Disclaimer: I do not own the Labyrinth or the characters.

"Sarah you're late again" yelled Karen as Sarah came in the front door at 7.15 on a Saturday night.

" Now doesn't this sound familiar I'm 22 for heavens sake I have a life outside babysitting for Toby. You're the one that's always saying I should get out and see my friends more".


"No I'm sick of you bossing me around like your slave".

This is the conversation that Sarah desperately wanted to have with her stepmother every time they had a confrontation like this. She would play the scene through in her head after her stepmother left and think of all the things she wished she had the confidence to say. Generally these days the conversation would flow along the lines of her backing down. Seven years of broken promises and dreams helped to account for the time that she spent doing everyone else's will and not her own. Her will had been tamed through life's experiences. Firstly a few months after her 16th birthday her father died after a fatal stroke leaving her in the care of her stepmother till she was 18 and free to leave home. The second issue lay in that she had no idea where to go; at one point acting had been the main thing in her life. These hopes and dreams faded with her father. Now she lived to help her step mother raise a seven year old and two adults on a single parent salary. She no longer had a life, with no close friends. The last time she had any close friends where her friends from the labyrinth and they could only come now and then. The only man well fae that could possibly change anything was in a different world. A world most people would deem as make believe being full of magical creatures such as goblins. Unknown to everyone in Sarah's life apart from doctors Sarah had started taking pills for depression she had been on them for the past 6 weeks. Finally she was getting some sleep although her body was still exhausted from having to care for Toby and trying to study for a social services job at the local college. Over these years she had no idea that someone was keeping her from harm in the physical sense, but nothing could be done about the mental issues. Not liking what he saw things were about to change.