"Hey Sam!" Danny greeted.

He smiled warmly at her then turned his attention to the boy beside her.

"Who's this?" he questioned in a more defensive tone.

"This is Alex O'Hare. I met him yesterday while I was out wandering the streets!" she motioned with her hand towards him.

"Hey Alex, I'm Tucker Foley; 'professional ghost hunter and computer genius, all rolled into one lovable babe-magnet'!" boasted Tucker proudly as he lifted his hand.

"Nice to meet you Tucker!" Alex laughed as he shook his hand cheerfully and looked him over, "And this must by Danny Fenton!"

He smiled at Danny who simple stared at him in confusion and anger. Alex stretched out his hand for Danny to shake.

"Good to finally meet you!" Alex continued grinning.

Danny looked down at his outstretched hand before looking back up at him. Alex smile faltered slightly and he chuckled nervously as he retracted his hand.

"So, what are you in to?" inquired Tucker, sneaking a glance at Danny.

"Uh, I guess you could say I'm an 'urban skater' and, hopefully, soon to be ghost hunter-"

"Says who?!" interrupted Danny bluntly.

"Says me!" defended Sam, "We need all the help we can get out here!"

"Damn right!" muttered Tucker in agreement.

"You can't just pick nobody's off the street to help us!" informed Danny rudely.

"He's not a nobody- he's a legend! Best skater I've ever met!" exclaimed Sam as she folded her arms.

Alex smirked and blushed slightly at the compliment as he stared intently at his black Converse as if they were the most interesting things in the world.

"And besides, I owe him!" she continued.

"Owe him? For what?!" asked an exasperated Danny.

"He's teaching me to skate…"

Danny and Tucker looked at Sam for a moment before Tucker burst out laughing and Danny raised an eyebrow at her.

"Since when have you taken up skateboarding lessons?!" Tucker laughed, clutching his side.

"Since yesterday!"

"I thought you said you were doing something with your parents yesterday?!" questioned Danny in a hurt tone.

"I didn't say that! I said I couldn't make it to the cinema with you guys, I didn't give a reason!"

"Which reminds me Sam, you missed a sweet movie!" added Tucker.

"Really? What was it about?"

"Tucker stop changing the subject!" yelled Danny, his eyes flashing green for a second, which caused Tucker to recoil in fright.

"Uh, maybe it was a bad idea me coming!" Alex spoke nervously as he started to back away from Danny.

"No Alex, it's ok; just ignore him! You can do the patrol with me until you get use to it."

"You sure?" he asked with a raised eyebrow, glancing at Danny in slight fear.

"Positive, right guys?!" she growled to them both.

Tucker raised his hands in defence.

"Hey, its fine by me!" he assured.

"Danny?!" she inquired fiercely.

"-Sigh- I guess!" he muttered.

"Good, then it's settled!" she smiled happily, "Come on Alex, we'll take the park!"

"Then me and Danny will take a couple of nearby blocks," Tucker grabbed Danny's arm and hissed, "Come on!"

Tucker began to drag Danny away as Sam and Alex walked off to the park. When they had reached a safe enough distance out of earshot, they stopped in front of a dark alleyway and Tucker released Danny while turning to face him.

"What was that?!" he yelled.


"That! You just met the guy and you were terrorising him!"

"I just don't trust him Tuck! I've never met him before and now he's going to hunt ghosts with us?!"

"My God Danny it's not like he's another Gregor! You're just jealous he was hanging out with Sam behind your back, aren't you?!" Tucker questioned as he folded his arms.

"NO!" Danny yelled a little too quickly.

Tucker raised an eyebrow at him.

"I'm not!"

"Whatever man! But you were a bit harsh on the poor guy, you should apologise!"

"-Sigh- I guess I should…"

Suddenly Danny's ghost senses went off.

"Uh-oh, ghost! Cover me Tuck!"

Danny dove behind a nearby car and switched from Danny Fenton into Amity's protector, Danny Phantom. He shot into the air and searched the skies for the cause of all the commotion. After a while, Danny stopped mid flight and groaned loudly.

"Not you AGAIN!" he growled.

"FEAR ME GHOST CHILD!" bellowed the one and only…Box Ghost.

"Didn't I capture you yesterday?!" he questioned in annoyance.


"No really, how do you get out?!" Danny asked as he folded his arms.

"I have acquaintances…now enough chat! BEWARE!"

The Box Ghost fired a few, flimsy cardboard boxes at Danny which he easily destroyed. He floated over to the Box Ghost.

"Is that all you've got?! Did you run out of the sharp ones or something?! Please, save me the trouble and go back to the Ghost Zone!" he pleaded as he motioned him away with his hand.

"NEVER!" he shouted as he fired another box at Danny.

"Right that's it! Don't say I didn't warn you!" he said in aggravation as he dodged the box.

Danny began to fire ectoblasts at the Box Ghost, causing him to fly backwards through the air. He quickly pulled out the Fenton Thermos and sucked up the Box Ghost with ease.

"I hope all the other ghosts I meet are as easy as that!"

Suddenly, a green ectoblast hit Danny square in the chest, causing him to yell in pain. He looked up to be face to face with Skulker.

"Skulker?! What are you doing here?" he growled.

"I'm here for your pelt ghost child!" he smiled as he raised his arm that was equipped with a gun, "Now stand still!"

A green net shot out from the weapon on his wrist and headed straight for Danny. Gasping, he dodged it just in time and turned to face Skulker.

Meanwhile, in the park…

"So…this is a thermos?!" Alex questioned as he held the Fenton Thermos in his hand.

"Yes, a Fenton Thermos!"

"What's it for, holding soup?!" he joked.

"No…why does everyone ask that…anyway, we use it to catch ghosts. You see this button?"

She pointed at a small button at the side of the thermos.

"You push that and it sucks the ghost in!"

"BEWARE!" shouted a voice.

"Did you hear that?!" Alex asked excitedly.

"Urgh, unfortunately I did!" she said in a bored tone as she recognised the voice.

"Maybe it was a ghost!" he smiled.

"Yeh, I wonder which one!" she said as she rolled her eyes.

"NEVER!" yelled the voice again.

"It came from over there, lets go get it!" he smiled as he ran towards the direction of the sound.

"Wait Alex, maybe you should get more practise first!"

Alex didn't hear her and continued to follow the sounds through the park. Sam sighed and was about to run after him when she heard a scream of pain. Her eyes widened in horror.

"Danny," she whispered in concern.

Back at the fight…

"Leave me alone Skulker!" yelled Danny as he fired an ectoblast at Skulker, which he dodged.

"But I love to make your life a misery!" he teased maliciously as he shot another net at Danny.

This time, Danny was unable to dodge the net as it captured him and caused him to fall to the ground. Skulker laughed in glee and floated down to him.

"Now you're mine!" he chuckled evilly.

"Not this time Skulker!"

Danny took at deep breath and released a powerful ghostly wail at Skulker. He screamed in pain and fright as he armour began to disintegrate into dust, leaving a tiny green ghost floating in the sky. Danny smirked at him as he broke from the net.

"Not so big now, are you?!" he joked as he picked him up by the back of the neck.

The tiny ghost started flailing arms and kicking air to get free.

"I'll get you for this Phantom!" he squeaked.

"Yeh yeh, whatever!" he yawned as he sucked him into the thermos.

"Well, that wasn't too bad-"


Sam managed to make out Alex say 'I've got you now!' before she turned the corner and gasped in shock. Danny was floating in the air, staring in confusion and fear at Alex armed with the Fenton Thermos in his hand. He quickly aimed it at Danny and got ready to capture him.

"Wait Alex, don't-"

Too late! Alex pushed the button, the unexpected force from it pushing him back so he fell on the ground, but managing to suck poor Danny into the thermos.

"I got him…" muttered Alex, eye wide in shock before grinning widely, "I CAUGHT A GHOST!"

(So…I guess that's what happens! Tell me what you think - )