The shrill obnoxious ringing snapped Link out of his sleep, resulting in him jolting upright, knocking his head on the headboard, and falling off the bed with a loud 'clunk!'

A groan came from behind the bed before a single hand reached up to grab at the covers, Link yanking himself upright. He stumbled to his still blaring cell phone, picking up and answering with a gruff "What?!"

"Ooh, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning!" a feminine voice chirped from the other side, all together too cheery for Link's early morning attitude.

"More like fell off of it," he growled, eyeing his desk and contemplating whether to pound his head on it. "Can I help you this fine freezing morning, Zelda?"

The girl giggled, causing Link to shiver with a slight foreboding. Oh yeah, something was up.

"Just wanted to invite you out for an easy day in the town with Sheik and I today, Link."

Oh. Sheik.

"One second, just lemme check my planner," Link said, yanking open a drawer on his desk and pulling out a black school planner. He stared at the entire blank day for 'Saturday.'

"Sorry Zeld, I'm booked," he said, snapping the planner shut and stuffing it haphazardly back into the drawer, attempting to close it and not succeeding. "Very full day."

"Oh, I'm sorry, then. We were going to go to Times Square and shop!" Zelda replied. "Well still go, of course!" Link said, glancing at the clock. 7:30. "Have fun without me."

"I'm sorry, Link. Maybe next time?"

"Yeah. For sure."

"Mm'kay. Bye!"

"Bye." Link hung up the phone, set it down on the desk, and promptly crashed back onto the bed, falling asleep within five minutes.


"You aren't very bright, are you, boy?"

Dark held a hand over his cheek, probably bruising from the harsh punch delivered to it. He scowled up through his hair at the large man before him, who was grinning in return. He didn't say anything in reply.

"I mean, honestly! Not even going that far! You stayed at Central Park, of all places. You know how many people I've got wandering there." The tall man reached down, yanking dark up by the collar of his shirt, growling not an inch from the boy's nose. "Haven't you learned that I let you out if you behave? All I require is a favor or two and that you're back on time, and I don't care! But then you go and break in Jake's nose. You're a stupid boy."

The large man shoved Dark back down, his knees crashing painfully on the cement floor. "Lock him in a room for two days without food. Then we'll see what happens."


Link stared at his reflection blearily in the mirror for a moment, blinking off sleep from his eyes. After Zelda's call, he'd managed to get in two more hours before having to drag himself out of bed. His head hurt from its friendly encounter with the headboard, and he was grumpy. He wanted to sleep but had found an inability to do so, therefore having to settle for waking up around ten.

Link finally flipped on the cold water, filling the sink as high as it could go. He stared at himself in the water for a moment before dunking his head under the freezing water, effectively waking himself up.

The neighbors jumped a few inches when the loud yelp filled the second floor of their apartment building.

Link immediately toweled his hair down, ridding his face of the freezing water. It didn't help that winter was approaching all too soon and he hadn't bothered turning on his heater, therefore making his blank apartment freezing.

He scowled through the wet blonde locks at his reflection once more before brushing the mess of hair behind his head and walking into the kitchen, grabbing himself a quick breakfast. After burning himself and hurting his foot due to lack of coordination in the mornings, he pulled on a black sweatshirt and shoes and escaped his apartment which he still hadn't bothered to turn the heater on in.

He soon found himself at his bank, making a withdrawal.

"Have a good day, Link!" He smiled at the cheerful girl grinning at him and handing him the few bills he could pull out without losing that month's food supply.

"Thanks," he said, smiling tiredly back.

"Don't move."

Link froze as a cold metal was put up against the back of his head. The girl in front of him wasn't moving, smile simply gone and eyes wide with fear. In an instant, the entire hall of the bank was filled with silence and a few shocked noises.

Link closed his eyes, fist clenching.


"You're to rob a bank."

Dark stared at the large man, bewildered.

"You and some of my men, not Jake, of course, are going to rob a bank. Simple. Easy. Done in two minutes."

Dark didn't say anything, just listened with silent rage.

"If you do not do this, you will suffer the consequences. You know how that can be, don't you?"

A twitch of Dark's arm. Memories engraved on his skin in scars.

"Take him."


"Give me what you just received." Link opened his eyes, eyebrows furrowed in an angry manner. He handed the few twenties to the person behind him. "Now turn around."

Link slowly turned. His eyes widened in a mirror image of the eyes of those across from him.

The man from the park, looking so much like Link and so different at the same time.

"Maybe..." Link whispered.


Dark stared at the familiar face in shock. What was he doing here? Why him? Why?

"Maybe..." he whispered, and Dark remembered the man's name as Link.

Dark didn't say a word, instead just instantly knocking the hard end of the gun over Link's head, effectively knocking him out. He slung him over his shoulder, walking to the teller with his gun aimed forward. "Empty them."

The girl nodded, tears ready to pour down her face in fear. She instantly emptied the bills into the bag he had on the counter. He nodded once and pointed to the floor behind the counter. She understood and ducked down.

"Do we have it all?" he asked the other men, ignoring their quizzical looks to the man over his shoulder.

"Yes, we do, Dark." Dark nodded once at the reply and gestured towards the front, letting the others go first. He pretended to follow them, instead taking a quick turn before they noticed and out through a hall. He kicked open a side door to the alley and took off as fast as he could with Link on his back.


Link groaned, hand instantly reaching up to his head to feel a large and aching bump. What was it with him getting hit on the head lately?

As the question rang through his mind, realization sent a shot of adrenaline through his body and he jolted up, eyes snapping open. He was instantly stopped with a strong hand pushing him back down. He stared into the red eyes of Dark silently for a moment before yelping and fighting back at the hand. Dark's eyes widened but he quickly straddled Link's waist, pinning him down by his forearms.

"Shh." Dark stared at him for a moment, met with a fierce scowl of Link's.

"What the hell?!" Link yelled, ignoring the wince on Dark's face at his loud voice. "First you save my life in Central Park, then you rob me and knock me over the head with a gun, and kidnap me?! I mean seriousl—" Link growled and tried to bite at and yank off the hand that Dark had clamped over his mouth.

"Shh!" Dark tightened his hold a bit threateningly. "You want them to find us?!"

"Mm-shn thaym?" Link attempted to ask through the hand. Dark sent a single stern look before removing his hand to let Link speak. "Who's they?" Link repeated.

"Can't tell you," Dark said, earning another round of attempted escapes from Link.

"Would you cut it out?!" Dark snapped. "I'm trying to save you here!"

"He says after knocking me out and kidnapping me," Link muttered grumpily.

Dark was about to reply when loud footsteps echoed behind the two of them.


I can't stop eating rice cakes and listening to Vengaboys. I don't know why.

Maybe it's a 'yay you finished your geophysical science homework!' self-congratulations.

I hope you liked. Yay for cliff hangers.

I also can't think of anything else to write at the moment.

