They continued dancing that night, and, when it finally was time to leave, they ended the evening with a slow waltz-ish song and they clapped for everyone, ready to go.

Galinda walked over to where she had her purse and coat, ready to leave. Fiyero also seemed ready, mostly so he could prepare for the next morning when Elphaba left on her little trip.

Wouldn't it be amazing if she asked me to go with her? Fiyero thought, smiling at the thought. He noticed that he was smiling in the direction of a young Shiz student, and immediately shook his head. I sure hope Galinda didn't notice that.

But it was too late. Galinda had seen everything, from the smile, to the gaze of his eyes, to even the tongue lick. (Yes, there was a tongue motion, but, well, it had to do with something else.) But, she realized it was an accident, for she figured when she looked at the girl, she would see a very ugly person or something like that.

Not a chance. When Galinda looked at her, she was almost so amazed by the beauty of her. She had long, auburn hair with two clips that made it look symmetrical. Her face was as soft as an almond half, and the same color as well.

Her arms also were symmetrical, and were not too skinny, not too plump. Her stomach was thin, but not so thin you would think she was a twig. Her legs also were thin, but there was some evidence of muscle there as well.

And then there were the details. Her perfectly manicured pink fingernails. Her bright red lipstick and pink blush. Her long, perfect eyelashes that matched her beautiful face. Her small, diamond earrings with pink on the outside.

Yes, this girl was, as Galinda thought, Fiyero's type. (In reality, she was just as scatterbrained as the rest, and was not Fiyero's type in the slightest.) And so, she wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.

"Come dear." She said, just loudly enough for the other girl to hear, and they walked out of the Ballroom, just quickly enough to show that they were in a hurry, but not to indicate Galinda's protection of her boyfriend. That would show Galinda as being desperate, and that was the last thing she wanted.

They walked out into the night, the crisp air just beginning to give them a chill. Galinda shivered a bit, and Fiyero actually took notice, taking her jacket and putting it over her shoulders.

"Thanks." She said, giving him a smile that was warranted, after she heard his next statement.

"Galinda, look, I wasn't looking at that girl. I just…" Fiyero started, but Galinda put her hand up to cut him off. A very pretty hand, he had to admit, with the full moon shining down on the nail polish.

"I understand. You wouldn't do something like that." Galinda said, confident in him. "I know." She looked at him and she really did know that. "But she did seem to be giving you a look…"

"Galinda, really. I mean it. I didn't look at her. She was in the way of my view and I was thinking about something else." He started to explain, but stopped when Galinda asked:

"What? What were you thinking about?"

"Ummm…well…it's nothing. Just a person." Fiyero said, giving her a smile that really did convince her.

But she was still tempted to ask who the person was, when there was a loud 'BANG!' They both looked up to see what it was, when they saw the bright lights in the sky.

Both in total awe and bewilderment, they stood there, holding eachother's hands and watching. Neither would ask what they were, because they were too frightened. They looked like tiny sparks in the sky, ranging from different colors. Blues, pinks, oranges, greens. And they all came at different times, causing loud distracting sounds to ring out through Oz.

"Look at them! They're fireworks!" A young student called out from his window, his eyes bright with excitement. His statement caused more students to look out and gape, for they had never seen such wonders.

Fireworks, which had existed ever since the Wizards arrival, were uncommon and almost no one had ever been fortunate to see one. But now, for some awkward reason, they were sounding off, one after the other, again and again.

So that's what they look like, huh? Galinda thought to herself, as she looked at them over and over again. Beautiful things that gripped all of your attention and also made the time seem, in a way, romantic.

So, acting on the moment, Fiyero decided since Galinda was hypnotized and that the fireworks would make her forget about the girl in the ballroom, he decided that if he kissed her, she would not pester him about that night. So, he took her in his arms and kissed her, sweetly and gently, but also with a certain fierceness to it. A pleasant, memorable kiss that, he hoped, she would just keep to herself and not tell her roommate about.

Of course, this was not at all possible with gossip-lover Galinda, but he wasn't thinking about that. He just wanted to walk her to her dorm, say hello to Elphaba, and then get back to his dorm to get some rest after this long day.

(Plus, he had some homework he hadn't done and he really wanted to get it done. It was an essay on 'The Emerald City: A City of Changing.' He had only chosen it because he figured he could get some extra information from Elphaba after her trip. Only problem was: The essay was due the day after she got back.)

Galinda looked up at him, her eyes sparkling so much, that it made her look like she had fireworks IN her eyes. She looked so happy right at that moment and for the rest of his life, he would remember the look in those eyes. It meant something more than just youthful bliss or young love. It was pure and total happiness, something you don't find too often.

"F-fiyero. That was-that was…amazing!" She squealed to him, holding his hands still in hers. The fireworks continued and the lights of the Ozdust shone on them. It was such an amazing moment, he found himself wanting to just stay there. Right in that moment. But if he'd ever known what would occur over the following few days, he would have wished differently.


They walked back to the dorm rooms, hand in hand, side by side. It was a sweet moment, ever if Elphaba wasn't there instead of Galinda. It's still a nice feeling to have someone that close to you, the warmth of them by your side.

I guess we all crave that, huh? It's a natural human need, to have a person you care about near you. But then, I don't care that much about Galinda. Or at least not as much as I care about Elphaba. So why do I feel so content right now? Shouldn't I be upset about what I've done? Hurting Galinda like this? When (and if) I break up with her, she will remember this day and think 'Why'd he do this to me?' Is this right to do to her? It isn't, is it? It's just selfish. I want Elphaba, Galinda's best friend, to be with me, and yet I'm hurting both of them by doing this.

This critical thinking was going through his mind and he thought perhaps, just maybe, he was growing up. But then he remembered: he was an Arjikian prince who would probably never grow up. So why did he feel this way? He didn't have any idea why, so he figured if maybe he just walked Galinda up to her room and…

"Fiyero, dear. I was just wondering…" Galinda was holding her small purse in her two hands and was smiling in a very sly way she had when she wanted something she probably shouldn't have, but would get anyway. It was a very familiar trait, especially to her parents and, yes, prior boyfriends.

"Yes?" He looked at her to see if maybe he could read the expression to tell what she wanted. But it was so dark, since the fireworks had stopped and they were standing underneath the tall building that was the Shiz dorm-rooms. It cast a dark shadow over them, and also blocked the only light they had previously had; the moon.

So, it was a bit hard to be reading any expressions right now. But it was something big, he could tell. First from the tone in her voice, but now, by the way she was quietly creeping closer to him, until finally she had her hand on his shoulder. He shivered a little at her touch because it was a soft, spider-like creep on his skin.

"I thought maybe, if we went up to your room…" Now her voice was seductive. Secretive. And very sexy. She was obviously trying to seduce him, in some way or another. Fiyero understood. He'd been flirted with enough to understand that.

He knew he didn't want this to happen. He knew it. Don't do it Fiyero. If you do, you'll screw up EVERYTHING! Don't even think of it. So he didn't think about it and he didn't wish to think of it, really. He just looked at her with his gorgeous eyes and smiled after a while, mainly because of his own pleasure that he was actually controlling himself.

So, as he walked towards her, he didn't know what would happen next. He could have never guessed it in a million years because…Galinda wasn't like…that…

Galinda came up to him, and gripping his hair, pushed him against the wall. Her breath was warm and soft on his throat as she began to kiss him, fiercely, and, it was sad to say, it was completely turning Fiyero on.

Elphaba. Elphaba. Elphaba.

The green girl's name passed through at least once every second, but now, Galinda was trying to get her hands down his shirt. He found that he had switched places with her and she was now against the wall, her legs wrapped him. Her left heel had been lost in the movement, and she was kicking the other off.

He tried to focus as his tongue slipped in and out of her mouth, but all he saw, every time, was a green blurry image waving to him, her skin aflame by the sun and her hair blowing in the wind. She had on the familiar blue dress she had worn the first day he ever saw her, with the same colored beanie on her head and her glasses.

Then, he himself entered the picture, giving her a gentle kiss on her maroon lips and taking her hands into his, pulling her closer. He kept this vision in his mind, frozen there, like a statue. But, what happened next scared him out of his wits. In less than a second, the beautiful green girl before him transformed into Galinda; bubbly, giggling, and…blonde.

He gasped, and, immediately pushed Galinda away from him. This was a total frightening vision that he had just had and he didn't ever want it to come true. He shook his head over and over, to try to get the vision out, but it was even clearer.

Galinda stepped back and gave a little gasp at Fiyero's reaction to her affectionate advances. What is wrong with him? I was just trying to be nice! But she couldn't figure out what was wrong with it, and in the future she would still try to figure out exactly what happened.

I had to post this sometime, and realized just how long it had been, so a holiday gift to all! lol. P