DISCLAIMER: I don't own Avatar: The Last neither Airbender, nor am I in any way affiliated with Michael Dante DiMartino or Bryan Konietzko. This story is purely fan-made.

ANOTHER DISCLAIMER: The lyrics at the end of this chapter belong to Three Days Grace and their record company. These lyrics fit in with the fanfiction, even though the best Three Days Grace song is "I Hate Everything About You" (:


"Move it or lose it, Princey!" Toph hollered from Appa's back. Zuko, lugging the majority of the group's possessions on his back, growled lowly.

"Lose what?" he muttered to Katara, who helped him carry the clutter.

"I don't think you want to know," she laughed, hoisting the blankets into Sokka's outstretched hands.

"I really don't like the way she speaks to me," Zuko frowned to Katara, going back to the campsite and rolling up more blankets. "And how come we got lumbered with all their stuff?"

"I don't think anyone likes the way Toph speaks to them," Katara rolled her eyes, picking up a thick blanket. "And we got 'lumbered with their stuff' because, according to Sokka, we deserve it for keeping secrets." She carried the blanket over to her brother, before wiping her forehead with the back of her hand. Days in the desert, in contrast to nights, were ridiculously hot, especially without any shade or limitless water.

"Damn straight," Sokka called gleefully, pulling up the latest blanket and throwing it carelessly to the back of Appa's saddle where the rest of their possessions had been strewn. He, Toph and Iroh lazed on the saddle luxuriously, waiting for Zuko and Katara to finish loading their things so they could set off. "You keep secrets, you carry our stuff. It's the new group rule."

"Have I mentioned how much I don't like rules?" Zuko grumbled, his feet sinking into the soft golden sand as he squinted against the glaring sun.

"I never would've guessed," Katara teased. "We're almost done anyway, quit complaining."

"But I like complaining," Zuko said, pretending to look disappointed. "It helps to pass the time."

His foot nudged something sharp in the sand and he cursed under his breath. Bending down as much as he could without causing the blanket to fall, Zuko examined the object and found it to be Sokka's boomerang. Smiling evilly, he kicked sand over the weapon to conceal it. Katara noticed this and raised her eyebrows questioningly.

"Relax, as soon as he figures out it's gone, I'll give it back," Zuko told her, still grinning. "Then again, this is Sokka we're talking about…he may never figure it out."

Katara rolled her eyes but smiled at his comment. Picking up the last blanket, she felt an odd twinge as the realisation that they were leaving the desert hit her. She wouldn't miss the searing heat of the day, or the icy coolness of the night, nor would she miss the lack of food, water, shade…

"I'm really glad we're leaving here," Katara muttered, clambering onto Appa once everything had been loaded onto the bison.

"You say that now, but you'll miss the…uh," Sokka started, casting around for inspiration and failing. "Sand?" he finished weakly.

"Because there's just so much fun to be had with sand," Toph drawled sarcastically.

"Sandcastles are fun," Sokka objected.

"Face it, Snoozles, the desert sucks. It's too hot."

"The Fire Nation will be hotter! Tell her, Zuko," Sokka protested, turning to the banished Prince, who had just finished setting down everything and climbing on Appa.

"Sorry, Toph, he's right," Zuko shrugged, hiding his surprise that the Water Tribe boy had asked for his input in an argument. "But at least in the Fire Nation we have shade."

"And running water," Iroh chipped in.

Aang sat sullenly on Appa's head, refusing to join in the conversation. Katara's heart swelled with pity, but there was nothing she could do. Aang would accept Zuko in his own time, and she couldn't speed up the process, no matter how much she wanted to. All she could do was wait. In the meantime, she sat herself down next to Zuko and leant against his shoulder, smiling.

"I trust that my shoulder is still comfortable?" he murmured into her ear. She giggled and nodded, lifting her head to meet his lips.

"Whoa!" Sokka cut across sharply. "Just because I'm somewhat accepting of the freak-show you call a relationship, does not mean that I want to see you making out!"

Katara sighed and pulled her face away to glare at her brother. "Again, plenty of things I can say about you and Suki."

"At least Suki and I kept ourselves private." At Katara's raised eyebrows, he shrugged. "Well, we didn't flaunt it."

"Who's flaunting?" Zuko asked smugly, leaning down to kiss Katara again. Katara smirked but didn't join in Zuko's game.

"Y'know that thing I said last night, about killing you?" Sokka asked, his eyes narrowed at Zuko. "Yeah, I've decided that it isn't restricted to betraying us."

"You guys are pathetic," Toph grinned, a twinkle in her sightless eyes. "Can we please just get going so we can find the air temple and finally have a decent bed?"

"Kick some Fire Lord butt," Sokka yawned, stretching his arms.

"Save the world," Toph added.

"A typical week for us, really," Katara nodded.

"An excellent idea on all parts," Iroh agreed, although he looked amused at their comments. "Aang?"

"Sure. The sooner we get there, the better," the young Avatar replied.

"Then I guess it's goodbye to everything we lost this past week," Katara murmured, suddenly serious. "Siyu, Jia, Akio…"

The group fell into reflective silence, each personally mourning the deaths of the innocent and not so innocent. Aang quietly mumbled 'yip yip' and Appa, with a moan, set off into the azure sky. Katara continued leaning against Zuko's shoulder, glad that nothing could tear them apart. Everyone else kept silent with their heads down for a few minutes, still thinking about the people that they had not managed to save and the people whose lives they had ruined. The mood was sombre and sad. That was, until Sokka suddenly frowned:

"Wait…where's my boomerang?"


This world will never be what I expected, and if I don't belong, who would've guessed it?

Now and again we try to just stay alive, maybe we'll turn it all around 'cause it's not too late…it's never too late.

No one will ever see this side reflected, and if there's something wrong, who would've guessed it? And I have left alone everything that I own, to make you feel like it's not too late…it's never too late.

The world we knew won't come back,

The time we've lost - can't get it back,

The life we had won't be ours again…

This world will never be what I expected, and if I don't belong…

Even if I say it'll be alright, still I hear you say you want to end your life. Now and again we try to just stay alive, maybe we'll turn it all around 'cause it's not too late…it's never too late.

Maybe we'll turn it all around 'cause it's not too late…it's never too late.

It's not too late…it's never too late.



Well…there you have it. The last chapter. Hope you enjoyed (:

My reviewers are, as ever, the most awesomest (yes, I'm aware that that isn't a word XD) people that I could ever hope for and a huge thank you to them all for inspiring me, complimenting me and lifting my spirits when things got tough for me in the 'real world'. I can't express my gratitude enough, I really can't.

I'm starting a new fanfiction soon, called "Sanctuary". For details, look on my profile under "In-Progress Fanfics". If you like the sound of it, then I'll see you there, if not, then I sincerely hope you've enjoyed "Never Too Late" and thank you for reading (:

I just want to let you all know that's it's really been fun writing both "The Journey" and "Never Too Late", and knowing that you've enjoyed it too makes it worthwhile. So, for the last time in this fanfiction…please review :D

.Zutara Forever.

- Momo