With her hand still enveloped in Nathan's, Haley slowly climbed out of the limousine, straightening slowly beside her husband as she felt the warm breeze brush gently against her exposed skin. Once she was standing clear of the sleek black vehicle, the chauffeur gently closed the door from which she'd just exited and returned to his own position behind the wheel.

Haley watched him for a moment until he'd disappeared out of sight before finally glancing around at the scene before her. At first glance at her surroundings a look of confusion spread across Haley's face and she turned questioningly towards Nathan, who was watching her amusedly.

"Nathan?" Haley asked puzzled. "What are we doing here?"

"You'll see," he said, squeezing her hand slightly and pulling her gently after him.

"Where are we going?" Haley asked him slightly confused.

"Just wait," Nathan said teasingly as he led her around the corner.

Haley followed, curiosity growing with every step that she took, until suddenly she realised where Nathan was taking her.

"Are you serious?" Haley asked, a luminous smile spreading across her face as Nathan paused in front of the familiar lingerie store.

"Of course," Nathan answered stepping in front of Haley and taking her other hand in his remaining one. "I wanted to do something special for you."

Nathan paused momentarily to glance down at the floor between the pair of them before once again meeting Haley's gaze.

"I know things have been difficult for us lately, Hales." Nathan continued squeezing both her hands affectionately in his own. "Money's been tight and we've both been working so hard that we haven't really had as much time together as we'd like. I just wanted tonight to be perfect for you…for us to spend an evening together remembering how we got to where we are today."

If possible Haley's smile grew even more at Nathan words and she leant forward, pushing herself up onto her toes to kiss him softly on the lips.

"So you're recreating our first date?" Haley asked wistfully.

"Kind of," Nathan said giving her a knowing look. "Just…with a twist I guess."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Haley questioned laughing at Nathan's evasiveness.

"That," Nathan said taking a step towards Haley and wrapping his arms around her waist before kissing her affectionately. "Is just… something you'll have… to wait for?" He continued planting quick kisses on her smooth lips every so often as he spoke.

"Spoil sport," Haley teased playfully as Nathan turned once more and made his way towards the store.

As he reached the door, Nathan paused for a moment to hold it open for Haley. Haley smiled broadly at him as she made her way inside the building and Nathan took a moment to admire the view of his wife before following after her. Once inside, Nathan let the door close slowly behind him and reached into his pocket to remove the set of cue cards that Haley had seen earlier.

Nathan removed one carefully from the envelope and handed it to Haley.

Haley frowned at it for a moment before reading the instruction typed neatly on it.

Find the gifts we exchanged on our first date

After reading the note, Haley glanced up at Nathan who was watching her eagerly awaiting her response.

"The exact gifts?" Haley asked brandishing the card animatedly. "How do you know they still sell them?"

Nathan laughed to himself before answering.

"I checked," Nathan responded still laughing. "Why are you worried that you won't remember?"

"No," Haley said elongating the word for emphasis. "I just didn't know that our anniversary would entail so much work on my part, that's all."

As she said this Haley winked playfully at Nathan who placed his hands inside his trouser pockets and rocked back onto his heels.

"Trust me," he said teasingly. "It'll be worth it."

Haley raised her eyebrow at him quizzically as he continued rocking back and forth on his heel. As his feet made complete contact with the ground once more, Nathan pulled his hands out of his pockets and looked pointedly at the watch on his left wrist.

"If we want to get to the next place on time, you should probably start looking," Nathan taunted, whistling dramatically. "We haven't got long."

"Ok," Haley said confidently as she quickly began to search through the racks. "It'll only take me a minute…just…make yourself pretty or something."

Nathan feigned insult for a moment before asking, "You don't think I'm pretty?"

"You're all right I guess," Haley mocked as she continued searching around the store. "I've seen better."

"Careful," Nathan joked. "Otherwise I decide to change my mind about giving you your next present."

"There are more gifts?" Haley asked excitedly glancing up at Nathan and clapping her hands.

"Only if you're nice to me," Nathan teased her smiling.

"Have I ever mentioned how attractive I find you?" Haley asked quickly, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

"Not that I can remember," Nathan answered playfully.

"Well I do," Haley, said matter of factly as she began looking through the rails once more.

Nathan watched as Haley finally came across the item he'd purchased for her on their first date.

"Aha!" Haley said pulling it off the rail and holding it up in front of Nathan.

"Great," Nathan said laughing. "Now all you have to do is find the gift you brought me."

Haley turned quickly to the shelf behind her and pulled off a pair of black socks, which she wasted no time triumphantly waving in front of Nathan.

"You know," she said teasingly. "You could have at least made this a little more challenging."

"I could have," Nathan mused. "But we only have one night."

At Nathan's comment, Haley hit him playfully on the arm.

"Ouch," Nathan said mocking injury and laughing.

"Ok," Haley said holding the items up in front of him. "Now what?"

"There's a card inside the lingerie in your hand." Nathan said. "Read it."

Haley did as she was instructed and found another cue card with a different instruction printed on it.

Purchase these at the cashier and exchange the card for a clue to your other present

"Intriguing," Haley pondered as she made her way over to the cashier. "But do we really need to buy these? We haven't got the money."

"Oh no," Nathan said placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Tonight, there will be no worrying about money…we're going to enjoy ourselves…besides…you can never have too many socks."

Haley laughed as she handed the items over to the cashier and Nathan pulled out his wallet. The cashier rang up the items and placed them into a bag, which she handed to Haley as Nathan paid.

As Nathan was placing his wallet back inside his jacket pocket, Haley handed the cashier the instruction card. The cashier smiled broadly at Haley, before reaching behind the counter and retrieving the clue that Nathan had dropped off earlier today.

Slowly the cashier slid the book across the counter towards Haley, who frowned at it questioningly before looking at Nathan who was watching the exchange closely.

"Romeo and Juliet?" Haley asked puzzled. "That's the clue."

"Not exactly," Nathan answered as Haley placed the book into the bag containing their purchased items. "Don't worry though, there's more to come. Everything will make sense then."

"You know," Haley said sweetly. "You could just tell me what my next present is?"

"Yeah but where's the fun in that?" Nathan responded tauntingly wrapping an arm around Haley's shoulders and leading her towards the door.

"So you're not going to tell me?" Haley said playfully, pouting in defeat.

"Nope," Nathan said simply as they stepped out of the shop and into the night. "But…I will take you to the next clue."

"Deal," Haley said quickly as she reached up and kissed him before leaning into his side and resting her head on his shoulder.

Nathan leant his head down on top of hers and smiled to himself.

"And you wanted me to make this more challenging," Nathan teased, pulling her in closer to his side.

"Shut up," Haley said laughing light-heartedly as Nathan led her towards their next destination.