A/N: This story has been on hiatus because I started working on another story at the same time. So, I put this one away so I could focus on the other one which I will start posting soon. Anyway, I'm back to this story and I hope I will be able to provide updates a little more regularly.
For those who are still with me, Thank you. I know it's not easy to stick with a story when the updates are not very regular. So, again, you guys rock!
As usual, feedback is very much appreciated.
Chapter 18: Brotherly Love
Spencer tensed up a little as she heard the front door and the familiar voice of her older brother announcing his arrival. She closed her eyes for a second, took a deep breath and prepared herself mentally for the long afternoon ahead of her. Talking to Glen about Ashley sometimes felt like talking to a wall.
As she headed for the family living room, she couldn't help but get lost in memories, how things used to be, how Ashley and Glen used to be friends despite their rocky beginning. Because despite everything, they both had one thing in common, and that was Spencer. And that was just the middle ground each needed to make peace and learn to appreciate each other.
Approaching the room, she heard a voice she couldn't recognize. As she entered, her gaze fell upon her older brother who smiled at her. She smiled back. Despite their many fights, she never doubted Glen's love for her. After all, she was his little sister, his family and that, Glen cherished above all else. He was genuinely happy to see her and the feeling was mutual as she let herself be embraced into a big bear hug.
"Hey Glen!" Spencer just said. "How are you?"
"I'm good! Never been better actually! You!"
"Can't complain."
"So, where's my favorite nephew ?"
"Glen", she laughed, "He's your only nephew."
"And that's why he's my favorite. So where is the little guy?"
"Upstairs, playing video games."
When Spencer called for Julian, she finally saw the source of the unfamiliar voice who had remained quiet. A young woman, with long dark hair and green eyes. The woman was beautiful, no doubt about it. And knowing the Carlin's weakness for gorgeous brunettes, she instantly knew this was probably Glen's latest girlfriend. Looking at the woman in front of her, Spencer smiled. She always found funny that Glen and herself would be attracted to the same type of women, at least physically speaking.
The woman locked eyes with Spencer and smiled at her. Spencer returned the smile.
"Spence, allow me to introduce you to Megan, my girlfriend. Meg, this is my little sister, Spencer. And the little guy here", he added pointing at Julian who just made his appearance in the living room, "is my nephew, Julian."
Megan extended her hand to Spencer.
"It's nice to meet you." She said.
"Likewise." Answered Spencer shaking Megan's hand.
As the hour passed and Glen was playing with Julian, Spencer got to know Megan. She was actually quite nice and very different from the other girls Glen had been dating in the past. She remembered that Ashley used to tease him about that, he only dated screw-ups so that he could avoid his mother's constant nagging about settling down and giving her another grandchild.
Megan was 29 years-old, a math teacher in highschool and from what she could gather had been dating Glen for the past 4 months which was a record for Glen. In other words, Megan was the perfect future daughter-in-law and she looked forward to Megan's introduction to Paula because she knew that Paula would be pushing Glen even more now.
As the conversation started to shift towards Spencer's personal life, Spencer felt hesitant. She didn't know what Glen had told Megan and she knew the subject of Ashley was about to come up. Spencer could see that Megan had noticed Spencer's slight confusion.
"I don't mean to pry, if you feel uncomfortable to talk about it to a person you've met 3 hours ago, I understand."
"No, it's not that." Spencer answered sincerely. "It's just, I don't know how much Glen has told you about me exactly because my situation is a bit complicated at the moment." She added glancing quickly at Glen who was still busy with Julian.
"Well, he doesn' talk about it much. Just like with your other brother, each time I try to talk to him he shuts down, like it's kind of a sore spot for him."
"Well, you're right about that!" Spencer laughed.
"Well, I know that you were married to Ashley Davies, the singer, and that you're now separated. But that's pretty much it ?" Megan asked kindly.
"Well, then you know the most important. I assume Glen doesn't talk about it much because he and Ashley don't really get along nowadays."
"No. Honestly when I learned that he was Ashley Davies brother-in-law, I couldn't believe it. I tried to ask him what it was like being connected to someone that famous. Because I have to tell you, most of my students are big fan of hers."
"I'll pass that on." Laughed Spencer.
"You know what, if my students learn that I'm dating Ashley Davies' brother-in-law, they're gonna go crazy."
"Somehow I don't think Glen will appreciate your sudden increase in popularity, especially if Ashley is the reason."
"So, I'm guessing when you said they don't get along, you meant they really don't get along."
"The situation is complicated and they used to be friends, so I'm hoping that one day it can be fixed."
"That's why I also learned very quickly that Ashley Davies is a sore subject for him."
"It is, indeed." Spencer answered, sighing.
"Don't worry." Megan added softly, smiling. "Families. They all have issues, no matter where you come from."
Spencer decided that she definitely liked this girl and maybe there was still hope for Glen after all. The fact that he dated someone like Megan proved that he had done some growing up, after all.
"So Glen told me you write those "Worlds Beyond" Books. My two nieced love those books and I have to admit, I love reading with them. They're fantastic. So, you're the future J.K. Rowling."
Spencer laughed. "Yeah, well, I'm not quite there yet."
"From what I can tell, these books are getting more and more popular. So, why not?"
"Well, we'll see. But I'm just glad people are enjoying these books because I love writing them."
Yep, Spencer definitely liked the girl and could see herself becoming fast friends with her. And after talking with her, Spencer realised that talking to Glen wasn't such a good idea after all. Creating a scene in front of Megan was not a good idea either, especially with Julian in the house. She would find a way to get her brother alone later in the week and talk to him. But not today, she decided.
"Well, do you mind if the boys intrude on your girl time." Asked Glen sitting down on the couch next to Megan.
"Not at all." Spencer smiled.
"Where's Dad ?" Glen asked Spencer.
"He went to pick up Mom at the market. Car trouble again."
"Again, I told Mom to get rid of this old car and buy a new one."
"Well, I think she's about to listen."
Later on, as Julian insisted on playing with Megan outside, Glen and Spencer found themselves alone.
"So, what do you think?" asked Glen.
"About what ?" smiled Spencer, knowing exactly what he was asking.
"About what ?" Glen mimicked. "About her ?"
"She's a really nice girl, so not your usual type. It's kind of refreshing." Spencer laughed.
"Yeah, I know. I can't believe she actually agreed to go on a date with me in the first place."
"You know when Mom meets her, Father Gabriel will be on speed dial."
"Tell me about it!"
"At least, it'll get her off my back for a while." Spencer sighed.
"I know about Ash!" she heard him say. She almost froze not knowing what was coming after that.
"What do you mean ?" she asked him avoiding his gaze. She didn't want to see the look in her brother's eyes. The same look she had seen dozens of times before, the look that says "Why are you wasting your life with her?" She tried so many times to make them understand but in the end she was sure that her mother or Glen never understood the depth of the connection between Ashley and herself. And she didn't think they ever would.
"Megan was watching E! And apparently they had footage of you and Ashley entering a rehab center."
"Damn paparazzi!" Spencer just huffed. She was getting sick of those brown nosers always hiding somewhere. She had gotten used to it but it didn't mean she had to like it.
"So she's trying again ?" Glen asked in a way that was a little too sarcastic for Spencer.
"Yes, she is and this time she's serious about it. Dad and I found the center so it won't be these 3 days bullshit she's gone through previously." She said anger lingering in her voice.
Glen recognized the tone immediately and was wondering what to do. He knew that he had been harsh on Spencer over the last couple of years mainly because of Ashley. But he had also learned that when it came to Ashley, his sister wasn't about to listen to him, she would be doing things her way. He had tried over and over again to help her realize that Ashley was no good for her, to no avail. Spencer had stuck by her every step of the way until Julian's life had been at stake. That's when Spencer lost it and finally threw in the towel. Right now, he was starting to see that losing Spencer was not worth it, he had some groveling to do because he had almost ruined his relationship with his sister because of his personal feelings for Ashley. And now was the time to make up for it and rebuild what they had slowly destroyed over the last few years.
"Ok, no need to get angry, Spence. I was just asking."
"No, that was the way you asked, Glen. I'm perfectly aware that Ashley has a bad history when it comes to rehab centers, but if she tells me that she's serious then I have to support her."
"But she has disappointed you before. What makes you think she won't do it again." He asked her knowing he was about to anger his sister even more. But he also knew he had to ask.
"Because this is her last chance. And she knows it. And I believe her."
"Why ?" he asked already knowing the answer.
"Because I have to, Glen. Because I need to. No matter how messed up she is, she's still the love of my life. And she always will be, no matter what, even if we're not together. She's my soulmate, Glen. I know you never understood it and I don't blame you because you don't know her the way I do."
"I know..."
"No, that's just it, Glen. You don't know. And I don't think you ever will. She's my family and maybe we haven't been much of a family for this past year, but right now she's trying and that's all I care about. If she's trying, then I will be there for her."
"So, will you two get back together ?"
"I don't know, Glen. It's too soon to tell. We have a lot to work out before, but right now it's about Ashley getting better and nothing will come in between for the moment. I told Ashley the same thing, first she has to get better then we'll see where we stand."
"If you're sure this is what you want..." he sighed.
"Yes, I'm sure. Glen, I know you don't like Ashley very much right now, but..." she started before Glen interrupted her.
"It's not that I don't like Ashley, Spence. I'm just trying to protect you. You're my baby sister, no matter how old you are, you will always be my baby sister."
"I know why you're doing this, Glen, I'm not stupid. But I also know that you have to trust me when it comes to Ashley."
"You, I trust. It's Ashley I don't trust."
Spencer looked at her older brother and despite his words, she knew he was trying, she knew that he was finally going to give Ashley the benefit of the doubt. He was trying to mend their relationship and she had to give him at least that.
"I know, Glen. That's why I'm asking you to trust me. What happened with Julian will never happen again, I swear to you. It might not look like it right now, but Ashley will never let it happen again. That much, I know. It eats her deep inside, I can tell even if you can't see the remorse because of all the drinking, I know it's there and that's enough."
"Ok." He finally said after a few seconds of silence.
"Ok ?" she asked him. "You're sure ?"
"Yes. But she better be serious about it, otherwise I will kick her ass." He smiled.
"And I'll let you do it." She smiled back at her brother.
"Deal ?"
After that conversation with Glen, Spencer felt like a weight was lifted from her shoulders. The afternoon turned out better than she had hoped and having her brother by her side meant the world to her.