A/N: It's a bit late I know but better late then never. Think of it this way to keep on schuedule we'll be updating the next chapter a lot sooner then usual.

Disclaimer: We do not own any Danny Phantom characters that honor goes to the incredible genius Butch Hartman. We do however own all the characters who don't appear in the series. Though at the moment there are none.

Embrasser Obscurite


Lydia, and Lyanne

(penname: LandLPhanfics)

Chapter 5: Vol

She didn't even have time to protest, everything was happening so fast, and before she knew it, she was in his arms, out the window, weightlessly flying over Amity. Sam's heart began to pound at an incredibly fast beats as she looked at Phantom with fearful eyes. As much as she wanted to fly and feel the wind earlier in the evening... she was scared of one thing... falling.

Instinct took over reason and before she knew it she had her arms folded around Phantom's cold neck for a more secure grip. She could feel the warm wind touch her face, and the whispers of air as they flew through the sky. What is he doing?!... Where is he taking me? Is he actually taking me higher?!!! So many questions filled into Sam's mind, and was scared to even know the answer to any of them. "Please... don't drop me" Sam whispered.

Phantom just smiled as he kept taking them higher into the sky. After hearing her plea he smirked "Don't worry Sammy if I wanted to drop you, I would have done it a long time ago." Chuckling lightly actually enjoying having a partner in flight. The stars were already shining like sapphire gems in the moonlit sky. He turned to look at her angelic face. "Are you enjoying this?"

Sam loosened up her grip on him a little bit. He was right, if he wanted to drop her he would have done that earlier. Sam looked at the view around her, it was beautiful, she had to admit it. The stars, the moon and even if the world that was underneath wasn't as nice it still seemed beautiful to her. She snuggled up closer to his body and whispered "Actually... yes I think I am."

Phantom could feel his cheeks turning crimson a little. She was so cute when she was serene. And she wasn't really clingy either. She just seemed so peaceful and composed. ARGH! He banished the thought from his head and his eyes flashed blood red for a moment. It was directed at her but he didn't like the feeling of emotions he'd escaped those things long ago and he didn't wish for them to surface not now. He noticed he accidentally caused ectoplasm to singe her. Looking to her he was a little worried. He needed to keep his emotions down or he might damage her. Why he cared he didn't know but he did sort of care for her safety. Somewhat.

Sam let out a soft yelp as she felt something burn her skin a bit, but completely ignored it. Judging by his face it looked like it was an accident. Sam once again snuggled close to him. She didn't know why but it felt so good, he somewhat felt... warm. Sam studied his face features now being close enough to do so, he was so perfect, his pale skin was flawless, his red eyes glittered in the moonlight and his snowy hair shined with the stars. Sam blushed a little as she was caught staring.

Phantom soared across the sky passing the high above the Milky Way. Everything was peaceful, and quiet. A beam of red energy shot into view making Phantom loose balance causing Sam to loose grip. Shocked he dived down and caught her making her land straight on his back. "Hang on." He whispered. His eyes glared blood red as he looked about for his attacker. "Who dares to attack me!" He barked looking about to find who had ruined things. He was ready to rip the human or the ghost's head off.

A lone figure in red body armor wearing a helmet over their head, the person was obviously human, and female. Her whole body was covered with armor save for lock of chocolate brown ponytail. She rode on a sky board. "Me, ghost. I'm here to end your afterlife once and for all." the girl spoke aiming her cannon at him.

Sam clutched her arms together around Phantom's neck. She had no idea what was going on, one minute they were flying peacefully, then next she was falling down screaming, thank goodness Phantom caught her in time. What's going on?!...Who would attack now?! Sam's eyes grew wide as she saw the girl in the armor suit aiming at Phantom.

Two things were bad here in this scenario, one if she were to shoot Phantom, she would get hit as well and fall, and two she didn't want Phantom to get hurt. Why she didn't want to him to get hurt she did not know but she just did. "Phantom, be careful...avoid her...fly way from her...let's just get out of here". Sam whispered into his ear in a panic matter. She also didn't want Phantom to fight her or kill her...

Phantom softened a bit but shook his head. "No, I must defend myself. I don't run like a coward Sam."But I've got to keep her safe some how, and I don't want her running off. He thought to himself then an idea came to mind. He slowly brought her to a ledge not to far away but far enough to be out of view of his attacker.

Before she could ask him what was he doing. He whistled at the top of his voice, all was quiet after that till a loud barking came from behind, and soon a very unexpected sight came into a view. In place of the loud barking was a small puppy, which looked practically normal if it wasn't for the green fur, and red eyes. The little pup jumped into his way wagging his tail as he began licking his face. Then something completely unexpected took place, Phantom laughed from the little guys wet tongue. "Cujo down boy." he said between giggle fits "Down." He finally said regaining face the little pup begun wagging his tail happily again from his place on the floor. Pointing to Sam he spoke directly to the dog. "Watch." The puppy nodded, and stood over by Sam while Phantom took off to meet the ghost hunter.

Sam couldn't believe her eyes, a few seconds ago he seemed incredibly human and for the first time she had heard him laugh happily. She smiled as the puppy stood next to her. well, despite the green fur and the red eyes, he's so cute! Sam petted the soft fur and picked the pup up and stared into his eyes. "So, you must be the one that keeps Phantom sane huh? " she asked the pup.

"Arf" Cujo replied. He liked this human unlike other ones, she wasn't trying to kick him or hurt him. As many did while he was alive. But he still needed to keep her here. His master didn't want her wandering off so it was his job to look after her. Despite that he licked her face with doggy kisses. Showing a happy smile.

On the other side Phantom was fighting off the girl which he already could tell even with the armor on who she was. She always was one who hated those who wanted dead even when I was watching over this useless planet. But after he had chosen her to be his companion things had gotten worse. He had numerous scars, all over his body to prove it.

I just hope Cujo keeps that girl safe and out of view of Tucker's girl friend. Wouldn't she be surprised if she found out that the girl she had made friends with was some one he took interest in. Oh yeah then they'd keep her locked up. he thought sarcastically even though he could easily get through any defense system they decided to put up. He shot green beams at Valerie which she still managed to dodge.

I need some reinforcements. he thought lifting a small green, and silver wrist communicator his mouth. "Skulker do you want to do a little hunting."
A muscular voice on the other side spoke up. "What did you have in mind twerp."
"Keep Hunter Girl busy."
"Hmm yes I always wanted her pelt on my wall."
"Kill her and you'll have me to deal with Skulker!" He growled.
"Alright, alright I'll just ruff her up a bit."
"I don't care what you do just keep her alive."
"Right, hunter out."

Sighing Phantom turned his eyes flashed crimson annoyed as she tried once again to hurt him but all he had to do was put a shield around himself and he was safe. He knew it was a cowardly thing to do but it had benefits he wanted to get back to Sam. And Skulker loved chasing Valerie. Even though she wasn't a ghost. Ghost zone greatest hunter had an obsession with fighting her. Eh he'd never understand it.

Sam giggled as Cujo licked her face. She sat down cross-legged and placed the puppy in her lap. She continued to pet the soft green fur as she continued to speak softly to the pup asking him questions as if he could answer her, well besides barking an answer anyways. Sam stared into the direction that Phantom had flown off to. "Cujo?" She said petting the pup. "Do you think Danny will be alright?" she asked the pup, noticing that she had accidentally called Phantom by his first name. Luckily he wasn't there to hear it.

Cocking his head as though he understood what she said. He seemed to be asking 'how did you know my master's name?' but then the little guy jumped off her lap rather suddenly panting excitedly. Soon she'd see the reason Phantom had returned. The canine jumped into his open arms and the boy scratched his head affectionately.

Then he placed the pup back down and turned to the girl. "So I see you too got acquainted." He said his once smiling face replaced by one with a look that couldn't be described. He slowly approached her pulling her into his embrace as he slowly sat down gazing at the stars for a moment before he began rubbing her back, and playing with her hair. Cujo came over and sat next to them with his cocky eyes alert to any threat that might come to face them.

"Acquainted? Hmmmm, nah I think he's my friend" Sam said with a little laugh as she petted the pup once more. Sam shivered as Phantom rubbed her back. She didn't really like it when he would touch her like that, and apparently playing with her hair was something he enjoyed to do a lot. I wonder what he did to Valerie... I'm sure she's alright... how come was I so worried about him? I shouldn't even care!...I'm not becoming fond of him...am I???? ... I'm not actually...liking his presence...am I??!!! Oh no Sam...I've got to pull myself together here...he's a ghost. He's evil...and he probably already considers me as his victim...Sam shook her head.Why me?! Sam thought as she stared into the sky blankly.

Phantom's head was rushing with thoughts as he slowly rubbed the girl's back. He needed some time to think and this worked well. With Cujo guarding the entrance he had a chance to keep her here if she tried to escape and keep others out. It wasn't often he got a chance like this to just relax. And it was fun playing with the young girl's emotions. One thing about being a ghost you could feel others emotions. He felt fear, concern, and confusion. Running through her. It was invigorating. The thoughts running through his own mind weren't though.

Why did I let Valerie go? Honestly he didn't care two cents about the girl but for some reason he couldn't find it in his empty soul to kill her. Oh well the ones that lived suffered more then the ones that didn't. Yes that brought a smile to his face, the idea that that caused more pain made it all the more fun to have handed the young huntress to Skulker to toy with. She deserved it being part of the rebellion and the pain she'd caused attacking him made it all the more reason for his sweet revenge to be realized.

He liked it though being able to do this once more with a human girl, rubbing her back, and playing with her silky hair. She was more fun to toy with then even murder was. Heh he liked doing this, and to think he'd never thought about doing it before. But his eyes flashed crimson for a moment. Angry at himself for letting his emotions be caught up from Cujo's entrance.Maybe it wasn't the best idea to call him.

Yet he had a soft spot for that little guy one that no other thing could fill but then again no one else could put him to real emotions like the puppy. He didn't mind it too much it didn't always happen when Cujo was around but it did sometimes and that was the time he needed to be cautious. Still the little pup could be some use. Looking to the young teen he had in his arms he smirked as a little idea began to form in his head. Yes a very good use.

Sam continued to stare into the sky. Everything seemed peaceful around her. She forgot the fact that Phantom was still rubbing her back and playing with her hair, and the soft breeze blowing on her face, it felt like a lullaby to her. Her eyes began to feel heavy. No Sam, you can't fall asleep...not now... I must stay awake. Sam let out a heavy sigh. But I'm so tired...I've been through a lot today. Without realizing she quickly had fallen asleep in his arms.

Phantom soon noticed that Sam had fallen asleep. He grinned, and slowly set her down on the small bed of straw some one had left there. Kissing her on the cheek. Poor little thing so exhausted from all that happened, I almost forgot how fragile they are... he was tempted to have a little fun while she was asleep but he found quick as a flash Cujo right in his face growling at him with his red eyes glowing. Phantom was unmoved but looked to the dog after a few moments of eye contact he groaned finally sighing. "Okay fine you win." He glared playfully at the puppy. "You like her don't you?" The pup nodded. This surprised him because Cujo hated humans almost as much as his master did. But he seemed attached to this one.

Well this is good thing, my plan will work out even better that way. he thought to himself with a chuckle. Scooping up the tired girl in his arms. He motioned the puppy to follow. Together they started flying into the sky. Skulker had done what he could to Valerie because there was no sign of the ghost hunter around. Slowly he neared the teen's house.

Phasing through the room, Cujo followed but was a little tense at the thought of going in a human's home. But he loved his master enough to do as he was told. Once inside the girl's bedroom, he put her on the bed, but Cujo barked lifting up the sheet with his teeth. Sighing Phantom shook his head amused at his friend. And did as he wanted placing her under the covers. Then he turned to leave Cujo as he started to leave with him. But he shook his head. "Stay here." he said to him. Cujo seemed a little skeptical about doing this but nodded, and climbed on top the bed to rest his head at her feet. Only looking up for a moment to see his master before the ghost boy took off. Phantom chuckled as he left. Perfect. he thought to himself pleased with his plan.

A/N: There is nothing more in a different language except the title and the chapters. We just wanted to make our work a little more exotic I guess XD

Translations from French to English

Embrasser Obscurite - Embracing Darkness
- Flight