AVP: The Human Predess
Chapter 1
Thousands of years ago, humanoids came from the sky to Earth. They taught humans how to build, and humans worshipped them as Gods. The Gods returned every 100 years, but would expect the humans to make a sacrifice. Humans were bred to make the ultimate prey, known to them as Great Serpents. The Gods would battle with the Serpents, to prove themselves as men and to earn a right of passage. But, the Gods did not always win against the Serpents. When the Gods did fail, they would make sure nothing survived, and would destroy a civilization over night if they had to.

That is the back round of the great Gods of Earth. Everything and everyone has a back round, even me.

My story begins when I was very young, only 3 years old. I lived with my Mother and Father, who earned their living in the great pyramid that we worshipped our Gods in. Yes, we were human. I was human. I am human. I am a human woman. We were called the Aztecs, a great civilization we were. It was a special day that day, for it was the day the Gods returned in 100 years. Mother and Father led the human sacrifices into the pyramid, and I followed them. But, we didn't get out of the pyramid in time. The entrance shut, and we were trapped inside the pyramid with the Gods and the Serpents.

Father said, "Everything will be all right. I will find the exit. We will escape. Wait for me to return." Me and Mother were left alone, in the pyramid, and Father never returned. Mother began to worry. She found a large crack in the wall and put me in it.
"Don't worry," she said calmly. "Mommy will be back. Mommy will be back for her baby…" She wrapped one of her two identical necklaces around my neck. On them both it had a flower imprinted on the front, and another flower on the back. "You take this," she said kissing me on the head, "For luck and protection by the Gods." Mommy left, caring her dagger to look for Father.

I waited and waited for Mommy to return. She didn't for a long long time. So I started to look for Mommy. I walked around the pyramid, looking for Mommy, but something found me instead. Before I even knew it, one of the Great Serpents was in front of me. It growled and looked at me, but I stood there, only staring at it. The stories were right. It was the most horrifying thing I had ever seen. But then, when the serpent was about to kill me, something killed it.

Three red dots were on the serpent's head, then, there was a blue light, and the serpent had no head. I looked to my right and there, there was a God. The God looked at me, up and down, then walked over to me. He knelt down to my level on one knee, and I looked up at him.

"Mommy…?" I asked scared.

The God looked at my Mommy's necklace on me, and then pulled something from his belt. He had Mommy's necklace. He pointed to the necklace, then he placed it on the ground. He had found it, but Mommy wasn't wearing it.

My eyes started to grow tears as I understood, and I held my Mommy's necklace in my hands. The God pulled back some of my black hair from my face, and he made me look at him, as if telling me things would be okay. I stopped crying, and nodded. With one hand he carried me and he rejoined with the other Gods in the pyramid.

We exited out of the pyramid, and there the Gods rejoined with the other Gods in a ship. One special God, who looked old and wise, looked at me then the God who had saved me. They spoke in their language, which I didn't understand, and the Elder God finally looked at me. He grabbed my chin and tilted my head left to right examining me, and he looked into my eyes. He stroked my head and looked at the other God. He spoke something, and then we were all on the ship. We left for the skies. Mommy was right. The Gods did protect me, and they always have ever since that day.

I never remembered my old name, if I had one, but the elder God gave me a new name. My name is Zera, and I am a Human Predess.

P.S: Zera is pronounced Z-ear-a