Rory and Jess prayed each day for William Macksterone. Lizzie returned to them, and they were happy to have her home. They prayed that William would be saved, and that he would have peace. They thanked God that he had confessed, and that they could settle out of court. William's plea bargain was fifteen years in prison for premeditated and attempted murder. Jess decided to stay home for a while with Rory and Lizzie.

A few weeks later, Rory began feeling sick to her stomach. She was tired all the time, and wondered why, until she missed an important date. She took a pregnancy test, and it tested positive. Both Rory and Jess rejoiced, and immediately told Luke and Lorelai. The whole town then heard, and soon, everyone was congratulating the Marianos.

As the months wore on, Rory realized that she hadn't felt the same way when she'd been pregnant with Lizzie. She went to her doctor, who found that the baby, a little boy, was turned the wrong way. Rory's due date was fast approaching, and seven months into the pregnancy, turning the baby around would be complicated. Everyone in town waited with bated breath. Thirty-two weeks in, the baby still hadn't turned.

One afternoon, Rory was working in the kitchen when her water broke. She called Jess, and an ambulance. Jess was waiting when she arrived. "It's too early!" she sobbed, grasping his hand.

"It's going to be okay." he soothed, leaning over the gurney and kissing her tenderly. "You're going to be okay."

"When her water broke, it also broke the amniotic sac, which caused the umbilical cord to drop down, and it became compressed." the doctor explained to Jess, just out of Rory's earshot. "At this point, oxygen is having a hard time flowing to the baby. We're going to have to perform a C-section."

"Okay." Jess nodded, freaking out on the inside, but keeping calm outwardly, for Rory's sake. "Do what you have to do."

"Okay, Mrs. Mariano," the doctor addressed Rory, "we're going to do a C-section to get this little one out, okay? You're going to be just fine."

"Lizzie! Where's Lizzie?" Rory realized she'd forgotten about her first child.

"Babette's watching her." Jess reassured his wife.

"Okay. I'm ready." Rory calmed down.

"I love you." Jess kissed her once more, and waited until she was out of view to take a seat in the waiting room.

Eons later, it seemed to Jess, a nurse came and told him that Rory and the baby were both fine, and waiting to see him. He entered Rory's room and immediately rushed to her side. He kissed her, and she smiled. She lifted the small bundle in her arms up into Jess's. "It seems that even though this little boy was six weeks early, he's actually as healthy and normal as can be, despite his unique method of entering the world."

"It's quite a miracle you've got there." the doctor came into the room.

"God is so good!" Jess agreed, cradling his son in his arms.

"What are we going to name him?" Rory asked.

"Something to do with a miracle, or something." Jess reasoned.

"My son's name is Bennett," the doctor offered. "It means "little blessed one" in Latin."

"Perfect!" Rory and Jess agreed in unison, and laughed.

"Welcome to the world, Bennett." Jess whispered in his son's ear. "You're going to make it an incredible place."


A/N: Thanks for reading this story! I hoped you like the ending, and little blessed Bennett! God Bless!