Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, but I'll mention if i put in any characters that I made.

Summary: Ok, Prue and Andy are still alive, Cole is Dead, Piper and Leo are on their honeymoon, 'cause I had to make them go somewhere. Paige is not in the story 'cause well, it just didn't work. No Offense to Paige Fans, I like Paige, just doesn't work. Ok, now I did not want to have to do this but Coop has to be in it for the story to work. I in absolutely NO ways like Coop. It may not seem like it but I actually LOVE COLE!!! Prue finds a game that tells you if you and whoever you're with are Meant To Be. If you want to play the game, message me and I'll send you the instructions...

Chapter 1: The Flame Game

Kitchen, Prue standing at the counter reading a book

Prue hears the front door slam.

"Hey Phoebe, Check this out." Phoebe enters the room.

"What is it?"

"I found this cool game, it's called the Flame Game." Phoebe walks over to Prue.

"Cool, What do you do?"

"Uh, you get a piece of paper, and write you and your current boy friend, girl friend, or spouse, then find all the letters that match..."

"I wanna Play" Phoebe gets out a piece of paper and pen and writes down Prudence then write below, Andy

"Hmmm, let's see. D" She circles both d's. "and N" then circles both n's. "Now what?"

"Then you write FLAME, count how many letters are the same, then start at F, and count forward until you reach the number of matching letters. The "F" stands for "friends", the "L" for "Lovers", the "A" for "Affection", the "M" for Married," Phoebe cuts Prue Off.

"And the "E" for "Enemies." She looks at the paper, looks back up, "Awwwww."

"What?" Prue has a confused look on her face."

"You and Andy are LOVERS!!! Awwww! How CUTE!" Prue has a Very Happy Smile on her Face.

"Ok, My Turn, I'm doin' you and Coop." She takes the piece of paper from under Phoebe's Hand and writes down Phoebe then below it Coop. She looks the words on the paper then circles the 'o' and the 'p' in Phoebe and Coop's Names.

"Awwww, You and Coop are lovers too." Phoebe doesn't seem quite as happy as Prue had when she found out about her and Andy. "Phoebe? Why aren't you happy?"

"I don't know Prue. I mean, I just feel different when I'm with Coop, much, much different from when I was with Cole." Phoebe now has a very serious look on her face.

"Well of course you feel different, Cole tried to kill us."

"Yeah, but he couldn't because he loved me. I just can't help but feel that Coop and My love isn't for real. I can't change that, and neither can a game."

"Phoebe, you kept ignoring the truth when you were with Cole. The fact that he fell in love with you when he was trying to kill you doesn't exactly make him the good guy."

"Maybe he did try to kill us, but don't you remember all the times he saved our asses?"

"Phoebe, Why are you defending Cole? I mean, you didn't exactly do anything to stop us when we vanquished him."

"Since when do you butt into my love life so much, I mean, I never do it to you."


"I don't wanna hear it Prue, you and Piper get the loves of your life, while I'm still mourning over my dead ex-demonic boyfriend, I mean I know I dated him for less than a year before you killed him but that doesn't mean I didn't love him." Phoebe Storms out of the kitchen, goes up to her room and slams the door.

"Okay, I guess she isn't hungry for dinner just yet." Prue leaves the book, walks over to the refrigerator, "Damnit Piper, Why did you never teach me to cook?" She mumbles to herself.

Phoebe's Room

Phoebe turns around on her heels, walks over to her closet and gets out a shoe box. She opens the box, moves around a bunch of pictures and notes, finally finds what she wants which appears to be a piece of paper with a spell on it, she gets it out, sits down on her bed and reads:

"Bring thy's love to this room, have him come so he may loom" "Oh my god, that is the worst spell I have ever written, but from the looks of it, it works."