Anyone you don't know is mine, all mine (that means that everyone else isn't)!
This will eventually be a Chihiro/Haku story, but I'm gonna make it take a while and hopefully it will be interesting. I've watched the movie a gazillion times in the English version, and the girl who helps Chihiro out is Lin in my version, though I think in some she's Rin, but here she's Lin. Okay?
Don't go... Please, don't go.
Chihiro woke with a start. She was fifteen now. The same dream had been haunting her since she was ten. She was always standing on the banks of a river, and though she had never looked back she knew there was a bathhouse behind her. There was always a voice telling her to not go, and she knew the voice, she just didn't remember who owned it. She realized she was breathing heavily, and in a cold sweat. That was usual, though, for when she had the dream. She had it at least once a week. She sighed and rubbed her arms in an attempt to warm up. Chihiro looked at the glowing numbers on her alarm clock; 5:46. She knew she wouldn't get any more sleep now, and decided she may as well go out for a walk. She tossed back the covers and slid out of bed. Reaching for the closest pair of jeans and her favorite sweater, she pulled them on and found some socks. Hopping on one foot, she slid on a sock and pulled her hair into a ponytail. Slipping on the other sock, she put her feet into her sneakers before sneaking out of her room, tiptoeing down the stairs, writing a note to her parents, and exiting the house.
Chihiro wasn't really controlling where she was going, she was just running. The trees of the woods sped past her as she ran. Suddenly she stopped before a large stone carving. It had a face carved on it, and seemed to be smiling.
I know this place... I've been here before. Chihiro looked at the red building ahead before stepping around the figure and entering. The early rays of sun were coming through the stained-glass windows, a few feet away from a birdbath of sorts. Cautiously, she took a few steps forward. She felt like she should go on, and she did. Soon she emerged out of the building, only to see grassy plains and on the other side, old buildings. She could vaguely remember she and her parents coming here and them insisting on eating. Her legs had brought her to a river of sorts and she cautiously stepped on the rocks, trying to get across without slipping. Moments later she had crossed the river, and she saw all sorts of store-like buildings lining a street.
It's so familiar... It's the place from my dream! Chihiro gasped at the thought. She continued walking down the road, wondering if anything would spark a memory. There was a lapse of time she could vaguely remember; only a few short memories that she hadn't been able to place since she was ten. She continued walking down until she hit a bridge. There was a huge bathhouse on the other side.
I've been here! There were pigs... And a frog… Chihiro tried to figure out what was going on. She heard a train, and ran to the edge of the bridge to get a better look.
He did everything he could to contain a gasp. She was back, standing right there. She had grown up, her chestnut hair hanging down in the ponytail she had worn so many years ago. It was a bit longer now, as were her bangs. She definitely had a nice figure now. She seemed to have sensed his eyes boring into her.
"Hello?" She turned her head around, body still leaning over the railing.
"You know my name?" Her eyes were wide. "Wait... I know you... You promised we'd meet again..." Suddenly everything came flooding back to her. "HAKU!" She rushed over and hugged him, taking him by surprise and knocking the breath out of him. The fear of her not knowing him vanished instantly.
"Chihiro, I have to breathe..." He managed to choke out.
"Oh! Sorry!" She loosened her grip and sank to the ground.
Even though he missed her immensely, he was puzzled at how she had made it back here. Humans can't come back to the Spirit World once they have left. "How did you come back here?"
"I walked across the river. Why?" She was puzzled by his question.
"Humans can't come back across once they've left."
"Oh..." Her brows furrowed with confusion. "But I'm human... And I'm here, and not see-through." She looked at her hands, praying she wasn't disappearing again.
"We must go see Yubaba." He grabbed her arm and started leading her to Yubaba's room.
"Wait! I'm not going to go see her!" Chihiro exclaimed, resisting his pull.
"She'll know what to do. Come on!"
"No! She'll try to take my name away again!"
"Chihiro, I promise she won't. Just come." His voice lowered. He tugged on her arm. She grudgingly gave in. She noticed that it had become dark again.
"Do I need to hold my breath again?" She saucily asked.
Haku couldn't help but smirk at her comment. "Not this time. They haven't lit the lamps yet." Soon they were inside the bathhouse, and all eyes were on her, and they were all thinking the same thing.
I wonder if my parents will even care that I'm gone... Chihiro thought solemnly as she followed Haku. He's grown up... About eighteen I think... He still has the same eyes, thankfully. His hair is long, but I like it. Looks good in that ponytail... Okay, I have to stop thinking these things! He probably has a girlfriend, anyway. The last thought hit hard. She knew there was no way around it. Five years had passed, after all, and no one falls in love at ten. Soon they were on an elevator, and Haku had pulled the lever taking them up to the top floor.
"How's Lin? And Bou? And Kamaji?" Chihiro asked.
"They're all fine." Haku replied. He didn't think it would be a good idea for them to get close right now, as she would have to leave soon.
"That's good." The rest of the ride passed in silence. Soon the elevator stopped and the doors opened, leading to a vast and lavishly decorated hallway. Haku led her forward, down to the door that had mocked her many years before.
"Ah, yes, Master Haku! Yubaba has been waiting for you." The knocker grinned an evil grin before opening the door. Haku continued to lead Chihiro into the room.
"I think you can let go of my arm. I know this place pretty well." Chihiro noted.
Haku hadn't really noticed he had been holding onto her arm still. "Oh, yes, sorry." He let go of her arm, causing it to relax against her side.
"You are all too slow." Yubaba's voice rang out, and not a moment later they were both whisked into her office. She was still sitting behind her desk, papers scatted everywhere.
"I see you made it back, foolish girl." Yubaba looked straight at Chihiro.
"I did."
"Yubaba-" Haku began.
"Hush. This is between me and the brat." Yubaba used the same spell she had used on Chihiro when they first met on Haku. She turned her attention back to Chihiro. "Why did you come back?"
"I don't know. It's not a problem, is it?" Chihiro commented, rage almost dripping off her words.
"Most certainly not. Bou has been looking for a playmate." She grinned.
"I just want to know how I made it back. Apparently I'm not supposed to be able to come back."
"You're not, but I decided to change the rules a bit." Yubaba shrugged. "I just wish your parents would have followed you." She stood up and walked in front of her desk.
"We have been on a shortage of pigs lately. It's a shame that they don't really care about you. I could have had three pigs instead of one had they been smart and followed their daughter."
"HOW DARE YOU!" Chihiro yelled, not realizing what was going on. The papers in the room had started to spin around in a fury.
Yubaba chuckled. "How dare I what, brat? Hmm? What are you going to do about it?" Without thinking, and without knowing, fire suddenly shot out from Chihiro's hands and hit Yubaba squarely in the chest. Chihiro's eyes grew wide.
"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-"
"Don't worry. That was the goal." Yubaba was grinning now. She dusted off her shirt, unhurt. "Now, onto the reason why you're here. It appears that you are a goddess." She walked back behind her desk.
"What? How is that possible?"
"Well, when the Greater Gods find someone who they think deserve to be a god or goddess, they simply make them one. You have control of all the elements, my dear. A rare girl you are. That was only a small show of the power you really have. And as you mature it you will only grow more powerful."
"But... So I'm a goddess? But why me? What did I do?"
"You saved a god." Yubaba shrugged as she started to put the room back together.
Chihiro was confused for a moment before it hit her. "Oh." Yubaba noticed the look on Haku's face and unzipped his mouth.
"How could she live in the human world, then?" Haku exclaimed.
Yubaba smiled. "Her heart was torn between the two places. She wanted very much to be here, but also wanted to be there. It's rare, but possible. Now, I'm sure you're tired, that must have been a long trip. I have a room made up for you. Haku will take you. It's our finest suite. And you will stay, free of charge. You need a home, after all." Yubaba smiled before whisking Chihiro and Haku out of the room.
"So I get to stay, then, right?" Chihiro asked as they waited for the elevator.
"It would seem so." Haku still tried to avoid eye contact with her, choosing instead to focus on the wall.
"So you promised me we'd meet again and you could really care less if I'm here?" Haku sensed the hurt she was feeling. He decided to not answer as they got on the elevator.
"Oh, I get it. There's another girl, right?"
"Great. So now you won't even talk to me. I guess that wasn't you wanting me to come back. Though I know it was a man's voice." Chihiro looked at the ceiling of the elevator. She knew she had to be stepping on his nerves now. The elevator dinged, and the doors opened.
"Here's your room." Haku didn't make a move to get off the elevator, instead letting her exit on her own.
"So this is how it is then? You only talk to me to show me my room?" She looked him straight in the eye. "Fine." She turned and walked down the hallway. There were two doors, and one had a "Do Not Disturb" sign on it, so she assumed the other one was for her. She twisted the doorknob, and it opened. She took one last look at Haku before walking into her room.
Haku couldn't believe he was being so cold to her. He knew he wouldn't be able to say goodbye if he allowed himself to get any closer to her, and saying goodbye was inevitable. He sighed as he pushed the lever to go down.
Chihiro almost gasped when she took in the beauty of her room. It was like a penthouse suite! But before she would explore her room anymore, she decided she would find Lin and catch up with her, knowing that if Lin ever found out that she was here and did anything before talking to her she'd be dead meat. Chihiro walked back out of the room and waited for the elevator, thinking she would try to find Kamaji and ask him where Lin was. Her plans were changed, however, because when the elevator stopped at the main floor Lin was right there, waiting on the elevator.
"SEN!" Lin cried as she rushed on the elevator. Chihiro was taken by surprise and grinned.
"Lin… Humans… Breathe…"
"Oh, right!" Lin was still grinning. "I'm taking a break!" She called out before the doors closed. Some other spirits were on now, and one pulled the lever.
"I can't believe you're here! How did you make it back?" Her eyes grew wide. "You didn't die, did you?"
Chihiro chuckled. "No, I'm alive. But Yubaba said I was a goddess. That's why I was able to come back."
Lin's eyes widened. "You're a goddess? Do you have any powers?"
"Well, I have fire." Chihiro shrugged.
"Wow! That's great! Do you need a room?"
"No, Yubaba arranged one already."
"Good." Suddenly the door dinged. Chihiro led Lin off of it.
"Here's my room…" Chihiro said as she unlocked the door. Lin followed her in happily.
"Nice! Man, I wish I could stay here…" Lin plopped down on the black leather couch. "Come here, we have some talking to do!" Chihiro grinned and sat down next to her.
"Haku! Finally I found you! Where have you been?" A purple-haired girl ran up behind Haku, who was now walking to his room.
"I had to see Yubaba, Layne." He wasn't in the mood to deal with the girl.
"But you promised me we'd go out today? Did you just totally forget? And why would you go see Yubaba?" She tugged on his arm.
He spun around. "Layne, I'm sorry, I need to be alone right now." He tried to keep going, but the girl had an iron grip.
"Listen to me." Her hazel eyes were glaring at him. "What's going on?"
"Haku, it's never nothing. Why are you always so cold? Hmm? Would it just kill you to let someone in once in a while?"
"I did let someone in, and yes. It almost killed me." He pulled away from her, and she just stood, watching him walk away.
"So he does have a girlfriend." Chihiro noted. Lin had wasted no time telling her everything.
"None of us like her though. She's immature and bratty. Like you were." Lin grinned.
"Thanks!" Chihiro slapped her arm.
"Anytime. I still can't believe you're back!" Lin grinned. "But now it's your turn to tell me everything. Start with when you got back."
"Nothing of interest. I've been a loner ever since I came back. I remembered bits and pieces of what happened here, but never more than a face or voice."
"Nope. I never liked any of the guys at school."
"Your life must have been boring, then." Lin sighed.
"It was." Suddenly there was a knock at the door.
"Come in!" Chihiro called. Layne opened the door and stepped in.
"Yubaba sent me." Layne cocked her head to the side, purple hair falling into her eyes. "Who are you?"
"My name is Chihiro. And-"
"The Sen Chihiro? The one who got out of here and returned to the human world?" Chihiro nodded. "That's so cool! You're gonna tell me the whole story sometime, trust me." She grinned. "Oh, but anyway, my name is Layne, and Yubaba wants to see you in her office. I'm supposed to take you there."
"Don't worry, I'll track you down later." Lin grinned at Chihiro as she stood up, but glared at Layne as she walked out the door. Chihiro stood up and followed Layne out of the room.
"Listen, Yubaba won't be mad if we're a little late… So what did happen between you and Haku when you were here? I heard you two were close." Layne looked expectantly at Chihiro.
"We were friends. Close friends. That's all." Chihiro replied, avoiding the hazel eyes that were full of question.
"Really? Somehow I doubt that. But whatever. Why would you come back here?"
"I just needed to come back." Chihiro shrugged. "I liked it here."
"Here? No one likes it here."
"Well, I do." Chihiro walked up to the elevator and waited for it to come.
"I still can't believe that you got out! You are so lucky." Layne had appeared by her side again.
"And how old are you?" Chihiro cast a sidelong glance at the purple-haired girl who was about her height.
"Seventeen. A year younger than Haku. Why?"
Seventeen? She acts like a seven-year-old! "Just wondering."
"And you're fifteen, right?"
"Yeah." Chihiro got into the newly arrived elevator. Layne followed.
"You're so lucky you remembered your name. I've been here a year and I've managed to forget mine!" She sighed. "It was really pretty, too! I mean, I've always had a bad memory, but forgetting my name? I never thought that would happen." Chihiro pulled on the lever. The elevator started moving. "Maybe some day I'll remember it…" Suddenly the elevator stopped. The doors opened and Chihiro stepped out.
"Well, I'll just leave you here." Layne smiled and the doors shut. Chihiro walked back to the main doors. The knocker grinned as she arrived.
"What took you so long? Yubaba won't be happy…" It cackled as the door swung open. Chihiro only took a few steps in before she found herself being pulled through the air.
"That's getting annoying." Chihiro stated as she stopped in front of Yubaba.
"You're too slow. Anyway, we need to talk."