Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters. I do own Somners, but I might put more people in.

Summary: Ok, Prue and Andy are still alive, Cole is Dead, Piper and Leo are on their honeymoon, 'cause I had to make them go somewhere. Paige is not in the story 'cause well, it just didn't work. No Offense to Paige Fans, I like Paige, just doesn't work. Ok, now I did not want to have to do this but Coop has to be in it for the story to work. I in absolutely NO ways like Coop. It may not seem like it but I actually LOVE COLE!!! Prue finds a game that tells you if you and whoever you're with are Meant To Be. If you want to play the game, message me and I'll send you the instructions...

Once again, Sorry I had to leave you on yet another cliff hanger. Please Review!!!!

Chapter 6: Better Than The Movie


"What do you mean 'you started it'? Phoebe, He is a Demon, one that was trying to kill you, how do you know that he wasn't just trying to kill you, again, or trying to break the power of three, again?" Prue said, starting to walk around aimlessly. Phoebe watched Prue

"Prue, I brought him back, I walked over to him, I was the one to start kissing him, are you seeing the main attraction? I started everything!!!! You're only blaming Cole because you don't think that I would ever bring him back." Phoebe turned around on her heels. "Cole, Why don't you go downstairs." Cole nodded then without looking at Prue, started walking downstairs and sat down in the living room.

"Phoebe, We seriously need to talk, and it's not about Cole anymore, it's about Coop. When are you going to tell him?" Prue said now looking at Phoebe with a mix of seriousness and concern on her face.

"I don't know Prue. There's nothing wrong with Coop, I just don't love him. He did absolutely nothing wrong but it would hurt too much to see the look on his face, but I can't drag him along without him even knowing. It just wouldn't be fair to him. I don't know what I'm going to do. Do you have any ideas?" Phoebe said now with a very worried look on her face.

"Phoebe I'm sorry but I don't think I can help you. I'm going to go surprise Andy at the Police Department, so maybe Cole could help you, I mean, I'm sure he would be much better because he's supporting your decision a little more than I am." Prue said getting ready to turn to go downstairs.

"You're right, you go see Andy, I'll see if Cole can help. Now, you go get ready." Phoebe said walking towards the stairs.

"I hope she knows what she's getting into." Prue said waiting a minute for Phoebe to go down the stairs before she went downstairs and headed to her room.

Living Room

Cole gets up from the couch. "Phoebe"

"Do you think you could help me with saying to Coop that I want to get a divorce?" Phoebe said trying to put a smile on her face because Cole was there.

"Anytime, where's Prue?" Cole said just now noticing that Prue had not followed Phoebe.

"She's going to go surprise Andy at the Police Department. So it's just going to be you and me," Phoebe gave Cole a mischievous smile, "All alone, in this big house, for atleast an hour." Phoebe continued.

"What shall we do to keep ourselves from getting bored?" He gave her the same smile that she gave him as he wrapped his arms around her. "You know, we should probably wait for Prue to leave first, then I think I have an idea." They heard Prue coming down the stairs and Cole let go of Phoebe and sat down.

"Okay you guys, I'll probably be about an hour, but we might go out after so we might be gone all night." Noticing that they still had yet to start thinking about what Phoebe was going to say, "Phoebe, if I were you, I would be getting started on what you're going to say to Coop." And walked out the door.

"Did you hear what she said? All Night long, Gone." Phoebe gave Cole another mischievous smile, walked over to him, sat down on his lap and started kissing him, hard. As they were making out, Cole turned over so that Phoebe was on the bottom and they switched for a minute so they were laying horizontally. Cole started taking off her shirt as she started unbuttoning his shirt, then going for his pants...

Prue's Car

"Where the Hell are my Keys?" Prue said looking around frantically in the front of her car. "Maybe I put them in my purse." She turned to her purse and moved things around. "Crap, okay, apparently, I left them in the house. She walked towards the house and went inside. Walking into the living room, only paying attention to her thoughts.

"Hey Phoebe have you seen my..." Drifting out of her thoughts and now paying attention to what lay, literally, before her. "Oh My God Phoebe! When I said to ask Cole if he could help you, I didn't mean like this!" Prue said with a mixture of shocked and anger on her face.

"What, uh, what do you need? You know 'cause I could probably...tell you where, where, it is..." She said drifting off, trying to ignore the main subject.

"Phoebe, THIRD TIME!!!! Third Time that I have caught you and Cole almost having sex, and you are married, Phoebe, Married! I mean, I know you want a divorce, but can't you wait a little bit before you go back to your demonic ex-boyfriend?"

"Okay, Scroll Back here, you said 'almost having sex' therefore, we didn't, but if you wouldn't have interrupted, it would have been 2 times 'almost having sex' and 1 time actually having sex." She said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Okay you know what? I'm not going to talk to my sister about this when she is half naked and the man she 'almost' slept with is shirtless. So Please, if you would get dressed." She said turning around. "I, will be in the Kitchen." Prue walks into the Kitchen.

Phoebe has a look of anger now because of Prue. Cole notices. "Hey, everything is going to be okay, Alright?" Cole says as Phoebe gets her shirt from the floor and puts it back on as he buttons up his shirt and then going over to Phoebe and hugging her as he kisses her on her head.

"Come on, We have to go talk to Prue." She says. He puts his hand on the side of her hip as they walk into the kitchen. "Prue listen Cole didn't start what you walked in on us doing in the living room, I came onto him too strong..." "Phoebe, you don't have to explain anything to me. I know that you love him, but could you please express your love to him in I don't know, your room, or at least not out in the open, where someone could walk in on you at second? Now, do you know where the keys to my car are?"

"Yeah, they're on the counter by the refrigerator." "Thanks." Prue said, getting up and getting her keys, then walking over to Phoebe. "Now, I am going to see Andy, do whatever you want, just not out in the open, please." Prue said kissing Phoebe's forehead and walking towards the door but stops right before she opens the door. "Oh and Cole, please don't break my sister's heart again." She said not bothering to turn around, opens the door and walks out to her car.

Back to Phoebe and Cole. "Well, since someone will probably interrupt us yet again if we try to have sex, do you want to go see a movie?" Phoebe says walking over to the newspaper on the dining table.

"Sure, what's playing?" He says as he walks over to her.

"Uh, Harry Potter," She looks at him and he shakes his head. "Fake Magic." He said a tad angry that there actually is a Harry Potter. "Or, Oooh, can we go see this one?" She points to another movie, 'Kill It Before It Dies'. "Sure, you know, I remember when I was telling you that I was back and I went into Kill It Before It Dies, Oh My God, It was cool to be, well, black and white. And as I remember it, you weren't too happy about me being back." She looks at him. "Well, actually, I was just a little outraged because that's the way Prue and Piper wanted me to be. I guess, I was actually happy that you were back." "That's not the way I remember it. If I remember correctly, when you, Piper and Prue were turned evil, you almost killed me from kicking me so hard because you wanted Belthazor," She looks a little embarrassed because of what she did. "Yeah, It hurt pretty badly." He continued. "I'm sorry, now can we go to the movies? It starts in..." She looks back down at the paper. "...20 minutes."

"I think we have plenty of time, I mean, it only takes a minute to shimmer there, What do you want to do for the rest of the time until it's time to go?" He gives her a mischievous smile.

"Hm...Well, I guess we could always," Luckily, she gets cut off by Cole's lips as he swifts her up and shimmers her upstairs...

Phoebe's Room

Cole is holding Phoebe as he shimmered up to her bedroom, still kissing her. "You know, I think that we have enough time to do what we're both thinking about doing." He continues kissing her as he walks over to her bed and slowly lowers them both to the bed.

Phoebe moans...

15 Minutes Later

Phoebe and Cole get out of bed and start getting dressed. "Wow." Phoebe says brushing her hair then walking back over to make the bed. "Yeah." Cole Says then helps her finish making the bed.

"Okay good Sir, care to shimmer me to the movies?" Phoebe says looking up at him then laughs.

"What?" Cole says confused of why Phoebe is laughing. "Your hair is all messed up." She says then laughs again. "Well then I guess I'm just going to have to fix it, aren't I?" He walks into the bathroom, fixes his hair then walks back out. "Ready My Lady?" Cole says pulling Phoebe into a tight embrace. "Whenever you are baby." She says then kisses him and as they're kissing, they shimmer out.

Movies, an hour and a half later

Phoebe is sitting on Cole's lap at the movies, in the back, making out. "I hate to admit it, but for the first time while watching this movie, I have no idea what-so-ever what's happening. My eyes have something better to focus on then the movie screen." Phoebe said with a smile then kissed Cole again.

Suddenly, the lights came on and the rest of the people left the theater. "Well, I guess we should get going." Phoebe says as she continues kissing Cole.

"I guess we should." Cole gives Phoebe a mischievous smile, continues kissing her, then shimmers out.

Ok, not really a cliff hanger. But What can you do, right? Anyways, I've decided that Coop will not come in until Chapter 8 but that should be up tomorrow or Thursday. Please Review, I need to know what you want to happen and your feedback!!!! Thanx!