A/N: Wow now I just feel bad. I am so sorry for making you wait five long months for the last chapter. Unfortunately due to some extenuating circumstances I was unable to get this to you sooner. I hope you forgive me now that I am successfully ending this story. I hope you've enjoyed it. I may stick to oneshots and beta-reading from now on to avoid doing this to people.


Chapter 10: Live it Up!

The paramedic approached the wreck carefully, before setting himself to the task of seeing if the man was alive. He pressed two fingers to the man's neck and let out a sad sigh, "The guy's dead… no passengers either," he called to his partner.

His partner took one look at the guy, "Isn't that the guy the cops are after? I saw a picture or a sketch or something on a bulletin the boss gave us."

"Well you usually take care of that stuff, so you tell me," the first guy muttered, packing his stuff back up.

"It's him," his partner confirmed, "Cops heard 'bout the wreck on the scanner, they're already on their way. Hopefully this'll put those two cops out of harms way. I heard this guy's a real bastard."

"I heard the same," he shrugged his shoulders carelessly, "Whatever, it's over now."

"Lieutenant Welsh," the man seemed to come out of nowhere, which was a feat considering he wasn't a small man. The lieutenant held out his hand for the paramedic's to shake, "I see you've stumbled upon our guy?"

The first paramedic nodded, shaking Welsh's hand quickly, "Francois LeBlanc. Yeah a passer by called in the accident. Your guy is dead and gone. No need to worry about him anymore."

"Good," Welsh muttered, moving over to the car and peering inside, "You're sure he's dead?"

"As sure as the hair on my head," Francois told him with a firm nod, "He's definitely dead. I checked myself."

"Alright," Welsh nodded, "You guys can leave now. My men will secure the scene until evidence response gets here. Now… you're absolutely sure he's dead?"

"Yes sir," Francois said yet again, wondering both why his partner was being so silent and why the lieutenant so badly wanted to make sure this man was dead.

"You can never be too sure," Welsh managed a small, wry smile, "Goodbye Mr. LeBlanc, I'm sure someone more deserving needs your attention right now."

Francois turned and left, thinking all in all it was a very odd experience. As his partner climbed into the passenger's seat, he questioned, "That was different huh?"

"I know that guy," his partner interrupted, "The lieutenant I mean. I don't think he recognized me. As soon as I saw him, I knew I recognized the dead guy too. It's just strange Frank."

"From where Gary?" Francois questioned, now extremely curious, "How do you know these guys? Didn't the dead guy kidnap two cops… a Canadian one too at that."

"The dead guy, Casey Stevenson," Gary muttered, looking away from his partner and friend, "Well I probably shouldn't tell you this, but it doesn't matter because he's dead. Well I testified against his sons. He swore he'd kill me. I'm actually not even supposed to be in Chicago. I broke the rules. I look a lot different now than I did then though."

"Wow that's…"

"Hinky.. I know."


Ray smiled his first real smile in days when he walked back into the hospital room that was holding his friend, "They found Casey. He won't be bothering us again, ever."

"He's dead," Fraser said in a quiet voice. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to feel about it. He always found it sad when a life was lost, well most of the time. Now a strange new feeling was coming over him. He wasn't particularly happy the man was dead, but he was relieved and he wasn't sure how to take that.

"I know it's not the best news," Thatcher interrupted him quickly, "I know you'd rather a safe apprehension of the suspect. However as you know that is not always possible."

"You're correct Sir," he nodded his head and let it sink back into the pillow, "I'll have the report on your desk as soon as possible Sir."

"It can wait Constable, due to your current medical state," she managed a tight smile, trying to keep her professionalism intact. She was determined to never let her subordinate know just how worried she had been for his safety. She wasn't even going to admit to herself she was slightly worried about Ray. "I'm sure I can find a suitable replacement for your duties during your hospital stay."

"I'm willing to volunteer," Maggie smiled at the Inspector, "I'd have nothing to do otherwise Ma'am. I can take care of Diefenbaker as well during Ben's recovery."

"I do not need recovery," Fraser spoke up softly, but he got a myriad of stern looks from the people (and wolf) visiting him in the hospital room.

"Ah give it up Frase," Ray rolled his eyes, "The whole indestructible mountie thing is getting old. Just lay back and relax. It's paid medical leave, live it up!"

"Live it up?" Fraser looked at his friend, looking slightly bewildered, "In what way do you mean Ray?"

"Just leave it to me Fraser-Buddy," Ray grinned, looking slightly mischievous, "Just leave it to me."


a/n: I know it was a short ending chapter. I am sorry. I am also again sorry for the wait. I hope you enjoyed the story.