A/N: Mark the Latte Boy is now here! –Waits for cheers from all you wonderful people- This is my second time writing it, considering the fact that a week ago all my files were lost on my computer. I really hope this satisfies and please please R&R. Please.

"I need a job."

It was a hot day in the city and Mark really had nothing else to do with his life, other then filming things.

"You aren't the only one."

Roger sat across from him, sipping coffee and reading the paper also. Roger did want to get a job, only if it allowed him to stay inside the house or something.

Mark scanned the paper. He wasn't getting anywhere. He couldn't find anything that he could do.

"Here, help me." Mark gave half of the classifieds to his best friend.

"Ugh fine, but I was reading an interesting article about…cows or something like that."

"So? You can read it later. Help me now."

Roger rolled his eyes and took the paper, quickly scanning it.

"Hey, they want a dancer at the Catscratch. I have an idea! You and Mimi could work together! You could be some freaky S&M team….dancing with handcuffs and lawn chairs or something." Roger smirked and dodged the pillow Mark had thrown at him, but didn't stop there.

"Mark Cohen, clad only in…film strips, will perform his famous scarf - bike dance to the sounds of…pictures…being taken!."

"Roger shut up. Be serious. I need a real job."

"Well you can dance on tables."

Mark resisted throwing something heavier at his friend when he spotted something that sparked his interest.

"Look at this! They want somebody to work at Starbucks fulltime! That's perfect! I could just ride my bike or take the subway there."

"Starbucks?" Roger wrinkled his nose.

"Yeah, as in the coffee shop?"

"Dude I know what it is, I'm just saying…isn't it a bit too mainstream?"

"Is anybody in the mainstream?"

"Good point." Roger sighed.

"Look I know the loft will seem sad and empty without me, but--"

"Aha!" Roger laughed, "Miss you? Man, I see you everyday. I can't wait to have the loft all to myself, I can brush my hair all I want….I can invite Mimi over…we can --"

"Yeah I get your point." Mark rolled is eyes and put on a light sweater, and checked his bike to make sure the tires were full of air.

"What? Are you going there now? Why don't you wait?"

Mark shrugged. "The position might be gone till morning. Besides, I want the job now."

"Who says they are going to hire you?"

"Oh how hard could it be? Pouring coffee into mugs and things like that…"

"Uh Mark? Have you ever been to Starbucks before? It's pretty crazy."

Mark's face went red. "Once…well…I went past there once…does that count?"


"Fine, whatever. Come on, I can handle it. I've lived with you for how long? I pour coffee basically everyday. I doubt anybody can be worse then you…always complaining about random things."

"I never do that."

"Like two hours ago you were saying that our refrigerator was really loud!"

"And your point is?"

"Okay, I need to get out of here," Mark muttered, opening the loft's door and rolled his bike out, "I'll be back in a few hours, don't get too lonely."

"Yeah whatever, good luck. I still think you have a better chance at the Catscratch."

Roger's suggestion was shut out by the sound of Mark slamming their loft door.

A few minutes passed and Roger leaned against their counter, sipping his coffee.

The hum of the fridge was getting louder by the moment, and suddenly their power was out.

"Well that takes care of that."

Please R&R :D