The soft light of dawn slowly edged over the horizon. Its warm glow fell across his face gently. Neji opened his eyes to the calm morning, blinking a few times to adjust his eyes to the light. He knew it wouldn't stay calm for long. It was only a matter of time before Gai-sensei-
"GOOD MORNING, my young students!" Their teacher called out as he stretched his arms.
"Good morning, Gai-sensei!" Lee shouted, leaping out of his sleeping bag and kicking the air. "Shall I gather some firewood to prepare breakfast?"
"A wonderful idea, Lee!" Gai encouraged, giving him a thumbs-up. "Immediately after breakfast, we'll start the morning training!"
"Our ideas in greeting a new day differ greatly, as usual," Neji let out a heavy sigh as he began to roll up his sleeping bag.
"There's nothing like training to boost one's spirits! But what of Tenten? If she doesn't get up, she'll miss breakfast!" Gai said, starting to move towards her sleeping bag. Once he stood over her, he bent down, placing his hands on her shoulders.
Neji was suddenly standing right next to him. His hand gripped Gai's shoulder painfully, holding his teacher back.
"I'll wake her." He said sternly. Fool...Lee just left to get the firewood. Tenten won't miss anything. He couldn't imagine a worse way to wake up than to have Gai-sensei shaking you and yelling something about youth.
Neji was surprised the commotion hadn't already awakened her. But he was so grateful that it hadn't. He watched her chest rise and fall slowly with each peaceful breath. Her face was serene. But he would have to disturb that tranquil slumber. Quickly, Neji looked around.
Gai had merely shrugged, and started rolling up his sleeping bag. Lee had gone to get firewood. Neither would be watching him.
Neji brushed his hand against her cheek as he had the night before. She stirred slightly.
"Mmmm," she murmured softly. "A few more minutes, 'kay?"
"Sorry, Tenten," Neji said quietly. It seemed that a soft touch on her cheek woke her more easily than a shake or shout. It pleased him that he knew something so personal about her that no one else did.
"Neji..." she groaned, still half-asleep. She was vaguely aware of his hand gently caressing her cheek. It was gone before she could completely register its existence. had been there, hadn't it? Tenten thought faintly as she began to wake. Or was she still clutching to the dream of her dark-haired savior?
"Gai-sensei!" Lee's shout interrupted her thoughts. "I have returned with firewood!"
"Excellent, Lee!" Gai returned, giving him a thumbs-up. "Neji! Start a fire and Tenten shall prepare breakfast!"
"Sure..." Tenten mumbled, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She snuck a look at Neji as he retreated back to the fire pit. Of course I imagined it… Neji doesn't care for me as anything more than a comrade. My dreams will always remain just that…
As she took out a skillet from her backpack, Tenten stole another glance at Neji. He held out a hand, and a small brown bird landed on his outstretched finger. He stroked its head lightly as it chirped contently. She felt a twinge of envy.
How foolish...She laughed softly at herself while cracking an egg over the pan. Jealous of a bird because it has Neji's attention.
But even as she scolded herself, she imagined once more what it would be like to be held in his arms. He would stroke her head lightly, running his fingers through her hair. He would untie the ribbons holding her chocolate buns in place, and her hair would fall down around her shoulders. He would lean in slowly, whispering into her ear, his lips brushing against her earlobe with each word. And he would say...
"Tenten, the food is burning."
"What?" She looked down frantically, seeing the breakfast she had been preparing start to smoke.
"What happened, Tenten?" Lee shouted.
"Ahh!" Tenten grabbed the scalding pan and removed it from the fire, forgetting to use the cloth she brought along. "Shit!"
"Tenten! A young lady mustn't use such harsh language!" Gai interjected.
"Lee, take over for her!" Neji instructed, suddenly at Tenten's side. "Give me your hand, Tenten."
She did as he ordered, holding out her already blistering hand. Neji quickly took out an herb from his pack that she recognized as aloe, and broke a small piece off. The gel that seeped out was administered to her hand. Neji rubbed it into her palm and fingers gently. She flinched from the pain as he wrapped them with a white bandage, similar to the one he used to wear around his own arm and hand.
"It should heal quickly this way," he said softly.
"T-thank you, Neji," she turned her head, blushing slightly. If he noticed, he didn't show it.
"Mhm," he mumbled absently, his mind on something else entirely. He wondered if he should say more, if he could say more without compromising his feelings-
"Good news!" Gai shouted, suddenly between the two of them. "Lee has managed to save the food!"
"It is all thanks to your tutelage, Gai-sensei!" Lee saluted.
"We'll be there shortly," Neji answered dismissively. Damn! That fool... interrupting the moment like that... But I suppose it's better for him to end it than to have her pull away…
"Come on, Neji!" She beamed, taking his wrist in her good hand.
Amazing... he marveled. Her smile is so pure and innocent. Those golden eyes are too beautiful for words. She looks radiant.
He looked away hurriedly. He felt her warmth was infectious. Were he to look at it much longer, he was sure he would succumb to its charm and begin to smile as well, and that would not do.
After they were done eating, Gai checked his watch. 7:15 a.m.. He had planned on running from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.. His previous aspiration of getting there in a day was unrealistic at best, and he knew it. Neji was correct. The journey would take three days.
Gai sighed softly. By himself, he could probably do it in a day and a half. With Lee, maybe slightly longer. His eager apprentice could probably match his pace. With Lee and Neji, probably two days. Neji would require a few hours of sleep. But with all three of his students, the journey would take two and a half days at least. Tenten just didn't have the stamina the rest of them did. He had tried to train her in stamina, but she seemed completely uninterested with one-on-one training, unless it was with Neji.
Gai smiled knowingly as he rolled the joint in his shoulder where Neji had put him in a vice grip. The two of them would make a very interesting couple… if Tenten ever worked up the nerve to tell him. Gai was quite certain Neji wouldn't swallow his pride first.
"Alright, my youthful pupils!" He got to his feet quickly. "We set out at nine o'clock! That means we have an hour and a half for training, followed by fifteen minutes of rest!"
"Gai-sensei!" Lee raised his hand eagerly.
"Yes, Lee? What is it?"
"Gai-sensei, shouldn't we use as much time as possible for training? I suggest an hour and forty minutes of training, followed by five minutes of rest!"
"An excellent suggestion, Lee!" Gai shook his fist, praising his apprentice.
"Here we go again..." Tenten grumbled. "You two exhaust me."
"That is why you and I shall train today, young Tenten!" Gai yelled, pointing at her. "Come, we shall spar until the sweat of youth drips from your brow!"
"No thanks!" Tenten glared. Gai recoiled in fear from such a violent look.
"Very well! Neji-!"
"I refuse!" Neji scowled.
"Gai-sensei!" Lee saluted again. "I will spar with you, Gai-sensei!"
"Thank you, Lee!" Gai yelled as he pointed to the clearing behind Lee. "Warm up over there as I decide what to do with these gloomy people!"
"Right! Gai-sensei!" Lee ran off to do some stretches and kicks.
"Neji! Tenten!" Gai started out.
Neji sighed. It's the same thing everyday, sensei. You don't have to pretend to give us new orders each time. Tenten and I will go off on our own and train.
"I want you two to-"
"Sorry, Gai-sensei, but I've got training plans," Tenten suddenly said.
"Whaaaaaaat?" Gai cried out, tears running down his face. "You don't respect your teacher's advice anymore, young Tenten?"
Plans? Neji thought worriedly. Did I do something wrong? Why doesn't she want to train with me?
"I've got some new techniques I want to try out," Tenten said off-handedly. "I'd like to train alone today."
"Very well!" Gai gave her the 'nice guy pose.' "Neji! Watch over your peer's training!"
"Right," he responded. For once, grateful for an order.
"I said alone, Tenten sighed as she walked past them into the trees. She lifted some of the branches of a bush aside and disappeared through them.
Neji watched her sauntering hips until they disappeared behind the replaced branches, mentally scolding himself for staring.
What did I do? He wondered. Is she upset with me? Does she know? Did I give it away? Is she trying to put space between us because she doesn't feel the same way?
Neji had never felt so uncertain in his life. He was always collected, always in-control. But she drove him mad.
"NEJI!" Gai suddenly yelled right next to his ear.
"What do you want?" Neji yelled, startled.
"Neji, my boy, the life of a shinobi is too dangerous to leave such important things unsaid," his teacher spoke solemnly.
"Such as?" Neji arched one brow at his eccentric sensei.
"Don't deny it, my precious student!" Gai wrapped an arm over his shoulder roughly. "I can feel your youthful spirit, wishing to burst forward after her! To tell her what you've kept secret for so long!"
"W-what?" Neji stammered nervously. Am I that obvious?
"Neji..." Gai turned to walk back in Lee's direction. "Tell her how you feel. You're a Jounin now. I don't have to tell you about the dangers of being a shinobi. You never know which mission could be your last."
"Ha!" Tenten threw her last kunai, hitting another bulls-eye. She landed lightly, then, collapsed to her knees, panting hard. No! I can't stop now!
I always hold my team back... she thought sadly. Not that I care too much about holding Gai-sensei and Lee back a little... they're too hyper for their own good anyway.
She had a faint smile at the thought, only to lose it a moment later.
But Neji too...
"Soushouryu!" She unclipped the giant scroll from her back and from it appeared two smoking dragons. Dozens of kunai and other throwing weapons were summoned one after another into her waiting hands.
The targets she had set up on the surrounding land all were pierced, right through the center. Gai himself had told the other Jounin she could hit a bulls-eye 100 out of 100 times. But how would that help Neji advance his own skills?
She slumped against a tree and slid to the ground, hugging her knees to her chest.
I know he wasn't tired last night. They could have traveled longer without me. But Neji always has to protect me. Someday soon, he won't have any use for me at all. I'll be a burden to his training, and he'll push me away for good...
With that thought, she stood abruptly, remembering why she had decided to train alone.
I have to come up with some new training methods! If I could surprise Neji next time we spar together with some new moves... maybe he'll keep me around for a while longer. But how can someone like me help a genius like him?
She summoned her newest katana. A shimmering steel blade with a red guard and hilt, with a white tassel on the end.
I can't let myself become useless to him! If I don't do something different, he will look for someone else to train with!
She couldn't let that happen. Quickly, she wiped her eyes, clearing the golden orbs of all tears.
If Neji pushes me away... I don't know what I'll do.
I could have sworn Tenten went off in this direction... Neji thought as he lifted a branch out of his way. But where is she? Ugh... I'm not thinking straight. Maybe she went the other way...
He let out a sudden, frustrated groan.
"What am I doing? Am I actually going to tell her?" He asked aloud softly.
"You never know which mission could be your last..."
The words had an ominous feeling to them. Neji felt like he had to tell her. He had to tell her this instant. What if he never got the chance again? The only thing keeping him from running blindly into the forest was his fear. What if she didn't feel the same?
But... what if she does? He thought. His stomach felt so empty. Butterflies, eh? That's a lie...this feels like dying...
If she did feel the same for him... if, for whatever reason, fate would smile on Hyuga Neji, and he was able to give her his heart, himself... what if he lost her? He wouldn't be able to go on without her.
Why am I thinking so far ahead? Neji thought bitterly. The fact that she didn't even want to train with me means she doesn't care for me like that.
But he had to see her. Even if he didn't get the courage to tell her how he felt, he couldn't bear to have her angry with him.
Now where is she? He thought, frustrated. I've never had so much trouble locating anything in my life...
He stopped and sighed deeply.
Am I really that far gone? He thought sourly. Am I so fearful of what's to come that I even forgot about the Byakugan? Tenten, only you have this power over me. I haven't been this terrified since I faced that spider-like shinobi of the Sound. The fear of death pales in comparison to the fear of losing you.
Neji activated his all-seeing eyes, finding her instantly 100 meters ahead of him. He'd already been walking for several minutes.
Was she so desperate to get away from me?
He considered turning back. But, no, he had to know why she was angry. He had to set it right. Using the shunshin no jutsu, he closed the distance quickly.
"Damn it!" Tenten cried in frustration. "I just can't get this stupid technique down!"
She was supposed to be good with weapons! But the Dance of the Crescent Moon continued to elude her. Gekko Hayate was the youngest to ever learn the technique, but Tenten was determined to master it. Perhaps that would impress Neji enough to keep her around a bit longer.
After another failed attempt, she swore sharply and threw her blade across the clearing, burying it several inches into a tree.
I'm just not good enough! She cursed. This might be a jutsu that I just can't learn alone... I need a tutor. But I can't let Neji know... Ugh! Why can't I teach myself? I'm the "weapons mistress," damnit! Maybe I'm just not good enough...maybe I'll never get it... but... Neji...
She just about slammed her fist into the tree next to her, when suddenly a hand grabbed her wrist, holding her back.
"Ahh!" She yelped in surprise. "Neji, you scared me half to death! Is a requirement of being a Jounin to sneak up on your friends? 'Cuz you guys seem to do it a lot!"
"Forgive me, Tenten," he answered solemnly. More so than usual.
"Something wrong?" She tilted her head curiously.
It was almost too much to even look at her. She's irresistible when she looks at me like that! I could almost lean in and kiss... No! Stop that!
"Are you... upset with me?" Neji finally asked, tuning away to hide his face from her.
"Of course not!" The words left her mouth before she had time to think of something better to say.
"Then why..." he turned back to look into her golden-brown eyes, "do you choose to train in such solitude?"
"I..." She wasn't sure what to tell him. "I'm working on a new jutsu so you won't turn me away?" No… she couldn't say that. But what could she do? She couldn't lie… not to him.
She couldn't think of a good lie, anyway. She couldn't think at all. She had to say something. The silence was torturous. She could only think of one thing to say, and it escaped her lips against her will.
"I'm sorry, Neji."
"For what?" Her answer took him completely by surprise. "You've done nothing-"
"Exactly!" She turned away so he wouldn't see her cheeks burn with shame. "I've done nothing... I only drag you down, Neji. I'm sorry."
"Don't be ridiculous," he scolded. "You've never held us back."
"What happened last night-"
"We needed to stop. Those buffoons would keep us going all night," he scowled.
"Perhaps so, but you could have gone on longer. Naruto and his team need your help, and I'm slowing everyone down. I'm a burden to you, Neji." Tenten's eyes began to well with tears, unseen by Neji.
"You have never been a burden to me," he told her sternly, placing a hand on her cheek and turning her face so she would look into his eyes. He was shocked to find tears in hers. He felt awful to have put them there. His attitude in his previous years had done this. She was afraid of him, he was sure. "You help push me forward, Tenten. You're an inspiration to become stronger."
Why does he waste such words on me? Her tears threatened to pour out. "Please, Neji, don't say those kinds of things..."
But everything he'd kept bottled up for her was spilling out now, and he couldn't stop if he wanted to.
"Tenten, with your help, I've been able to compensate for the Byakugan's blind spot."
"Stop it..." She turned her face away to keep him from seeing her tears.
"After my battle with the Sound shinobi, you visited me every day. You helped bring me back to health."
"You've always been there with me. Ever since our team was formed. Even before that. As children in the academy, I felt your eyes on me." He smiled weakly, the empty feeling in his stomach growing as he continued to leave more of himself out in open. "And my eyes found you immediately, as well."
"Stop!" Tenten cried. Her knees wobbled, and she crumbled to the ground, burying her face in her hands. Her shoulders shook as she begged him. "Please don't say such things... please don't lower yourself for my sake."
Her tears were soaked up by his flowing white robe. She hadn't even realized that Neji had knelt beside her and taken her in his arms, cradling her reassuringly against his shoulder.
"Please," he said in a small voice, barely above a whisper, "don't cry."
"I'm pathetic..." she choked out, grasping his collar with her left hand and his sleeve with her right. "I don't deserve your kindness, Neji."
"Please, Tenten," he asked, holding her tightly against his shoulder, "don't cry."
For a moment, they just sat there, leaning against the trunk of the large oak. Her tears didn't stop, her breaths remained sharp and uneven. She didn't know why he bothered to comfort her. Even if it was just to console a teammate, she didn't deserve to be held by him like this.
"Tenten, I need to say something," he finally spoke. "But... I don't know how you'll react. I don't want to lose your friendship, but..."
He's going to tell me now! He's going to tell me that he can't stay with me... that I'm a burden... that he has to get stronger, and I can't help him do that. Damn it! I can't believe I fell apart like this! I must seem completely useless now.
"Please don't..." she cried, burying her face further into the folds of his robe. "I'll get stronger, I promise. I won't be a burden any longer..."
"The life of a shinobi is too dangerous to leave such important things unsaid," Neji recalled some of the only wise words he'd ever heard his teacher say, once again. "You never know which mission could be your last."
He took a deep breath.
He's going to tell me it's over! Tenten thought frantically. He's going to tell me I'm too weak to continue helping him... I need to tell him before it's too late.
"Tenten, I-"
"I love you!" She cried out into his shoulder, clutching his shirt tighter. "You were every girl's dream at the academy. We all chased after you... when we were assigned to be on the same team, I was overjoyed! Then, as we spent more time together, I saw through the act you put on... I saw who you truly were, and I realized that it only made my feelings stronger! Now, I'm not some little girl chasing after the coolest guy in class! I... I love you. I love everything about you. The genius who has always protected me, the caged bird who felt helpless against his destiny, the kind young man that has emerged these past two years, and the needy boy you've kept inside since your father died... I want to be the one who fills your need! I want you to fill the void in my own heart!"
It had all come out so fast that neither of them knew what to say or do. Tenten was shocked that she had let it all out, and even more shocked that she had been able to express so clearly what she felt every minute, every second she spent with him. But now, she was left so completely vulnerable. The moments seemed like hours. She waited for him to say something... anything. The silence was suffocating.
For his part, Neji was shocked that she felt the same way for him as he did for her. He was shocked that she had left herself so open to him, that she had laid her heart out before him, even though she was scared to death it would be crushed. And even now, even when he knew that she loved him, he was still afraid to speak the words himself. He was afraid to tell her what he had felt every instant they were together.
I can't look up at him, Tenten thought desperately. He'll draw back, away from me forever. If I just don't let him go… if I could stay like this forever… in his arms. I can't look up. I can't bear to see his face.
But she did see. He had lifted her head from his shoulder gently. She saw in his eyes the scared boy she'd grown to love, the part of Neji that didn't need to act so old, so mature and knowing. Then she saw his eyes sharpen. The fear was gone, and the boy was replaced with a confident young man, the part of Neji that made her feel safe, valuable and cared for.
He placed a simple kiss on her soft lips. Then he wrapped a hand around the back of her head and laid it back against his shoulder.
"I love you too."