Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or any of its characters.

Here is the last chapter of my story which took forever for me to get posted. I apologize for the long wait. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I hope all your questions get answered. Please Review!!


I sat in my room thinking about how things had drastically changed in the last four days. Only four days ago I was dancing with Bella at our prom, only four days ago that I was getting married to the love of my life, only four days ago that I had actually started to live the rest of my long life. But that was four days ago, now today things had slightly changed, nothing was the same as it was four days ago. I have been around for a long time, but it wasn't until the last four days had gone by that I realized exactly how life can change in a matter of minutes and how many people these changes affect.


I was allowed to stay in the hospital room alone with Bella the rest of the day with my family patiently waiting outside. I listened to her heart and heard how it started to slow down. At least she wasn't going to be in pain, instead she was sleeping peacefully as her whole life was changing without her knowledge.

Charlie couldn't take the waiting. He couldn't stand the fact that Bella was going to die and nothing he could do would make it better. Charlie along with my family entered the room and stood behind me as we watched the heart monitor. I felt a hand on my should and looked up and saw that it was Charlie's hand.

"She really loved you Edward. I am sorry..."he trailed off.

"Sorry for what?" I asked curious about what he was apologizing for.

"For everything. For not trusting you when you came back. I know you had your reasons, it was just hard seeing Bella that way when you left. I should have trusted you both more, then maybe I could have seen her happier longer…and now it's too late.' He said wiping away a tear.

"Charlie, Bella was happier these last few months then she has ever been. She loved you, and I don't think she would go back and change anything even if she could."

"Maybe you're right, as long as she was happy." Charlie said before he walked out of the room.

"Where are you going?" I asked shocked that he was leaving.

"I can't stand this. It's hard enough already, I can't sit here waiting for Bella to die…I….I just can't do it." He said as he turned and walked out of the room

"Edward, we have to move her now." Carlisle cut in.

I lifted Bella and walked to the back entrance of the hospital where Alice was waiting with my car. Alice sat in the back seat with Bella as I sped away to our house. I know I speeding, but the drive seemed to take forever.

Carlisle arrived at the house a couple hours later with everyone else.

"How's Charlie?" I asked

"He is pretty broken up, but he is going to be fine I think." Carlisle said as he walked over to where Bella now laid.

"What did you tell him?"

"I told him that Bella passed away about an hour after he left, that she was very peaceful and wasn't in any pain. I think that brought him some relief to know that she passed away peacefully." Carlisle said with a small smile.

"Edward you are going to do just fine. I have faith in you, but you can't put this off any longer or it will be to later. Bella had a good life with her father and her friends, and if the circumstances would have been different you may have been able to wait a few more years…but it's now or never. Bella has always wanted to be one of us. You told her to wait so she could have more time with Charlie…so she waited, and now that time is up not but your doing but by natures. She got sick which cut her time with Charlie shorter than you wanted, but she got to spend time with him until her very end. Then there was the treaty, which you were afraid of breaking. Now there will be a funeral for Bella, everyone knew she was sick, and so the werewolves won't think we changed her. It has all worked itself out in the end. The only thing left to be done rests in your hands. You know this is what she wanted, and she will understand why you had to wait until now to do it. It was the best way to protect her and your family…but that time is over now. Edward…you have to do it now…I promise it will all be alright." Carlisle said.

I had to do it. I had finally run out of time. I ran my hand across her face to feel its warmth one last time and then I kissed her neck. With one last breath I slowly let my teeth sink into her skin until I felt it break. I felt her sweet warm blood run down my throat with every swallow I took. I pulled myself away from her and looked towards my door. There stood Carlisle watching me but not making a movement to come towards me. Instead he smiled and shut the door.

It was done. In three days it would all be over.

End flashback

It was now the third and final day. I had only left her side for about an hour when I had to attend her funeral. My whole family was there, so was Bella's family along with all the students in our class and the La Push tribe.

I looked around at all the faces of the people Bella had met while she had lived here. Jessica, Mike, Eric, Angela, even Lauren looked sad. Her tears I am sure were just for show. Then there was Jacob along with his La Push gang. Jacob eyed me closely at the beginning of the funeral, to see my reaction to the death of my new wife.

It wasn't like I had to pretend to be sad. My family was actually quiet heart broken over the whole situation. I am sure if Alice had been able to cry she would have a river flowing from her eyes. Our sadness seemed to confirm to Jacob that we had not taken Bella and changed her. He spent the rest of the funeral with his head bent down with silent tears sliding down his cheeks. Charlie was the hardest one to watch, he sat alone with Renee in the front of the church just in front of my family. Through the entire service I could hear his sobs as they echoed around the church. His checks were spotted red from crying, and he had dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep.

After the service was over and everyone had told me how sorry they were, I hurried back home to be by Bella's side. Since I had gotten back I had not left once.

Today has been the worst of all. The warmth of her skin was now completely gone, and the color that filled her cheeks and now gone pale. There was only one more thing left to happen…and suddenly it did.

Her heart stopped.

I sat anxiously waiting for her to wake up, frantically thinking about how I was going to explain everything that happen these past few days. Suddenly I felt someone grab my hand. I looked down and saw Bella looking up at me.

"Edward…what's going on, why am I at your house instead of the hospital." She asked in her same sweet voice.

"Bella, I had to do it…I am sorry I didn't tell you before…" I said starting to blurt everything out so that nothing made sense.

"Edward what are you talking about?" she asked me confused.

I explained everything to Bella starting with why I had to wait to change her and how I wanted her to have more time with Charlie. I describe her funeral and how sad her dad was and how much everyone said they were going to miss her. The entire time I talked I was waiting for Bella to get mad at me for not telling her I had always planned on changing her, or for her to get a chance to say goodbye to her friends, her mom, or her dad; but she never said anything. Instead she just sat quietly and listened until I had nothing more to say.

"Bella…aren't you upset." I asked wondering why she hadn't said anything.

"No…I am not mad…just I guess I am kind of shocked. I had always wanted this ever since I met you, it's just this wasn't I how pictured it happening you know." She said.

"Bella, I am so sorry…I know I should have told you, but I just wanted everything to stay normal as long as it could." I said trying to make her feel better.

"Edward…I'm not mad at you. This is everything I could have ever asked for. I just thought that I would always know beforehand that I was going to be changed. It's just a shock to fall asleep as a human in a hospital and wake up in a bedroom a vampire." She said laughing slightly.

"I just thought you would be upset with me." I told her.

"Edward, if I get to spend the rest of eternity with you and your family I have nothing to be upset about. You are the love of my life, and I would rather spend every last moment with you than anyone else in this whole world." She said as she slowly got closer to my face.

She sat on the bed and looked into my eyes for what seemed like ages and then she kissed me. But this kiss was different than any other kiss we had shared. With this kiss there wasn't any boundaries in place, I didn't have to hold back for fear of hurting her, or getting to caught up in the moment. This was a kiss that for the first time swept me away from everything. It allowed me to leave every doubt, worry, or fear I ever had behind. I knew now I had made the right decision. I couldn't wait to spend every last moment of my life with my one true love.

"Edward, I love you." Bella said quietly.

"I love you too, Bella." I said with a small smile before I kissed her again.

A/n: I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter as well as the story. I am so sorry that it took an extremely long time to get this chapter up for all of you but between family and school I didn't have a lot of time to work on it. Let me know what you all thought about this chapter and the story as whole, because I am always interested in what the readers have to say. Thank you to everyone who has reviewed throughout this whole story, your reviews really meant a lot and really helped me to write. I hope you all got the ending to this story that you wanted! Please Review and let me know what you thought.

Silver Volvo Girl