Mile in My Paws

Mile in My Paws

Author's Note: I'm so sorry for the late update, school has been busy and even during the summer it's busy with dog shows and studying for my driving test.

Summary: Jounouchi makes a wish that transforms Kaiba into a dog, but something goes wrong and Atemu is also changed into a dog. When Anzu finds them on the streets, will she ever figure out one of these canines is her crush? And what happens when Jounouchi adopts Kaiba? AnzuxAtemu and very minor JounouchixKaiba.

Disclaimer: Don't own it!!



You're Under Arrest!

Chapter 7


Jounouchi's House

Saturday, 7:07 AM

"Stay here Blue." Jounouchi said as he slipped on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. "I'll be right back." The blonde then left the room, closing the door behind him.

Oh don't worry mutt, I'm not going anywhere right now, in fact don't even bother coming back Kaiba thought with a scowl as he put his head back down, huddled in the cleanest corner of the room.

"Jounouchi!" His father yelled again. "Get the hell out here!" The blonde could now hear anger in his voice, what had he done wrong?

Jounouchi ran down the hallway to where his father was standing, looking absolutely furious. The older man pointed a large slimy finger towards the door, looking at Jounouchi with disgust.

There, at the door stood two cops, one a woman and one a man. "Katsuya Jounouchi." The female cop spoke. "You are under arrest for the murder of Hige Sumono, the assault of Aki Sazuki and Goro Hisoka, and animal cruelty for the death of Mr. Sazuki's dog." She said as she shut a pair of handcuffs around Jounouchi's wrists. "You will be taken into custody until trial next Friday where you will be prosecuted."

"Wa-wa-wait, Sumono is dead?! How? I only knocked him out because he attacked me first! I didn't kill him!" Jounouchi pleaded.

"Katsuya Jounouchi, you have the right to remain silent unless we ask you to speak, save your pleading for the judge." The male officer said. "Mr. Sazuki and Mr. Hisoka claim that your dog was the one who killed Mr. Sazuki's dog, that is aggressive behavior and if you are found guilty the canine will be euthanized. For now, we have the right to know where the dog is to take it into custody."

"Wait, just what is going on here?!" Jounouchi's father yelled angrily in confusion. "First of all, my son does not have a dog; second, my son did not murder anyone!"

"Mr. Jounouchi, the witnesses claim that it was your son who attacked them and he also had a dog with him, we also found your son's blood on Hige Sumono's corpse." The female officer said. "We also have a warrant to search the place, so if your son is hiding a dog, we will find it."

The male officer pushed past Jounouchi's dumbstruck father and began searching the house, holding a long poll with a wire loop on the end. A minute later the three heard loud barking and growling as the officer came out with the angry Doberman attached to the poll.

"Mr. Jounouchi, you are also required to come to the police station for questioning at 3:30 today." The female officer said as the male officer forced the dog into a large wired cage in the back of the police car.

With that, the female led Jounouchi to the car, got in and left.


The Domino City Police Station

Saturday, 3:40 PM

"So you're saying it was self defense?" A policeman by the name of Officer Hiro questioned Jounouchi.

"Yea." Said Jounouchi who sat on the opposite side of the Officer, and his thoroughly angry father sat beside him. "He and his friends cornered me and my dog in an ally, two of them held me back and the other let there dog lose to kill my dog."

"They claimed their dog was a fighter, but my dog ended up killing it instead but also got really hurt. When they were distracted by the dogfight I got out of their hold and knocked out one of them and thought I knocked out Sumono."

"The taller one kicked my dog and I knocked him out to defend my dog. Then Sumono came at us with a switchblade and tried to stab me but my dog bit him and I punched him in the face, causing his head to slam into the wall." Jounouchi finished.

"I honestly thought I just knocked him out, and my dog was hurt so bad I had to get him some help before seeing if they were alright." The blonde explained. "Why am I being charged for this anyways?! If anything, they should be in trouble! They tried to kill me and my dog! I was defending myself!"

"Okay Mr. Jounouchi, we will investigate it. Did you have a past with Hige Sumono that made him and his friends want to attack you."

Jounouchi paused for a moment before answering "Yes."

"Well, what was it?" The officer asked in a demanding voice.

"He and his friends were assholes at school; they were always picking on kids at school, especially my friend Yuugi. One time the crossed the line and beat him up after school, my friend Anzu saw what was happening and tried to help him. They hurt her and threatened to rape her. They told me about it the next morning and I confronted Sumono about it. He challenged me to a fight and said if I won he would leave my friends alone. I ended up winning, and he avoided me after that, I guess he wanted revenge now."

"Well Mr. Jounouchi, you're story seems fairly valid, but you will still need to go to court. Your friends Yuugi and Anzu will need to attend as well."

"Where's my dog?" Jounouchi asked, remembering that they took Blue with them as well.

"The Doberman is at the Veterinary Office in their "Solitary Confinement" section for aggressive dogs." Officer Hiro said.

Jounouchi looked down at his feet, if he failed to win the trial, Blue would be put down. I can't believe I've already screwed up; I've only had the dog for a couple days!

"Your Katsuya's father, correct?" Officer Hiro asked Jounouchi's dad, who hadn't said anything the entire time.

"Yea." He said. "Look, I know Katsuya can be a brainless asshole sometimes, but I don't believe he would murder someone unless he was defending himself or someone."

Jounouchi looked at his father in disbelief. That was the first time his dad stood up for him for anything.

"Yes, well the judge will have to decide that." Officer Hiro said. "Anyways, Katsuya will have to stay in our custody until trial on Wensday." With that, the officer got up and left.

A moment later another officer came in and handcuffed Jounouchi then led him out of the room. The blonde let out a heavy sigh as he excited, feeling cheated and nervous at the same time. It's not my fault… those other two bastards must've lied to the cops!

"Well Katsuya…" His father said without making eye contact with him. "I'll come back and see you tomorrow." And with that, he left without another word.

Jounouchi stared at his feet, his brown eyes shimmering with disappointment as he pursed his chapped lips. I thought he might be a little more supportive of me in this sort of situation…

"Jounouchi-kun?" A familiar small voice spoke.

Jounouchi looked up, smiling in relief as he laid eyes on Yuugi who was followed closely by Mokuba. "Yuug'! I'm so glad to see ya."

"Jounouchi-kun… what happened?" Yuugi said, eying the handcuffs on Jounouchi's wrists.

"This isn't the place for chit-chat kids; now c'mon time to go back to your cell." The policeman who was watching Jounouchi said in an impatient voice.

"Yuug'!" Jounouchi yelled back to his friend as the policeman led him away. "Come visit me later and I'll explain! Ouch! Don't be so rough damn it!" He said, directing the last part towards the policeman who was harshly forcing him down the hallway.

Yuugi stared at his friend in disbelief as he disappeared from site, Mokuba however, didn't seem too surprised, as if he was expecting him. I can't believe this, what possibly could he have done? Yuugi thought as he looked down at his feet, only to be brought back into reality by Mokuba.

"C'mon Yuugi, I'm sorry about Jounouchi but we came here to report Nii-Sama and the other you missing." Mokuba said.

Yuugi nodded as he followed Mokuba towards the room they were directed to, Yuugi however, was lost in his thoughts. How could this happen? Everything is getting out of control. First Atemu-kun and Kaiba-kun go missing and now Jounouchi is in jail! What do I do? Without Atemu-kun, I have to figure it out myself.


Domino Veterinary Office: The Kennel

Saturday, 6:30 PM

"Ugggh." Groaned Seto as he slowly opened his azure eyes. Loud angry yelling rang throughout the vicinity, of course, to humans it was just barking. That damn vet just had to knock me out.

He stood up and inspected the area; he was in a small cage surrounded by several other dogs in the same position as him. Just what has that mutt gotten me into…


Author's Note: Okay, short chapter and late update I know, I'll try to be better next chapter. Also, please excuse the inaccuracy in the court system, as I think doing it completely accurate would screw things up a bit. Review please!