A/N: This is my first Pokemon story here on fanfiction (dot) net. It's already popular on a forum; I hope it'll get some recognition here.
Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon or all things corresponding to it. All rights reserved to owners.
School Days
By: WaterTrainer243/SulliMike23
Chapter 1: Meet the New guy
They say love can come to people at the most unexpected moments and with the people you least expect. This young couple found that out themselves; after all, they did start...I am getting ahead of myself. But it is true that a couple can be the most unexpected couple anyone could imagine. For many girls, the guys they like always ends up not being the guy they fall in love with. The story I'm about to tell you is among one of those lines, the story of a girl falling for a guy who she never expected to end up being the love of her life.
The sun rose over the horizon even though many buildings of the city in the distance did cast shadows over the suburbs, it didn't stop some of the shine to reach through the window of a young girl's bedroom. The light seemed to brighten everything in the room, from the girl's study desk, to her dresser, and right to her bed where she laid peacefully asleep. When the sunlight began to touch her eyes, she squinted and tried to block the sunlight with her pillow as if to say that she wasn't ready to wake up yet. Even though she was blocking it from her eyes, she could still feel the warmth of the sun's rays on the rest of her body through her bed sheets; it was as if the sun was telling her that it wasn't gonna stop warming her up until she awakened.
"May, time to wake up!" Came the voice of the young girl's mother from downstairs.
"May, I'm not going to say again, it's time to wake up or you'll be late for school!"
May groaned and reluctantly got up and wiped her eyes from the good night's sleep she had. "Ok, mom!" she called back before getting out of bed and went to her closet and grab her school outfit.
May's POV
Hi, my name is May Maple; I'm sixteen years old and in my second year in high school. I have two loving parents and a very annoying little brother named Max, but I love him anyway. I currently am trying out for my school's cheerleading team as well as the school's gymnastics team; I really hope I make it this year too. Anyway, I do have a few hobbies outside of school, but I'd rather not discuss them for the time being; after all I am getting ready for school.
Normal POV
May managed to slip into her school uniform, which happened to be a Japanese style school girl uniform. (A/N: Imagine Kagome's outfit as well as a few other Japanese school girls in various anime.) She sat in front of her vanity mirror and brushed her hair to the style she was used to, which made her hair look like a pair of dog ears. After grabbing her book bag she ran down the stairs to where her family waited for her at the table. Her father, Norman, was sitting reading a newspaper while sipping a cup of coffee; her brother, Max, was eating a bowl of oatmeal while in his school outfit; her mother, Caroline, was busy washing the dishes after making breakfast for everyone.
"Morning." May said in a sing song voice, now that she's fully awake.
"Morning May, have a good night's sleep?" Norman asked as he looked at his daughter from his newspaper.
"Yep, I'm just fine and dandy this morning." May said in her cheerful mood getting ready to slip on her school shoes.
"Would you like some breakfast dear?" Her mother asked.
"No thanks, mom, I really gotta get to school so I'll just grab a pop tart, if that's ok?" May replied as she grabbed a S'Mores pop tart from one of the plates.
"You're lucky those things haven't rot your teeth out sis." Max teased after finishing another gulp of oatmeal.
"Stuff it, Max." May said glaring at her younger brother.
She put the pop tart in her mouth as she put her shoes on at her front door. After she put them on and took a bite out of her pop tart before departing and wishing her family good bye. Even though May lived in the suburbs, her neighborhood gave it a small-town type of feeling. May loved her hometown as much as she loved her family so she always said that she would never leave it when it was time to move out of her house. But then again, she never wanted to leave her house either.
While she munched the last few bites of her pop tart, May continued to run down her street to the street where her school was. She managed to finish off the last of her pop tart before slowing her sprint to a walk to catch her breath. She took a deep breath and stretched her arms out while still holding her book bag. She took in the morning air and looked up to the sky and watches the clouds from where she was walking. She was so busy watching them, she failed to notice the crosswalk she was coming up to had a red light and a car was already coming down the street.
Even though she didn't notice, someone else did; just as she was about to step off the sidewalk, an arm stuck out in front of her stopping her and catching her by surprise. She then saw the car she would've got in front of drive by in front of her.
"You should be more careful." A voice said next to her.
She looked to where the voice and where the arm came from and saw a guy standing next to her waiting for the light to change. He wore a school uniform that boys at her school wore; he also had green hair and a pair of navy blue eyes that seemed different from most guys she's met, not to mention he had a slight smirk on his face that seemed to catch her by surprise. He lowered his arm back to his side while his other arm held onto a book bag similar to hers. Even though she kept staring at him a little bit she managed to hear his voice that got her out of her stupor.
"If you had paid more attention, you would've walked out into the street and that wouldn't be a pretty picture." He said closing his eyes but kept his head straight.
"Uh…thank you." She managed to say meekly.
"No problem." He said with a shrug. Just then the light changed and he walked off. "See ya."
She followed but continued to watch him leave. "I wonder who that was," May said to herself before she let herself smile a little bit. "I have to admit, though, he was kinda cute."
Fifteen minutes later she had arrived at her school as well as her homeroom where she sat down at her desk and placed her book bag on top. She sighed as she leaned in her chair a little exhausted from her walk to school. But she couldn't get that guy she met out of her head; he looked so mysterious and he didn't even bother to introduce himself. Then again, what guy tells his name to a girl he meets only once in their life. She just couldn't get him out of her head.
"Morning May." A voice called to her, getting her thoughts out. She looked next to her and saw a girl with orange hair tied in a ponytail, aquamarine eyes, and a school uniform like hers. Next to her was a boy with dark hair and brown eyes with slightly tanned skin in a boy's school uniform. They were her best friends Misty and Ash.
"Morning guys." She said with a smile.
"A rough time getting here?" Misty asked placing her hand on her cheek while her elbow was on her desk.
"A little, I almost got run over if it weren't for this guy I met." May said but mentioning the 'guy' in almost a dreamy voice.
"Oh? So a knight in shining armor saved a girl like you huh?" Misty teased with a grin.
"Misty, c'mon I only met the guy once." May defended even though she was blushing madly.
"Quit teasing her Misty." Ash said with a smile. "By the way, I heard we were getting a new student today."
"A new student?" Misty echoed looking at Ash.
"Yeah, I heard half of the girls in the school are already drooling over him." Another boy said joining in on the conversation. He had brown hair and more tanned skin than Ash while his eyes seemed to be in a constant squint.
"He must be very good looking then." Misty said as her eyes seemed to sparkle, as did May's.
"Ever get the feeling that either of them are related Brock?" Ash asked the other boy who happened to be another one of their friends.
"Sometimes it makes me wonder too." Brock whispered back.
A few minutes later, the classroom was filled just before the bell rang. Just then the teacher came in just as the students got up, bowed, and sat back down at the sound of the class rep. The teacher then placed her book bag on her desk before greeting the class.
"Class as you may or may not be aware; today we have a new student joining us." Just as the teacher said that, the door to the room slid open.
As it did, many of the girls began to go into a dreamy state as they watched whoever it was walk in. The whole thing caught her attention, while she was staring out the window of the classroom. Turning to the front of the classroom with her eyes, she saw who all the girls were going 'gaga' about…and then turned her head completely in surprise. Right there in front of the class, was the guy who helped her earlier that morning standing next to her teacher.
"Class, this is Drew." The teacher introduced him.
He bowed to the class and greeted them all with a smile. "It's a pleasure meeting all of you." His smile alone got girls seeing hearts in their eyes, minus May; she just couldn't believe that he was in the same class as her.
"Drew, you will sit behind Miss Maple. May, could you please raise your hand?" The teacher instructed to Drew before turning her attention to May.
Snapping out of her stupor, May did as she was told and raised her hand enough so Drew could see her. He then walked past her but couldn't help but keep that smile that didn't seem to fade off his face. He then took his seat in the desk behind her and placed his book bag down next to his chair. May couldn't help but to follow him with her eyes.
"Good to see you again." He said to her catching her by surprise and gaining herself yet another blush.
The day went by smoothly, minus the small glares May got from a few of the girls in her class. Many of them were complaining that she met him first before they did. May couldn't help but notice that he seemed to be in every one of her classes. It was now lunchtime and she had met her friends outside with her lunch and began eating. She was about to chew down another bite of her food.
"So, May, was he your knight in shining armor that helped you earlier?" Misty teased as she paused from eating her own lunch.
Her comment made May nearly choked on her food before swallowing it down. "Misty! He only stopped me from walking in front of a car, that's all ok?"
"He still saved you, not to mention he's very cute." Misty teased again, but her last comment made Ash nearly choke on his food.
"Yeah well…" May shrugged before taking another bite of her food in her mouth.
"You know if you keep eating like that, you might gain something other than good health." A voice said from behind May causing her to nearly choke on her food again. She looked behind her and saw Drew sitting a few meters behind her eating his own lunch. Even though she was eating peacefully, his comment made her fume a little.
"Just what is that supposed to mean?" She snapped at him while her hand seemed to clench into a fist around her chopsticks.
"Oh, just saying that you shouldn't eat that much to gain more weight than you already need or ruin those puppy ears on your head." Drew said with a grin looking at May.
"Puppy ears?!" May yelled making her fist completely break her chopsticks and making her friends stare at her.
As if he wasn't phased by her yelling, he finished off his lunch before getting up and walking away. "See ya later puppy ears." He called out to her with a wave.
It only made May scowl and growl even more while a vein appeared on her forehead. "How dare he! Insulting my hair like that! What a jerk!"
This only made Misty giggle slightly at her friend. She then leaned back towards the boys who were blinking (in Ash's case) so to speak. "They say when people fight like that makes them more like a couple than anything."
"Oh, just like you and Ash huh Misty?" Brock said cheerfully causing both Ash and Misty to glare at him.
"YOU MUST BE CRAZY!!!" They both yelled making him cringe.
After a long, and stressful, remaining day at school; May was walking home still grumbling at Drew's little comment about her hairstyle. She had managed to pay attention to her surroundings this time before she walked back to her house. But as she was approaching her house, she saw someone else approaching the house next to hers. Looking much closer, she could see a familiar green hair that made her scowl.
"What're you doing here!?" She yelled pointing her finger at him and catching his attention. He only smirked and flicked his hair at her.
"I live here, and didn't anyone ever tell you it's not polite to point?" He teased while crossing his arms.
"WHAT!?" May nearly screamed as he told this to her. Not only is this jerk in all of my classes, he's my neighbor too!
To be continued….
A/N: I hope this met some good expectations so far. I'll post the next chapter in due time.