Disclaimer: I do not own any components of Harry Potter. It's characters and plots belong to J.K. Rowling and others. NO copyright infringement intended.

Update: I read this a few days ago and didn't whether I should laugh, or cry. If you find yourself reading this story, and thinking to yourself, 'This is complete crap.' I agree with you. I wrote this a long time ago. I decided I'm going to rewrite it, and hopefully it's a lot better. If you don't think it is, well then I guess I'm just a lost cause. :] The updated version will be added on to this, soon, as the 'last chapter'. Keep a look out for it. ;D

The potions class was strikingly silent. The only sound was the faint bubbling of the various potions and the occasional plop! of an ingredient being added. Harry was sitting in his usual seat in the back of the room between his two best friends Ron and Hermione. Everything was normal. They made their potion as normal (Harry and Ron not entirely paying attention), and failed with flying colors as normal (including snide remarks from Snape). The only strange thing to happen occurred at the end of class as the three made to leave. They were walking toward the door and Harry's bag split cleanly at the bottom.

"What the…damn!" Harry almost shouted. "I'll see you guys at dinner. I won't be too long." Harry told Ron and Hermione. He bent down under the desk to receive his fallen quills, parchment, and schoolbooks. He was under quite a while since his ink had spilled slightly covering the front of Hogwarts, A History.

After somewhat successfully stuffing all of his fallen items into his backpack he stood up. As he turned toward the door, something caught his eye. On the desk he just came out from under there was a gleaming red note. His name was written in golden ink...Harry… on the top. He reached down, opened the perfectly folded note, and brought it up to eye-level. There he saw a single sentence in the same gold ink.

Meet me at the Astronomy Tower at midnight tonight.

Chills ran up and down Harry's spine, and butterflies fluttered in his stomach. Sudden excitement and, for some reason, fear curdled together deep inside him. It was an unusual sensation. This could be a trap. He could just hear Hermione now: Harry, I don't think you should go. This could be dangerous! Despite those thoughts, despite what Hermione and Ron would say, and despite the rising fear that was now in the area around his Adam's apple, he had no intentions whatsoever on not meeting this mystery person that night.

Harry stuffed the note into his pocket, and rushed out of the dungeons. He entered the noisy Great Hall and scanned the four house tables for anybody staring at him. Everything was normal, so he walked down the Gryffindor table to sit next to Ron and across from Hermione. He started placing various foods onto his plate and shoveled it in his mouth. He hoped if his mouth was full Hermione and Ron wouldn't talk to him-he had a lot to think about. Well, he was wrong.

"What took you so long?" Hermione started. "Something happened, I can tell. It doesn't take you that long to clean up a ripped bag. Did you even think to use your wand? What happened? Did something happen with Snape or did someone stop you in the hall? Or…" All through her ramble, Harry just kept on chewing. He tried to ignore her but her voice was like a car alarm.

"Hermione! Nothing happened! All I did was take my time is that a crime?"

Hermione looked hurt. "I'm sorry Hermione; I'm just trying to think." That seemed to help a very small amount. So Hermione was silent for the rest of dinner and that was just fine with Harry. Ron just seemed to sit there, putting to much food in his mouth for his own good. It was pretty silent at this section of the table, and it was perfect for Harry to think.

Who the hell could this girl be? Could it be Ginny? No, I mean it's obvious she likes me, but sweet little Ginny wouldn't want to meet me in the Astronomy Tower at midnight! But then again, I haven't talked to her since summer, she could have changed! Who else? Hermione? No way! It definitely would not be Hermione, they are just friends and both of them know that. Could it be Cho? It could be. She was in her last year at Hogwarts and she was mature. But he wasn't really attracted to her much anymore and he was sure she was over him.

Well, he was going to find out who it was in three hours time.