For my lovely Zazums, who puts up with me during the worst times and the best.

I don't own anything.

Legolas looked up at the gray sky before starting his walk to school. Gondor High. Home to the Gondor Hawks.

No doubt when he got to the school he would be run over by cheerleaders, pushed around by the basketball players then late for home room because Faramir was busy dodging his brother and the other sports teams trying to get him to join. It happened everyday, without fail, for the past year.

He mentally went over his checklist for school, trying to remember anything important, like his sixth period math test he hadn't studied for.

'Damn.' Maybe staying up till two last night wasn't the best idea. For the last five months Legolas's routine after school was, homework, draw, eat, computer for art research, draw something, then draw more, well into the night.

His father, who was usually supportive of his eldest and only son, had told him that he was not paying for any more 'art items' after Legolas had a thousand dollars worth of paints sent to the house.

Not that Legolas understood why his dad was so mad about it. They were loaded, but whatever, his father told him he'd understand it when he had kids of his own.

But his dad knew that he couldn't have kids of his own. Legolas Greenleaf, at the ripe age of 16 (as of last month, thank you, very much) was gay. Not that his father cared. He actually was fine with it and pushed Legolas to adopt. Or well, had 'stubble hints', which Legolas had thought was about as stubble as a bull raging through a library. So, yes, Legolas Greenleaf, was gay.

Let's move on.

Legolas took a left to another street, and saw his school in sight, waking from his train of thought.

Gondor High.

The Brick building was fairly new. Everything inside had been updated within the last ten years. The bricks were covered in white and blue paint, the school colors. Also residing on the wall was a huge hawk surrounded by the basketball team, painted into the picture. It was changed every season. Yes. Good for our tax money, going to paintings of something so stupid, but yet he shouldn't be complaining. The art department's materials got updated every two years, because of the painting. Who ever was on the basketball team was like a god. Even the benchwarmers.

The basketball team was coached by Gandalf. A cheery old man, who seemed to solve problems by inviting students for tea, or if he thought they had problems.

Legolas had never been invited, but Faramir had, when his father issues had gotten to be to much for him. One second Faramir had been scowling and swearing at anyone who looked at him, the next, ushered off to Gandalf's office. The next time he saw Faramir, he was smiling and talking about Friday night plans. The students all seemed to have a weird respect for Gandalf.

Legolas failed to dodge the giggling group of cheerleaders getting hit with there insanely huge pompoms.

No innuendo intended.

Legolas felt another hard bump to his side, by a stray cheerleader and feel off balance still dazed by the hits from the pompoms. He fell back onto something hard.

He turned. "Thank yo-"

He froze when he saw his savior was Aragorn.

If you asked Legolas to give you a twenty second synopsis on Aragorn he would have told you,

"Star basketball player, Good-looking. Most popular, drooled over, boy in school. His grades are good, not great and he's dating my cousin, Arwen Evenstar, who was the best looking girl in school. Perfect couple. Did I mention his polite attitude and sense of what's right make him even more amazing? He's also the adopted son of my Uncle Elrond"

"Legolas? Words please" Aragorn said politely, joking.

"T-Thank you" He said quickly.

"No big deal. How's your head?" Aragorn asked.

"What? Oh! F-fine" Legolas said feeling immensely stupid.

"Good, See you" Aragorn smiled and walked off.

Legolas sighed and continued walking.

It wasn't that he was on bad terms with Aragorn, or any of his cousins. He just felt weird around Aragorn. Not uncomfortable, just a feeling, in his stomach, and a slight liking towards Aragorn which wasn't 'cousinly'. Okay, fine, he'll admit it. A crush on Aragorn.

God, the word was so juvenile. When he went to family parties he usually kept his distance from Aragorn. Which was fine, He hung out with Elladan and Elrohir, his twin cousins. They got along really well, but they didn't talk much in school.

Not that, they ignored him. They just hung out with different groups. The great thing about having the best looking and most popular family as your relatives was that no one really wanted to mess with Legolas, for they knew that Elladan, Elrohir, Aragorn and Arwen would have stopped them. And no one wanted to upset the 'amazingly popular family'. So they just left him in peace.

He was thankful for that. He just wanted to get though high school in one piece, then go off and draw somewhere. He didn't want immense popularity. Nor did he want people watching his every move. He'd stay away from that happily.

Legolas felt a gentle push from behind. He turned and was greeted by Faramir and Gimli.

"Are you alright? I was calling you for a while" Faramir said, concern in his voice.

"Yeah, Just staying up all night again." Legolas said rubbing his eyes.

Gimli looked up at them. "Legolas, are you going out for any sports this season?"

They all laughed.

That was the inside joke between the three of them. Legolas was okay at sports, he just had his art he liked better. Faramir was amazing, the image of his brother as a sophomore (though now this was Boromir's last year at the school and all the sports kept trying to get Faramir),but Faramir hated sports and preferred writing over anything, which lead to problems between his father and him.

The only reason Faramir had came to any of the basketball games was to watch and support Boromir. For brothers, they got on surprisingly well.

Gimli was far to short to play any sports or anyone to take him seriously. He was just reaching five feet and had the reddest hair, earning him names like, dwarf. Gimli was also a bit 'big boned' as he called it, which didn't help. Gimli had joined their group in the middle of their freshman year after helping Faramir out of a suspension for a prank on the lacrosse team.

"Gimli, I think you should try out for the basketball team, this time you might get called back." Faramir teased.

Gimli sighed. "It would be so nice to be a sophomore again. Not having the worries of a junior." He finished dramatically. Then he added more softly "Or having to deal with the, basketball teams' starters."

The nodded. Faramir and Legolas were both the same age and in the same home room, thankfully. Gimli wasn't so lucky. The Basketball team was made up of ten players. Five were Juniors, three were seniors and two were Sophomores.

Faramir and Legolas had Math together.

They had electives with the upperclassmen so Gimli was in art. They took turns picking electives. Last term they took metal shop for Gimli (Legolas hated it.) This term was art, then next term was Faramir's choice, which would most likely be creative writing or poetry.

"Yes but this term, I'm taking a Social Studies course, with the juniors." Legolas said.

"Oh yes, I forgot, Mr. Academics. Excelling in everything." Gimli snorted teasing.

Legolas shook his head. The warning bell rung. Legolas started down the hallway waving goodbye to Gimli and talking to Faramir. He felt a hard push and he nearly fell.

Did everyone feel the need to push him today?

He turned around, Eomer, was glaring at him.

"You know you should say, apologize, for bumping into a upperclassman"

Legolas resisted rolling his eyes.

"Oh, Sorry your highness" Legolas said sarcastically bowing.

Eomer glared. "Best watch your mouth"

"It's hard to not bump into your ego when it comes down the hall" Faramir said coolly.

"Just because your brother,-"

"Is there a problem, Eomer?"

The three of them turned to see Aragorn with his arm around Arwen's waist. Eomer frowned.

"No, just…..leaving" He said as he walked off, still glaring at Legolas.

Aragorn looked at Legolas and grinned.

"That's two times today. Making trouble?" Aragorn teased.

Legolas mentally cursed. "No. Uhm.."

"Homeroom! Wormtongue won't be happy if we're late again." Faramir said grabbing Legolas and running off. Leaving an amused Arwen and Aragorn.

They sprinted down the hall towards their homeroom making it just in time to hear the bell.

"You just made it" Mr. Wormtongue greeted, frowning. "Take a seat, Mr. Greenleaf, Mr. Steward."

Legolas and Faramir took two open seats next to each other.

"Legolas, you didn't tell me you liked, Aragorn!" Faramir said quietly.

"I don't" Legolas protested.

"Yes, which is why, you who is very articulate, couldn't form a coherent vowel sound around him. I also think that you turned as red as the Rohan Riders' uniforms.

Legolas let his head fall to the desk with a thump.

"Dear God. Is it that blatant?" he asked.

"Well, yeah. I'm not going to sugar coat it for you" Faramir smirked. "Don't worry though. If he had a problem with you liking him he might have said something a while ago."

Legolas just sighed. Life was beginning to suck.

"Welcome to 10 grade, Legolas" Faramir mumbled.

This is what you get with a request from your friend, two energy drinks and a mountain dew and two½ days. Sorry if it's confusing or boring. I hate writing 1st chapters.
Please review!