This is going to be a LONG story by the way with, what I hope is, a complicated plot.

I spent all of yesterday making myself a staff, it looks so cool and it's very rewarding because I made it all by myself.

Anywho, I love my boyfriend!

The Tea Party is a fucking awesome band!

I'm lap sized! Literally! I'm 5'3" and my weight fluctuates between 120lbs and 135lbs! I am two inches taller than I was when summer started!

It might seem like I'm rushing the pairings along, but you gotta remember that these guys have all known each other for a long time before this story comes along. So beat FF7, then watch Advent Children, then beat FF7 Dirge of Cerberus, and finally read this fic and everything will make sense.

"Does anyone want to explain this to me?" Nanaki asked when he walked onto the deck to see Cloud half supporting Sephiroth. Curiously, he sniffed the air and a look of realization spread across his face. "He's not tainted by Jenova anymore."

Sephiroth nodded, barely restraining a grimace when he was lowered into a chair. When Cloud moved away, he tugged the blonde into his lap. "They already know you love me," he smirked and nipped Cloud's ear, making the normally stoic man blush brightly. "All the need to know is that I love you too."

"I hope you have a better fucking reason for calling us all fucking up here," Cid growled, lighting up a cigarette. He took a long drag from it and then had it plucked from his lips. "Hey! What the…" He trailed off when he realized it was Vincent who took it.

Vincent just quirked a brow at the blonde pilot and he took a drag from the cigarette, two thin tendrils of smoke slipped from his nose before the rest was softly blown from his mouth. "My first one in 38 years," he commented off-handedly and took another drag before giving it back to Cid.

"Hey, it ain't my place to judge," Cid shrugged, deciding that Vincent's slender hands were made for holding a cigarette.

"What's up with you old man?" Yuffie asked, surprised Vincent still had his head attached after taking Cid's cancer stick.

"I AIN'T OLD!" Cid yelled, his teeth clenching in anger. "Barret's older than I am you little hag."

"HAG!" Yuffie screamed and ran at Cid, who just side stepped, making her run head long into Vincent, which was similar to running head long into a brick wall. With a small "ugh" she fell to the floor.

Vincent helped Yuffie to her feet and whispered something in her ear that made her face turn red and her eyes go wide. Smirking behind the high collar of his cloak, he returned to Cid's side, his hand gently palming the blonde's backside, which no one noticed.

"Vincent, stop molesting Cid," Cloud said when Cid jumped slightly. He removed himself from Sephiroth's lap much to the longhaired man's chagrin. "Hojo is still alive and he's brought Jenova back to life."


After the meeting, Sephiroth approached, with some difficulty, Vincent. "What was my Mother like?" He asked the man bluntly.

"She was a kind and gentle woman, she wanted to help people, not hurt them. After Hojo took you away, she fought to get you back, she never wanted you to have this fate," Vincent said, he was surprised that now thoughts of Lucrecia no longer caused him pain. He smiled on the inside when he realized what he had felt for Lucrecia paled in comparison to what he felt for Cid. "You look a lot like her. She would be proud of you for changing."

Sephiroth nodded, "thank you for telling me this," he said and slowly made his way to where Cloud was standing. While he could walk short distances, he still needed help making it around the Shera.

"Where too Cloud?" Cid asked, manning the controls of his airship.

Cloud thought about if for a moment. "Nibelheim, we might be able to find some clue as to where Hojo is if he went back to gather his research on Jenova," he said as he wrapped his arm around Sephiroth's waist, taking a majority of the man's weight.

"You got it," Cid said began ordering his crew around, preparing for take off. All the while an idea was forming in the back of his mind. "Hey Vince, get up here, I'm gonna teach ya how to steer this baby," he grinned, making his crew's eyes go wide, Cid never let anyone steer the Shera.

Vincent smiled behind his cloak and walked over to Cid. He rose a questioning brow when all Cid did was look at him expectantly. And then it hit him. "I'm not taking off my cloak."

"I ain't gonna teach you anything when you're wearing that," Cid said firmly and just stared at Vincent. When staring failed, he pulled out his secret weapon, puppy dog eyes. "Please take it off, for me?"

Vincent tried his best to resist the power of Cid's big baby blues but his resolve soon melted and he found himself removing the mass of red material. "Better?" He asked and was met with that smug, cocksure Highwind smile.

"Much. Now there's not much to steering really," Cid grinned and tugged on the gunman's arm until Vincent stood in front of the helm. "Since you're new at this, two hands on the helm at all times, I don't want you crashing my baby," he said and placed Vincent's hands on the helm, pressing himself flush against the brunette's back while resting his hands on top of the gunner's.

As Cid said, there wasn't much to steering Vincent decided. After a few moments of learning how Cid moved the help and how the ship reacted to the movements, he was steering on his own, but the pilot was still pressed against his back, not that he minded.

"Not bad, but I think that's enough," Cid said and put the Shera on autopilot. Reluctantly, he moved away from Vincent. He was about to say something when Yuffie burst into the room.

"Dinner!" The little ninja yelled and ran off to tell the remaining people.

"You go on ahead, I have to do something really quick, save me a seat next to you," Cid said and walked off to talk to a crewmember, not giving Vincent a chance to say anything.

Vincent sighed and headed off for dinner, tempted not to save Cid a seat.

"You better not fucking screw this up," Cid growled quietly to a crewmember who nodded. "I'm trusting you here. Check to see if you have everything you need, if you don't tell me and I'll come up with some excuse to stop off in Kalm so you can get what you need. I want it done by the time we're finished in Nibelheim. What's your name?"

"Yes Captain and it's Andrew," Andrew said and rushed off to check the supplies, thrilled that Cid had put him in charge of such a large project.


"Thanks," Cid said and slipped into the chair next to Vincent, pressing a quick kiss to the silent and still cloakless man. "Damn Tifa, you made all this?" He asked making Tifa blush when a plate loaded with mashpotatoes, gravy, and roast beef was placed in front of everyone.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, Captain, I need to speak to you immediately," Andrew said, interrupting the meal.

Cid sighed and stood, pressing a small kiss to Vincent's lips before leaving the room with Andrew. "What is it?" He growled, upset he had to leave his food and his lover.

"We need more supplies for the…project," Andrew said, trying his best not to be phased by the Captain's temper.

"Fine, we'll stop in Kalm tomorrow, you'll have the day to get what you need and have it all planned out. I want it to be fucking flawless or else," Cid growled and went back into the room where he truly wanted to be. "Cloud, we have to stop in Kalm for some fucking supplies tomorrow and to fucking refuel. It'll take the day to do."

Cloud nodded, a day in Kalm wasn't a bad idea, it would give him a chance to pick up some potions to fully heal Sephiroth. "Okay, it'll give us a chance to get prepared, who knows what we'll face in the mansion."

Sephiroth remained silent through out the meal, having the feeling he still wasn't completely welcome. So he sat next to Cloud, quietly eating, watching everyone as they ate and spoke to each other.

Once everyone was done, the argument over who would do the dishes ensued. It ended when Vincent pulled out his gun and allowed himself, Cid, Cloud, Sephiroth, Reno, and Rude to escape while Nanaki and Yuffie slipped away on their own, leaving Barret to do the dishes because Tifa cooked.


Cid pinned Vincent against the wall just outside his room. He bit down on the gunner's neck, his nose filling with sweet, spicy, intoxicating scent that was distinctly Vincent. Each sweet sound that came from the gunman's lips, he relished in.

"Cid, room, now," Vincent moaned, he wanted the pilot inside him and he wanted it now. He yanked Cid off him and stared into the Captain's bright blue eyes. "I want you now," he growled and yanked open the door to Cid's room, shoving the blonde inside before following him inside, locking the door behind him.

Cid found himself laying flat on his back on his bed with Vincent straddling his hips, roughly removing both their clothes. Soon they were both naked and he flipped their positions, fusing his lips to Vincent's as he reached into the drawer of the bedside table and pulled out a bottle of lube. "You're gorgeous," he said after breaking the kiss, looking at the lithe man beneath him.

"Cid," Vincent gasped when a lubed finger slipped inside him. He rolled his hips back against the intrusion and moaned deeply when a second finger was added. His back arched when a third finger slipped in and brutally began to stimulate his prostate. "I want you in me now!"

Cid pulled his fingers out of Vincent, the gunner whimpering at the loss. He slicked up his cock and thrust in to the hilt in one go. "God, Vincent, you're so tight," he moaned and gritted his teeth waiting for Vincent to adjust to the intrusion.

"Move," Vincent said and thrust back against Cid, forcing him in deeper. He cried out when the pilot began to pound into him. His claw hand dug into the bed, ripping through the fabric as his flesh hand squeezed the blonde's shoulder, his fingernails digging into Cid's flesh.

"God Vincent," Cid moaned and reached between their bodies, stroking Vincent's neglected cock in time with his thrusts.

"CID!" Vincent yelled as he spilled his seed between their bodies, his inner walls clamping around Cid's cock, sending the man over the edge.

"VINCENT!" Cid yelled as he filled the man, collapsing on top of the gunner.

They laid there panting until Cid rolled off Vincent, pulling the gunman against him. He nuzzled his face against that mass of black hair, inhaling that sweet scent, lulling him to sleep along with the steady breathing of the gunner who was already in dreamland.

Yay! A new chapter! Woo!

I hope to build a relationship with you, my adoring fans, like I have with my Snarry fans. So, read my damn author's notes and review goddamnit!