Disclaimer: I only own the plot, Sarah and her grandmother.


Chapter Five - Snow

Christmas Day came and Bill was miserable. The only thing he had eaten in five days was a raisin, and Hermione suspected he threw up right after that. Molly and Arthur tried to cheer up their eldest son as best as they could, but nothing worked. Charlie and Percy had forced Bill to come out of his room and join in on the festivities.

Bill sat silently through the Christmas dinner, placed between the twins. While Fred and George (still in the form of Gred and Forge) talked casually to him, he zoned out on them regularly.

At eight o'clock, the family (and Harry and Hermione) moved to the living room and started opening presents. Bill opened his, but barely registered what he got. Hermione sat next to him and sighed sadly, patting his back.

At exactly ten o'clock, there was a single knock on the door. When nobody got up, Charlie sighed and darted to the front door. When he opened it, he couldn't believe his eyes.

There she stood, her blonde hair soaking wet from the falling snow, her red coat sticking to her body.

'You… You came,' Charlie said.

'Yeah,' she whispered.

'Come on in,' he said as he stepped aside. She gladly took his offer and smiled at him.

'He's in the living room,' Charlie said, 'Shall I get him for you?'

'Yes, please,' she whispered. When Charlie turned around, she caught his wrist and said:

'Thanks, Charlie. For everything.'

Charlie smiled and shrugged: 'You're welcome.'

He opened the door to the living room and Sarah heard him say: 'Bill, it's for you.'

After that, it only took Bill a minute to get out of the living room.

'I'm sorry,' Sarah said when he came in sight.

'I didn't think you'd come,' Bill stated flatly.

'Neither did I,' she answered truthfully.

'Why did you tell me to go?'

'I don't know, Bill. I got scared.'

'Scared? I wouldn't hurt you, you know that.'

'Scared of what people would think. I mean, what would my parents say if I told them that I was dating a wizard? I don't want them to think you're a freak, Bill.'

'I'm not a freak, Sarah.'

'I know that, Bill, but they don't.'

'I don't care what they think, Sarah.'

'I know, that's why I came here. And well, I came because of Charlie, too.'

'Charlie?' Bill asked, confused.

'He told me you needed me,' Sarah said with a smile.

'Oh,' was all Bill could say. Sarah pushed a stray lock of red hair behind his ear.

'I need you too, Bill. That's why I'm here,' she whispered.

'Do you want to come into the living room?' Bill asked.

'Sure,' Sarah answered with a smile. Bill opened the door and the walked through together. All of a sudden Fred (Gred) shouted: 'Stop!' and pointed up. Bill and Sarah looked up and saw a piece of mistletoe above their heads. Sarah smiled and looked at Bill, who cupped her face gently and dipped his head to kiss her softly. Sarah put a hand on his hip and smiled when he let go of her.

She sat down between Charlie and Bill. When nobody was listening, she whispered a quick: 'Thanks, Charlie.'

'You're more than welcome.'


Christmas had gone by and Sarah was now staying at the Burrow almost permanently. Her grandmother was fully recovered, but she still visited at least once a day.

When it stopped snowing, Sarah, Bill, Charlie and the twins went out and built snowmen. The twins laughed when they hexed snowballs and they followed Sarah around all day long, and Sarah finally figured the sweater-thing out.

'Say, Fred… You're Fred right?'


'You're wearing George's sweater. And George's wearing yours.'

'Finally! You figured it out!'

'You're a true part of the family now,' George said, adding a fake sniff.

'Took you long enough,' Fred commented.

Sarah smiled and threw a snowball at them. When the twins ducked, it hit Bill instead. He laughed and tackled Sarah to the ground, pressing her into the snow.

'Bill, that's cold!' Sarah whined.

'You threw a snowball at me.'

'I threw it at the twins,' Sarah protested.

'Well, if you say you're sorry, you might get a kiss,' Bill winked.

'If you get off of me, you might get a kiss.'

Bill pretended to think about that for a while, but then stood up and pulled Sarah with him in the process. Fred and George pretended to gag, but Charlie hit them in the back of their heads.


Yup, that's it!
That's the ending, folks.
Not very long, I know.
This was the very first fanfic I ever posted, so please review.
Constructive criticism is highly appreciated.