Hey, it been a really long time since I last updated this story or any of my stories for that matter. But I'm back!

The Bet.

Vegeta suddenly felt the unsuspecting brush of Bulma's lips against his. The feeling caught him off guard and Bulma could sense Vegeta's muscles stiffen in response; however, little by little, she could feel him slowly relax as he grabbed the back of her head to deepen the kiss. A small moan escaped Bulma's lips, which shot Vegeta's eyes opened. He ran his hands hands through his thick mane as his mind became riddled with thoughts.

"What—what was that?" Vegeta asked, in state of confusion.

Bulma swallowed hard, feeling her mouth suddenly turn dry as she tried to explain herself.

"It was—it was nothing. Just forget about it, ok." Bulma said, pushing pass Vegeta. Her heart was pounding so fast she prayed that Vegeta couldn't hear it. She could not believe what she just did. All she could think of was getting as far away from Vegeta as possible. Hoping by morning all would be forgotten. However, Vegeta would not be so kind instead he grabbed Bulma's arm, stopping her right in her tracks.

"That wasn't just nothing . You kissed me." Bulma rolled her eyes at Vegeta's comment and snatched her arm away from him.

"Yeah, and your point?" Bulma said trying to conceal her obvious nervousness. She didn't quite anticipate this reaction from Vegeta. But what did she expect? A happily ever after from the little saiyan. Like that would ever happen.

"What's my point? You kissed me?"

"You're overreacting. It was just a kiss. I just wanted to see what it was like, that's it. Now, that I have gotten that out of my system. I guess we should just move on with our regular lives and act like that never… ever happened." Bulma rambled before giving Vegeta a quick smile and making her way out of the room. She had already made a fool out of herself. She was not about to wait for the second act.

Vegeta grabbed Bulma's arm again but this time he pinned her against the wall. He could smell her, a combination of both vanilla and jasmine that sent his sense over the edge. It was intoxicating to him. She was getting to him in the worst way. He no longer knew if he could control himself or if he wanted to.

"What are you doing?" Bulma said, sounding annoyed.

Vegeta narrowed his eyes at her trying to examine the blue-haired woman in front of him, "Are you trying to fuck with me?"


"Are trying to mess with my head….so you can win this bet?"

Bulma sighed and push Vegeta's arm away from her. 'Of course, it was about the bet,' she thought to herself. She wished she hadn't ever made that stupid bet with him anyway. She probably would have still been with Yamcha and not had this crazy notion to kiss Vegeta in the first place. Leaving her life a whole lot less complicated then it already was.

"Well?" He said, impatiently waiting for her to answer

"Is that all you think about, Vegeta? Is this bet? "

Vegeta gave Bulma a perplexed look, "You're the one who started this. You're the one who thought I couldn't find anyone to love me in the first place. And now that you see that actually have someone, you break-up with your loser boyfriend and kiss me. You're either scared you might lose to me, insane, or jealous. Or you're so fuck up you may just be all three."

"Vegeta, you can think whatever you want to think. I don't have to worry about whatever her name is. I'm sure soon or later she will see your true colors like I have and she will drop you, and you will be alone like always."

"Look, woman you have yet to see my true colors." He said, getting right up in her face.

"Yeah, like I'm real scared," Bulma said, but in truth Bulma was slightly scared. She could feel the heat of off Vegeta's breath that sent shivers down her spine.

"Ugh!" Vegeta said, throwing up his arms. "You frustrate me so much. I can see why Yamcha left you."

"It was mutual," Bulma corrected.

"Mutual my ass. You probably drove him to insanity. Just like you doing me. You play these little mind games. However, what you don't understand woman is that when it's all said and done you will be the one left alone with no one to care about you. "

Bulma felt her breath become sharp as all her fear began to diminish, "Vegeta, do you really think that you will have someone in the end? You race of people is practically extinct and there is only one of your kind that is left. And that is someone you totally hate because he has a compassion for humans. If anything were to happen to you no one would care. No one would shed one tear for you. So, who is the lonely bastard now?"

Bulma could sense that she had hit a nerve as she watched Vegeta's dark eyes grow even darker as his anger began to build. He clenched his fists and decided then it would be best to leave now before he would do something that he later would regret. He did not want the almighty Goku to come knocking on the door because he had strangled the little wench.

"Where are you going?"

"To exercise." He growled before wrapping the towel around his shoulder.

"Figures." Bulma muffled, before going upstairs.


Thirty minutes after her blow up with Vegeta, Bulma spent the rest of her time channel surfing when all of sudden she heard a large explosion right outside her window. She ran to her window to find that the gravity chamber lay in ruins. Bulma's heart jolted and made her way out of her room.

"Please be ok. Please be ok." Bulma muttered to herself as she raced down the steps. When she finally made it outside, she couldn't see any sign of Vegeta. Her heart stopped.

"Vegeta," she whispered before screaming it at top of her lungs.

She ran towards the rumble and began to dig for any sign of the spiky-haired saiyan. Tears started to swell up in her bright blue eyes when she saw a fist weakly push through the debris. Bulma rushed over to Vegeta to remove all the debris off him. What she found was the tattered prince covered in blood.

She was hestitant at first but she decided to gently rest her hand on his forehead. Vegeta let out a wounded groan.

"Oh, Vegeta" Bulma said with concern pouring out from her voice. She had never seen him like this. The big strong unstoppable saiyan, as he claimed, was hurt. He was really hurt. She had to get help.


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