"Hey , every1 back wit another one!

The Bet

Chapter One: Bring it on!

Vegeta was just drinking out the milk carton when he heard Bulma slam the front door and stomp her way in. He shook his head. "Here, we go again," he thought. It was the third time this week that Bulma and Yamcha had gotten into a fight. Again and again the two would yell at each other until they were both blue in the face or before Bulma would slam the door on Yamcha. However, the next morning Yamcha would give her call and they would be back together by that afternoon.

"Helpless" he thought, putting the milk back in the fridge. He couldn't understand why she would stay with him. All they do is fight, fight, and fight some more. The two can't seem to get through a minute, without saying something that pisses one of them off.

And besides, Bulma could do so much better than him or at least he thought so. Yamcha is a worthless piece shit that can't provide her with anything, but grief. She, however, had everything, except for good taste in men.

"If only she had m …." Vegeta trailed off, condemning his thought for Bulma. He couldn't accept the fact that he may have some sort of emotions for her.

"Hey Vegeta," Bulma said, appearing around the corner. She grabbed a bottle of vodka from the cabinet with a glass, taking a shot of it. She sighed as she gulped it down, while pulling a cigarette from her pocket. She could feel another migraine coming on.

"You know that those can kill you…"Vegeta said, looking at her light one them up.

"I don't tell you what to do with your fucking body, do I?" She said feeling the nicotine rush through her.

Vegeta shrugged, "I can tell someone didn't have a fun night"

"No shit, Sherlock! Like it would take mind-reader to know that." She said, taking another puff from her cigarette. "For once, just once…I would like that bastard to know how really fucking grateful he should be to have me. I mean…I could get any guy…any guy. Yet, treats me like I don't matter….I should dumped his ass."

"Like that will happen." Vegeta muttered.

"What!" Bulma exclaimed. "You don't think I would dump him? I would do it in a heartbeat."

"Yeah right, he'll call you up tomorrow with some sorry ass story. And by three o'clock you'll be back in love, or fucking for that matter."

"Oh, so you think you have me so figured out…" Bulma said, getting right up into Vegeta's face.

"There's not much to figure." Vegeta could feel her breath hit his face, making him uncomfortable.

"And what would know about love?" Bulma could feel Vegeta tense up, but she didn't budge. Over the course of time Vegeta had been there, she had gotten used to him and now didn't feel threaten by him, one bit. She believed he was more bark than bite.

"I know a hell of a lot more than you do" Vegeta said, moving pass her after not being able to be so close to her. His thoughts and emotions would always jumble, when he got that close to her.

"You, Mr. Emo, know more about love than me? That's ridiculous." Bulma said, letting out a laugh. "You haven't had date in like forever and you know nothing about winning a girl's heart, that's for sure… I bet you can't even get a woman to spend one week or even a day with you for that matter." Bulma said, pouring another shot.

"Fine…I bet you, I can. And not only that, I bet I can keep her for more than month and make her fall in love with me."

"Fall in love with you?" Bulma said almost choking. "Please, like that will ever happen."

"What? You scared that I may have a chance at beating your ass!"


"Then, it's on, if I win…No, when I win, you will never complain about having to fix the gravity chamber, actually cook some decent meals around here, and finally show some respect for the prince that I am."

"Yeah, okay, whatever! But if you lose, which you will, you'll have to be my maid for a whole month and not call me anything else, but Miss. Bulma."

"Yeah, like that's going to happen."

"Now, look who's running scared?"

"I'm no coward!"

"Than bring it on…Oh, Vegeta remember when you lose that I like my breakfast with freshly squeezed orange juice in the morning."

Vegeta rolled his eyes at her, "Yeah, whatever, woman!"

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