any bet that was a bet was a bet to him, and he would definitely take a bet.

But this bet- it was just one he never would have imagined winning.
