Chapter Five

It was the fifth and final day of their holiday, and time to home. The sun was rising and the campers were already packed, egger and ready to leave. They had a long distance to cover before the end of the day. Before they left they decided to leave their neighbors a departing gift, as a combined effort, they snuck into the tent silently and unnoticed, and they covered it's occupants in liquid honey and shaving foam, they also burst several pillows so feathers flew everywhere, and for a finishing touch they egged the rusty old car that belonged to them.

The noise of the raw eggs splattering against the car woke the occupants of then tent up and after several cries of disgust they rushed out of the tent, forcing Robin and the Titans to make a run for the car.

Adrenaline pumped through their bodies as they sprinted for the car where Cyborg was waiting with the engine running. The clamored into the vehicle and Cyborg sped away, leaving a dusty trail and a very angry High Five.

"Dude that was awesome!" Beast boy laughed

"I believe we did the kicking of the but, yes?" Starfire sounded pleased with herself

"Yes we did" Robin confirmed

They drove for an hour or two before they hit a large cue of traffic, for some unknown reason the road was blocked off

"I know a shortcut" Cyborg assured his friends after consulting his technology

"Not a good idea" Beast boy argued "You're short cut won't be short, it'll take us ages"

"Anything's better then this" Raven sided with Cyborg

He pulled out of the queue and drove in another direction

Hours later the teenagers found themselves driving down a dusty dirt road through then bush.

"…..yea, great idea Cyborg." Beast boy said sarcastically.

The road seemed to have no end and Starfire, Beast boy, Raven and Robin all fell asleep. Raven was the first to wake up, seeing the other sleeping Titans she suddenly had an idea. She took out a marker pen and lent over to the back seat where Starfire was snuggled into Beast Boy's shoulder, Raven grinned devilishly as she drew a cat's nose and whiskers on the alien's face. Then she turned on Beast boy, drawing poka-dots all over his childish green face. She turned back around and smiled smugly

"You're asking for it you know" A voice warned

Raven jumped, she hadn't realized Robin had woken up

"I won't tell if you don't" She pouted slightly

"okay, just for you" Robin sighed, pretending it was a huge deal

Raven stretched up slightly and kissed him softly on the cheek.

"hmm, keep doing that and I'll keep anything a secret" Robin laughed

Raven said nothing but answered him with a convincing kiss, She went to pull away but Robin didn't let her, he slid his hand to the base of her neck, holding her mouth to his, Raven moaned slightly but made no further protests. Robin pushed his tongue to the entrance of her mouth, demanding acess. Raven denied him access at first, teasing until he bit her lip gently when she opened her mouth fully and his tongue began to wrestle with hers. Robin also decided to take advantage of Raven not being in uniform, he slid his hand sneakily under the edge of her top, she gasped against his mouth in surprise as his fingers inched suggestively up her body.

"Hey you two get a room" Cyborg interrupted

Raven pulled back ginning shyly and laughing. Robin placed a quick kiss on her lips and whispered into her ear 'we'll continue this later'

Raven laughed and nodded.

It was almost an hour later when Beast boy and Starfire woke up

"Oh Beast boy, you are looking sick, and funny' Starfire giggled

"I could say the same to you." He retorted.

Then they both realized what had happened. They looked around, horrified. Cyborg grinned as he watched the scene unfold before him. Starfire started yelling at everyone, Beast Boy rolled around laughing. Raven sat snuggled into Robin, trying to stay unnoticed. He said nothing, only looked out the window in silence.

Then Starfire's eyes met with Raven's and the secret was out

"You!" The Tamaranian shrieked

Raven burst out laughing, then stopped abruptly as Starfire lunged for her, grabbing the marker off the seat and yelling at the top of her lungs, ready to scribble all over her friend.

Robin jumped to Raven's defense, putting himself between the troubled women. Beast boy grabbed Starfire and pulled her back down.

"I'm gonna get you, oooooh I'm gonna get you good. Just you wait." Starfire whined.

Raven managed to maintain her composure and keep from bursting out laughing….. just.

"Hmmm, I can't find where we are on the scanner" Cyborg muttered

"O Bugger" He said several moment's later

"Wrong way?" Robin asked

"You think?" Beast Boy glared at Cyborg as if to say 'told you so!'

"So what now?" Cyborgasked his passengers

There was a mixed answer of 'go back's' and 'keep going's.'

In the end the decision was to keep going. Eventually they came to a small town, just in time as the car was out of gas. Cyborg pulled into the gas station and filled up the car. All the guys went into the store to get some food. They returned carrying several large bags.

"What'dyu buy? The whole store?!" Raven asked

"Nope, booze!" Robin retrieved a bottle from one of the bags

"But you're not old enough" Starfire questioned

"Didn't seem to bother the guy at the shop" Beast Boy smirked cheekily

"Where's the food? I'm starving." Raven moaned

Robin chucked one bag at her, the only bag out of six that contained food.

Cyborg climbed into the car and they continued driving.

"Sorry 'ol boy, someone's gotta drive" Robin slapped Cyborg on the back. Cyborg huffed

"hmmm. Oh well, I'll have more fun laughing at you all anyway." He concluded

"He's got a point." Beast boy laughed

The trip from there onwards was an interesting one. Cyborg hadn't seen any of his friends drunk before, usually they were on call with fighting crime in the city so they couldn't risk drinking but today was different. He pulled into the T-Tower hours later and Starfire and Beast Boy jumped from the car and proceeded to have a sword fight with paper bags over their heads, shrieking and laughing. Robin was making out heavily with an almost-passed-out Raven. Cyborg sat silently in the corner of the room recording the Titan's in their unstable state on disk and chuckling to himself, this was defiantly one for the photo album.


Review! Review Review! …… ahem please:-p

I can't believe I finally finished! Sorry the update's took a while. I hope you all enjoyed the story. And thanks to everyone who reviewed – you guys rock!

Rob/Rae forever!
