Summary: Wendy is now a full grown woman and married with a child when Peter Pan flies through her window wanting to take her back to Neverland, but when she refuses, Peter uses his one and only wish from Tinker Bell to do something which startles even him...
Author's Note: This takes place AFTER the movie and please no offense. Hope you like my fic. :)
Disclaimer: I do not own Peter Pan, or any of its characters and am making no profit off of this. So don't send the crocodile after me who has tasted human flesh!!! Please review!
Return of Pan
Chapter One
The child that was known as Wendy Moira Angela Darling was now a grown and married woman. Childhood had been left behind, a choice she had made so many years ago in Neverland. Her dream of becoming a novelist had been placed in a drawer, far harder to close than she imagined her father's had been when he was still alive. The only ones to hear her stories was her own daughter, Jane, and Wendy imagined that they would be passed on long after she was gone.
For now, Jane slept soundly in her bed inside the nursery, her mother watching the night sky from the window, which was never shut. There would always be a piece of that little girl she had once been searching and waiting for the boy who would never grow up to return… but he never did.
Wendy imagined he had forgotten her. She knew very well how the magics of Neverland and boyhood kept any amount of care from him, but still she liked to hope that he kept her with him.
"Wendy, I am afraid I must leave now," her husband said softly from the doorway.
Turning her head, she saw him dressed in his uniform with a bag slung over his shoulder. "Shall I wake Jane so that you can say goodbye?" she asked.
"No," he said, not even looking at the child. "I should leave. She will only draw things out."
Wendy nodded with a frown on her face, but she rose to say farewell. Her husband held up his hand.
"Not in front of the child," he said. "Keep looking for your Peter Pan," he said with bitterness and left after a lingering gaze toward his wife.
Wendy bit her lip and remained quiet as she heard his footsteps stomping down the stairs and the front door slamming shut. Jane stirred and lifted her head, groggily looking over at her mother.
"Mother, what was that?" she asked.
"Nothing," she said. "Rest your head and go back to sleep." She smiled warmly at her and Jane did as she was told, thinking nothing more on the matter, for children have little room for worries inside their minds when they are filled with dreams and imaginations.
Moving to the chair before the fireplace, Wendy wrapped a blanket around her shoulders and nestled in. Soon, she too, was asleep.
The shadow of a boy with his hands placed proudly on his hips stretched into the nursery, as a fairy darted through the open window. Tinker Bell zigzagged with the sounds of bells ringing softly as she searched the three beds within the room. The first two were empty, but when she made it to Jane's bed, she stopped and rubbed her hands together with an overly pleased grin.
Motioning to the owner of the shadow, who floated outside, she spoke in jingles for him to hurry. Peter Pan flew inside and landed, instantly walking toward the bedside. Squinting his eyes, he scrutinized the one sleeping in the bed, before looking at Tink.
"That's not Wendy," he said, looking stern. This girl was much younger than he remembered his Wendy having been. Tinker Bell jingled again and Peter shook his head, before pointing a finger at her. "Tink, you took me to the wrong house!" he said with some anger.
The fairy gave an innocent shrug and stuck out her lower lip to show she was sorry, her little feet kicking ever so slightly.
"You said you remembered," he scolded, snatching her and giving her a hard gaze. Just then something tapped him on the shoulder.
Peter turned to see his shadow, pointing to the other side of the nursery toward a sleeping woman. The boy straightened with uncertainty and released Tinker Bell, as he tip-toed over. The fairy shook her fist and wiggled her fingers on either side of her head while making a face at his turned back. For a grand finale, she crossed her arms and perched on the bed knob to sulk, but curiosity got the better of her and, beginning to bite her nails, she watched Peter as he crept closer.
The boy was hunched over, his arms out to help his balance, and his bare feet made no sound. From the light of the moon, he could see the woman's face. Lifting off the ground, he floated toward her for a better look until their noses almost touched, but Tinker Bell panicked and flitted over to Peter. In an instant, she yanked him by the hair and pulled him back with his legs kicking frantically and a grimace on his face.
Wendy jolted awake to see the boy she could never forget struggling with his fairy. In disbelief, she stood, a hand on her heart and her full mouth open. Tinker Bell was strong she recalled from the first time she had tried to give this boy a thimble.
"Peter?" she asked with a smile, her heart was fluttering. He was back.
The boy and his fairy stopped and Tinker Bell let go. Peter slowly landed, his hands going to his hips as he stood as tall as he could, ever the brave one. "Who are you?" he asked with uncertainty on his brow.
"Peter, it's me. Wendy…" She watched him hoping he wasn't here just by some coincidence and that he had come back to see her.
The boy looked her up and down, appearing frightened. "That's not true," he said, backing up, his hand going to his knife on his hip.
Wendy stepped closer. "Yes. I've grown up," she added. "I was hoping you'd come back," she said with a smile.
Peter's eyes were filling with tears. "No!" he said loudly, and luckily once Jane was asleep she often stayed that way. "I wasn't gone that long!" he cried.
Wendy too felt close to tears. "But you were…" she told him. "Fourteen years. That girl is my daughter."
Peter's head fell in his heads and he pulled at his messy wave of blond hair, before looking back up at her, his eyes glistening. "Why couldn't you wait for me?" he asked, obviously not understanding that she couldn't have helped it if she'd tried.
"Peter…" Wendy said, "things are different here… It's not like Neverland. We grow up."
He shook his head and a tear fell from his eyes. "That's not what I meant!" he said, shaking now.
Wendy was suddenly confused and glanced at Jane. "Perhaps we should move this to the hall. We shouldn't wake her." Hopefully she held out her hand for Peter's, but he sniffled and wiped his nose instead. Frowning, Wendy left the nursery with Peter and Tinker Bell behind her.
Once in the hall, she shut the door so as not to disturb Jane and crouched so that she was shorter than Peter. She thought it would make him feel better, but seeing her now in the light seemed to disturb him more. He wouldn't meet her gaze and Tink sat on the banister.
"Peter… what did you mean in there?"
"Huh?" he asked, suddenly looking at her in confusion.
Wendy sighed. He was just the same. Smiling, she tried again, "You said I should have waited for you."
Peter crossed his arms over his chest and seemed to pout. "You forgot me," he insisted, looking hurt.
"Peter, no. I could… I could never," Wendy declared in shock.
"Then why did you get… married?" he asked, having difficulty saying the word. Tinker Bell leaned forward to listen. She was a terrible eavesdropper.
Wendy was flustered by this question and stood, turning from Peter and swallowing hard all the emotions she was having over this inquiry. "I don't think that's any of your business," she said.
Peter grew even more upset and marched up to her. He grabbed her elbow, causing her to turn. "Do you love him?" he demanded to know.
Tinker Bell, who was leaning too far forward, suddenly fell face first toward the rug, but quickly caught herself and floated with a red and embarrassed glow back to her seat.
Wendy stared directly into Peter's eyes and answered from her heart.
"No," she answered. "At one point I did, but that is gone."
Peter let her go and stepped back, looking down. He was quiet now and his dirty toes fidgeted.
"What took you so long to come back?" Wendy asked, moving toward him.
The boy didn't look up from his feet, nor did he say anything.
"Peter?" she tried again, reaching out to touch his cheek. He jerked his head away and Wendy felt a jab to her heart.
"Why do you care?" he asked. She knew he was testing her. He needed to know that he could still trust her, that she was still his Wendy.
"Because…" she said softly, crouching again and trying to look in his darting eyes, "I still believe in you, Peter Pan."
A smile crossed her lips and slowly he met her eyes. In an instant he thrust himself into her arms and embraced her tight. She could feel him shaking as he fought against sobbing. He was a lost little boy and he had been all alone for so long. How she wished things could have been different…
He pulled away and wiped his eyes, trying to hide his vulnerability. "Tink couldn't remember where you lived," he admitted, pointing to the fairy, who got insulted. "You know how fairies are."
Wendy nodded slowly, as she watched Tinker Bell rise from the banister. In a huff she flitted off somewhere downstairs. Wendy was well aware that Peter would never admit to a bad memory on his own account, and so, she went along with his story in order not to upset him any further.
"If you don't love him," Peter went on, "you should come back to Neverland with me!" There was excitement in his voice and he smiled now with boyish innocence.
Wendy frowned. "Peter… I don't know how to fly anymore, and… how could I fit in the hideout? And I can't leave Jane."
"Who?" he asked.
"My daughter," she explained.
"Then I can teach you both to fly!" he exclaimed, not willing to give up so easily, as children often aren't. "You can be the mother again and I'll be the father!"
"Peter," she said with a shake of her head, "I am afraid it wouldn't work. I am much too old for you now…" she pointed out with heartache. She regretted saying this the moment she saw the look on his face.
Peter's lips pursed together and he turned sharply. He seemed to be thinking. She knew he was searching for anything he could come up with to fix the way things were. She noticed he looked at his reflection good and hard in the mirror.
"I'm sorry, Peter," Wendy added. "We had our chance." Tears stung her eyes, but Peter turned around and shook his head.
"I won't let it be over!" he said, rising into the air. Before Wendy could speak, or stop him, he flew downstairs to find Tinker Bell.
"Peter!" she cried, leaning over the banister to look at him, but he was gone.
Hurriedly, she ran down the stairs, taking them two at a time. When she reached the bottom, she found him with Tinker Bell in the living room. They were arguing.
"Just do it, Tink!" he cried. The fairy shook her head and made several jingles, which Wendy could not understand. She waited in the shadows to see what was going on.
"You have to do it!" he said, his voice breaking a little. Bells sounded from the fairy. "It's what I want! I don't care anymore!"
Tinker Bell hung her head and shook it with folded arms. She didn't look willing to do whatever it was Peter had requested of her.
"You owe me, Tink," he said, pointing a finger at her. The fairy looked up at him and sighed. Slowly she fluttered before his face paused.
"Do it," he said without reservations.
Tinker Bell kissed his nose, sending a glare of pixie dust from its tip to the rest of his body. Peter stumbled back and grabbed the edge of a sofa, doubling over in pain and holding his stomach. His eyes shut and he screamed in agony.
"Peter!" Wendy yelled, racing toward him, but he pushed her away and turned from her.
"Go away, Wendy," he managed to say in a pained voice, before groaning and collapsing to his knees.
"No, I will not! You need a doctor!" she insisted, "Tink, what did you do to him?" Wendy didn't wait for a response and ran to the phone. She was about to dial the family physician when Peter suddenly fell against the sofa and dug his nails into the cushions, screaming like nothing she'd ever heard before. He writhed and kicked out his legs, the leaves used as a kind of shirt began to break and he threw a pillow from the sofa across the room, nailing Tinker Bell. She slid down the wall with a drunken look on her face.
Wendy was horrified and rushed to Peter's side. "Peter, what can I do?" she cried, tears streaking her cheeks. She tried to restrain him, but he wouldn't let her. He kept moving frantically in pain, and… was he getting bigger?
Standing back, Wendy could see his muscles becoming more defined, his face no longer appeared as boyish, and hair now began to grow on his chest. The next time Peter screamed, his voice was no longer one belonging to a little boy.
Wendy's hands flew over her mouth and she couldn't breathe. "Oh my God…" she said, glancing to Tinker Bell, before returning her eyes to Peter. His legs were now growing and his shorts were ready to burst. Wendy grabbed a blanket and put it over him, hoping to keep his modesty intact.
As soon as she did this, she heard the seams ripping beneath the quilt and Peter's newly grown feet reached out of the blanket in a final stretch before he collapsed in exhaustion and ceased, a man.
Author's Note: Please review! I love feedback:D Thanks for reading!