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Sakura's Song: Pre Sasuke leaving.


"Good night Kakashi sensei. Good night Teme. Good night Sakura chan. See ya in the morning!" Naruto cheered. Sakura smiled, and watched her boys fall into a deep slumber.

"Good night guys. Sweet dreams."

Sakura sprawled herself on her sleeping bag. Her team mates were sleeping, that included Sasuke. She slowly stood, masking her chakra, and twirled beneath the stars, the full moon shining. She looked at Sasuke, then a few worlds came into mind.

Out here in the quiet of the night,
Beneath the stars and moon
We both know we've got somethin' on our minds
We won't admit, but it's true

She smiled at Sasuke's childish sleeping face. He moved a bit, and she blushed, looking away. More words came to mind as she dance around the stars.

You look at me, I look away.

She checked one more time to make sure none of her team mates could hear her, and she scampered away. In the middle of the field, away from her Team Seven who slept near the edge of the forest, she simply let it out.

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, but I
don't know how to start
I wanna tell you, but now I'm afraid that
you might break my heart
Oh, why should anything so easy, ever be so hard to do?
I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, and to
say that, I love you.

She danced to every beat of her song, swaying from side to side to the soft melody. Tonight was the night she just let it all out.

I practice all the thing that I could say,
Line by line, every word

I tell myself today could be the day,
But every time, I lose my nerve

Sakura stopped, and realized how foolish she was from leaving her team without an escort. As she ran her way back, she looked at Sasuke's face again, sitting down on her sleeping bag. She moved his bangs out of his face, and sang once more.

I look at you, you look away

"Why did you look away today Sasuke kun?" Sakura stared at Sasuke with curiosity.

A few hours ago, while their fire was still burning, she had brought marshmallows, knowing most of the team liked it, exclude Sasuke. She found him staring at her, so she stared right back, until he looked away. It was bugging her, but she let it slide. This was Uchiha Sasuke we're talking about. Nothing was clear about him, right?

She stroked his hair again with her gentle fingers. She felt him stir, so she softly sang:

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, but I
don't know how to start
I wanna tell you, but now I'm afraid that
you might break my heart
Oh, why should anything so easy, ever be so hard to do?
I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, and to
say that, I love you.

Sasuke stopped rolling around, and relaxed. She smiled. Her thoughts returned to his stare. She stood, walked around, still close to her team, but out of earshot.

Why, do you turn away?
It must be, you're afraid like me
I try, but I can't pretend that I
Don't feel for you the way I do
Can't you see?

She sang out her confusion, her love, her heart. Nothing made sense about Sasuke. She loved him, yet she wanted tear his eyes out. She wanted him to know her feelings, but she didn't want to sound like a fan girl. She wanted to say it for real, and she wanted him to say it to her back, and mean it.

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, but I
don't know how to start
I wanna tell you, but now I'm afraid that
you might break my heart
Oh, why should anything so easy, ever be so hard to do?
I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, and to
say that, I love you

She repeated her so-called chorus. She wanted to tell him, she wanted to say it for real. She wanted look at her. She wanted to cry out, but she didn't want to be rejected. She needed to get this off her chest. She repeated it once more.

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, but I
don't know how to start
I wanna tell you, but now I'm afraid that
you might break my heart
Oh, why should anything so easy, ever be so hard to do?
I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, and to
say that, I love you.

As she finished her song, she took a deep breath, and looked up. A star whisked by. Her eyes widened, before she quickly clamped her hands together to make a wish.

I wish I could tell Sasuke I love him, and really, and truly, mean it.

She said in her mind, and unknowingly, out loud. Sakura smiled, then quickly took out an extra scroll from her pouch, and rewrote the lyrics to her song. She sighed, and said, "I wish I could. I really do." she slipped the scroll into her pouch again, but instead, she placed it inside it's secret pocket at the bottom.

Then she felt Sasuke stir, and say, "Did you say something, Sakura?"

Sakura, shocked that Sasuke had woken up, said a little too quickly, "No, I didn't say anything Sasuke kun… Good night."

Sakura fell asleep, nervous that Sasuke might of heard her wish, or maybe even her song. She shook the thought off, thinking Sasuke would tell her singing sucks, or that that was a stupid wish. With that, she officially fell into sleep.

Little did Sakura know, a certain Uchiha had heard it all.


-Six years later-

-After Sasuke's Return-


"Good night Kakashi sensei! Good night Teme! Night Sakura chan!!" Naruto chanted.

Sakura watched her team mates fall asleep together for the first time in six years. She was 18 now, and so were her boys. She smiled at the sight of their relaxed faces. She went into her pouch to place her gloves back inside, when she felt something at the bottom.

Curious, Sakura went deeper into her pouch, and found the long forgotten secret pocket. She slipped the scroll out and she read it. She smiled, the beat coming back to her. Her smile brightened, as she sang the song once so new.

Out here in the quiet of the night,
Beneath the stars and moon
We both know we've got somethin' on our minds
We won't admit, but it's true

Sasuke opened an eye to Sakura's singing. He felt the song was familiar, but he couldn't quite remember…

You look at me, I look away.

The last mission he went with his team popped in his mind. He smirked to himself remembering Naruto had choked on ramen that day, and had stayed away from ramen for a day, before he had to return.

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, but I
don't know how to start
I wanna tell you, but now I'm afraid that
you might break my heart
Oh, why should anything so easy, ever be so hard to do?
I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, and to
say that, I love you.

He remembered the grass. It was soft, and slightly wet. Everyone was asleep, except one was still wide awake.

I practice all the thing that I could say,
Line by line, every word
I tell myself today could be the day,
But every time, I lose my nerve

Sakura bounced her head from side to side, her song floating in her mind. As she croon the song, she failed to notice Sasuke getting up, walking towards her.

I look at you, you look away

Sasuke could see her eyes. They were extremely happy, glistening, and carefree.

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, but I
don't know how to start
I wanna tell you, but now I'm afraid that
you might break my heart
Oh, why should anything so easy, ever be so hard to do?
I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, and to
say that, I love you.

As she sang, Sasuke remembered the stars, and how beautiful they were. Just like her. Sakura continued, and completely didn't see Sasuke sitting right next to her.

Why, do you turn away?
It must be, you're afraid like me
I try, but I can't pretend that I
Don't feel for you the way I do
Can't you see?

The shooting star from that night. Her wish,

'I wish I could tell Sasuke I love him, and really, and truly, mean it.'

He smirked again.

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, but I
don't know how to start
I wanna tell you, but now I'm afraid that
you might break my heart
Oh, why should anything so easy, ever be so hard to do?
I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, and to
say that, I love you.

As he remembered his own wish from that night, and he reached for her chin.

I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, but I
don't know how to start
I wanna tell you, but now I'm afraid that
you might break my heart
Oh, why should anything so easy, ever be so hard to do?
I wanna tell you what I'm feeling, and to
say that, I love you.

She yelped slightly when Sasuke's cold hand caught her chin, and made her face him.

"Sasuke kun…"

"Did you say something Sakura?" he whispered in her ear. She blushed, and answered, "No! I didn't say anything, Sasuke kun… good night…"

"No… not yet…" he leaned in, and gave her a chaste kiss. It only lasted for a second, but it was enough for Sakura to want another round.

As they danced the dance as old as time, completely ignoring the snoring of their team mates, a shooting star flew by.

'I wish I could tell Sakura I love her too… and really mean it.'


Wow, this was quick. I love this song, I could recite it by heart. :)) Misty's Song does not belong to me okay? Okay.

Oh, and if you don't know what they're doing, then let me give you a hint:

How long have humans been alive? How do they do that?

Yeah, brilliant, isn't it?
