Hello everyone! I used to write under the name Goliath Family Witch but I lost the password to that account and it won't send it to me...

So, I'm back and noticed that there are not enough stories involving Harry and a minor character like Marcus Flint. So this is my bundle of wood for the bonfire. I love reading reviews, it inspires me to write more. So please, find it in your heart to review me. Praise and tips are welcomed, flames are laughed at my friends. Happy reading!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, except maybe some minor OC's in future chapters. The plot is mine. The other characters and most locations belong to J.K. Rowling.

Saved by Potter


The halls of the now completely inescapable Azkaban were the most depressing place Harry Potter had ever set foot in. He shrugged off a feeling of lifelessness and shuddered at the freezing temperatures. What was the Ministry thinking? That they could kill off the inmates with frostbite? The use of Dementors had ceased after the last battle due to their allegiance to You-Know-Who, so spells to mimic their behavior were implemented.

The Boy-Who-Lived walked down corridor after corridor until coming to a halt in front of two gargoyles.



The walls split, leaving a rather large hole in between the snarling statues. Complete darkness lined the ancient walls.

Lifting his wand, Harry uttered, "Lumos," and the glow chased the shadows off, giving him a good look at the nearest cell. The glaring face of Bellatrix Lestrange greeted him. She was in a holding cell awaiting the kiss. But glaring was all she could do, as she couldn't really think of anything witty to say to the man who killed her lord.

He moved on, recognizing a few people every now and then until he came to the cell of Dolores Umbridge. She sneered at him from behind the rusty bars in the tiny space, wanting nothing more then to lash out at him. He scoffed at her and moved on; she had every reason to be in here. After his victorious duel with Lord Voldemort, the Ministry, now led by Kingsley, rounded up all the Death Eaters they could find in the Wizarding World and tried them in front of the Wizengamot. Dolores was caught and convicted for denying the right of status and magic to muggle born wizards and witches and imprisoning them by claiming that they had stolen their wands from purebloods. Her sentence had been for 5 years. She had a long time left.

He rounded a corner and came to a door. He opened it and looked around. This was where the man he was here for was held.

He focused his attention to a groan from the other side of the room.

'I hope he's capable of speaking.'

Harry shut the cold iron door behind him and crossed the space to the dark shape in the corner.

"Flint?" Harry's voice was soft, not wanting to startle the mess of bones at his feet. Receiving no answer from the older boy, he leaned closer.

"Marcus?" he tried again. This time, Marcus raised his head to stare up at his visitor.

"Come to taunt me too Potter?"

Harry got a good look at his eyes. He had never in his life seen so much misery and pain in anyone before.

"Actually, the Wizengamot found you innocent a few days ago. Your case was reopened by yours truly after interrogating a few people and getting them to testify. You should thank the Malfoys for their testimonies."

"So why are you here?" inquired the pale figure, curiosity and joy overcoming the other, darker emotions in his eyes.

Harry smiled, "I think you know," He stood up and offered the boy his hand.

Marcus stared at it for a moment then latched on to it as if it were his life line and Harry was more then happy to pull the innocent boy up from the dirty floor. Together they made their way to the door and past the envious taunting of the other inmates to the statues of the gargoyles, who sealed the entrance once they were out.

Finally, he was free, free from frequent starvation. Free from loneliness. But he was not completely happy; where would he go? He no longer had his wand or the key to his vault in Gringotts. As if on cue, Harry began, "The minister would like to return your wand and possessions tomorrow. You can stay with me, Flint, until you're ready to continue with life from where you left off."

Marcus offered him a small smile and the darkness of the prison gave way to the blue sky. Harry grabbed him and they disapparated to Godric's Hollow, feeling the all too familiar sensation of compression. There they would await the meeting with Kingsley Shacklebolt, Minister of Magic, tomorrow evening.

There ya go H/M fans, more to come in the future. Reviews, reviews...must have reviews.