Do I really need to tell you that I don't own the Power Rangers? Because I don't; they just seem to lurk in my mind until I write stories about them. Hopefully, someone will like it. If not, I'll try harder next time. :-)

The Beginning

'Note to self. Don't let the paperwork get so far out of control that it takes an entire day to take care of,' Rocky thought wryly. When he started his dojo nine years ago, he wasn't aware of how much paperwork owning a business generated. There were files and papers covering his desk, fax machine, and even stacks on his office floor.

Normally he didn't let things get so out of control and especially not around tax time. But with all four of his sisters in various months of pregnancy, the entire DeSantos family was in turmoil. The sister's husbands had learned to hide which meant that they called their brothers and parents whenever they needed something.

When his phone rang, he was buried in outdated student records. He reached for the phone and swore when he noticed that it wasn't on the base. He must have laid it down after talking to his mother. Great. His oldest sister, Misty, was 8 ½ months pregnant with twins and that meant they were all on call in case she went into labor.

He patted his desk, trying to place where the ring was coming from. Knowing that the guilt trip would be fierce if it was one of his sister's was the only reason he kept searching. Of course the phone had to be underneath the highest stack of papers on the desk. He grabbed for the stack when it tilted; succeeding in grasping the first file and then watched in horror as the rest of the stack fell off and scattered on the floor.

He clutched the phone, trying to breath through the irritation. Half the irritation was at his sister for calling the office and not his cell and the other half with himself for being clumsy. If this call wasn't important, he was going to be hard pressed not to scream.

"Hello?" he growled.

"Hey, Rocky. It's Tanya."

He frowned at the husky sound of her voice. "What's wrong, sweetie? Are you okay? Is Adam?"

Her voice was soft and sad when she answered. "Adam and I broke up tonight."

He sputtered at the unexpected comment. "What? Why?" Adam and Tanya had been dating for almost ten years. Truthfully, he had thought it would only be a matter of time before they were engaged.

She didn't answer so he tried again. "I'm sorry, Tanya," but his voice trailed off before he could finish. "I don't know what else to say to you," he replied helplessly.

Her laughter was rough but genuine. "That's what I love about you, Rocky. You say what you think." She sighed. "The reason I'm calling is because I think you should go see how Adam is doing. He needs you now."

He laughed but it wasn't because he found the idea humorous. "Yeah, right. What makes you think he'll be willing to talk to me? You know our friendship hasn't been the same since…."

"You came out. Yes, I know that but he needs the support of his oldest friend and you're it. What has happened since then doesn't change that fact."


"No. You don't know the entire story of why he backed away. I do. But I guess you'll do what you want to." She slammed down the phone in his ear.

Rocky placed the phone in the base this time and rubbed his forehead. So what was he supposed to do now? He hadn't talked to Adam in a month at least. It wasn't as if Adam had freaked out when he admitted he was gay but there was definitely a chill in their friendship. But was Tanya right? Would Adam really accept his support now? And what had she meant when she said that she knew the entire story.

Well, he knew what he was going to do. If there was a chance that Adam would let him back into his life, he was going to have to try. Because no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't exorcise Adam from his heart.

He stepped over the papers covering his floor; it would have to wait until tomorrow. He flipped off his office lights on the way out. He's stop at the corner store and pick up some beer. Maybe it would help ease the way into Adam's house.