Pairing: NojikoxKaya
Rating: G
Warning: Soft shoujo-ai.
Word count: 529
Disclaimer: I own nothing in connection with the characters used in this fanfiction.


When Kaya had asked her patient to please lift up her shirt, she hadn't expected said item of clothing to be completely taken off.

"You don't mind do you?" Nojiko said, sounding slightly sore in the throat, as she folded her top and placed it beside her. "This one wrinkles so easily."

"N-No," Kaya blinked hard, hoping that she hadn't been staring as much as she suddenly felt she had. "Whatever makes you comfortable."

Picking up her stethoscope, Kaya told herself, rather sharply, to get a grip. She was a doctor after all, seeing the natural human body was a very large part of the job.

She pressed the metal disc to Nojiko's chest and concentrated as hard as she could on the sound of the heartbeat, instructing her patient to breath in and out as she did so.

Kaya was definitely looking down at the stethoscope. Not Nojiko's chest. She didn't find herself admiring the lacy purple bra and how some of it was partly see-through.

Stop it, she mentally barked at herself. This was not professional. She had certainly not come to get some practical experience with the Doctor Nako of Cocoyashi to stare like that.

Quickly, Kaya tried to find some sort of distraction. The first thing she saw as she glanced up were the tattoos that twisted and swirled up Nojiko's arm.

"I - I like your tattoos."

"Thanks," Nojiko smiled up at her. "Lots of people think I'm trouble when they first see them but," her smile broadened a little. "I'm not that bad."

"I think they're really pretty," Kaya said, turning to put the stethoscope down and pick up another instrument. "Open your mouth and say 'ahh', please."

Nojiko obliged, tilting her head back a little as she did. Kaya peered down her throat for a short moment, before nodding and smiling.

"Just as I thought," she said, placing her equipment down to scribble on a piece of paper. "It's just a slight cough, probably brought on by the weather this part of East Blues been having lately. Have you been going outside often lately?"

"I have to," Nojiko told her. "The tangerines need seeing to."

"I see," Kaya said, ripping the piece of paper away from the pad and handing it to her patient. "This is a prescription for some throat medicine. If anything it will soothe that sore feeling you told me about. Take it twice a day and that cough should clear up in no time."

"Thank you," Nojiko said with a smile as she pulled her shirt back on, then took the slip of paper Kaya handed her. "So, when do you get off work? Do you do home visits?"

"Oh, if it continues, you can always make another appointment," Kaya said.

"Oh, I didn't mean as a doctor," Nojiko laughed, waving a hand dismissively. "I mean do you want to come round for dinner when you finish work? I still have Bellemere-san's recipe for her orange sauce, and it's the best around."

Kaya blinked, surprised by this sudden proposal. Still, she found herself nodding her head and the corners of her mouth tugging upwards in a small smile.