Full Metal Disaster

By: NellySama

Rating: T-M


This is a just a teaser, I want the first chapter to be good. So wontI post it until its completely finished. Just so you know, I will post these chapters until I want to. This is my fist FMA fanfiction, if the characters are OOC, I'm sorry, but I've never worked with them before. References to shonen ai.


Ed's alchemy power intake has turned him into a demi-god, giving him a split personality. With all this power his been driven insane, only giving moments of peace before he goes on a rampage, destroying everything in his path….he just wanted to save Al.

-TeaserNotes: Ed's thoughts...basically….and conversations with his otherself. If you get confused, you're supposed to, since Ed is confused too.

This was…normal? How any of this could be considered normal? It just wasn't right. It was like a curse from hell. How did all of this happen? I mean, everything was going to be fine right? Right? Oh god…why is this happening at all? I didn't want this! …I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Everything was fine before this, before everything escalated into this shit-hole that it is now. And now they're calling this normal… Bastards! They knew this whole time didn't they? Al…Al…I'm so sorry… Please. I didn't mean for you to…Oh god. Its happening again, please run.

'Of course it was happening again, it's not something that you cant just control! You're such an idiot.'

It was that voice again…It had started….not long after that incident in lab five…His voice, it reverberated throughout my mind. It sounded like mine, but sinister and evil that just stung the air around me, it was deep and dark as well. I heard him snicker.

'What…do you want?'

'Mmmm. Nothing shortie. Just seeing to see if you were still alive.'

Bastard, of course I'm still alive! I try to ignore him as he rants on about murder, blood and….who knows what else. Just try to drown him out, Think about Al…Think about Winry…think about Roy…he'll go away soon enough…Al….

'Oh god.' I begin to cry, hard. I fall to the ground and I realize where I am…I look around…

"The infirmary? How…?"

"Brother! You're awake!"

'Al! No! He shouldn't be near me!' I look up at my brother….he's…..in…his…..body…..did I do it? I don't remember…did I get all his body back..dont tell me…no! Not all those prisoners! NO! I clutch at my head and begin tear at my face and hair. I can hear Al screaming…what's he saying? GO AWAY! No! Why?! Why can't I remember…what did I do…?

'Hm Hm Hm..Edward. Let me come out…I can make them all go away. I can make THEM pay for your sins. You are but a god now…make them bow…'

That voice…its commanding….just like….I want to obey…I just want to go away… I hear people rushing in…my eyes are closed…when did that happen…

"Full Metal! Full Metal! Look at me dammit!"

Roy….I smile. I reach out for him, and I notice things are getting darker around my vision and I can hear his laughter getting louder.

"Full Metal! Answer me, what's happening?"

"Roy…Al….Winry…I'll make sure you wont die….."

Everything went white…and all I could hear was screaming…I heard Al….why was he crying? Why is the smell of blood everywhere?

I'm so sorry Al…I don't know whats happening to me. Why? Why did this have to happen…