Well, it saddens me to say that this is the last chapter of my story! (Tears!) This story is my first ever fanfic, and it's kind of my baby, so I'm like, really attached to it. I wanted it to go out with a BANG and so I made the last chapter kinda long. Thank you everyone for being so patient! Reviewers, I couldn't have done it without ya'll!! You guys were my inspiration and my encouragement!! So, here it is! The final chapter!

Chapter 10

Hermione stood there in the deserted corridor, tears swelling up in her eyes. She had never felt this confused in her entire life. She liked Draco Malfoy. And she couldn't deny it. He had, after all, shown her a side of himself that he'd kept hidden for the past six years. Until recently, she never would've guessed that Draco was sweet, intelligent, caring and, above all, deep. Furthermore, he had no desire to follow in his father's footsteps. He just wanted to be a decent person; he had no interest in the Dark Arts. She liked all of those things about him. And she knew it. So why, then, was she having trouble admitting her feelings to everyone else?

As Hermione pondered this question, she wandered absentmindedly up to the Gryffindor common room. Once there, she eased herself into an armchair and did some more thinking. It wasn't long before she began having an inner struggle with herself. She really really wanted to be able to openly admit that she liked Draco Malfoy. It would feel so freeing to be able to walk around with him, to snog in public, to sit together in class. . . .But at the same time, she couldn't help but wonder what people would say. She was in Gryffindor and he was in Slytherin. Wouldn't their relationship only make things more difficult for them if they were to admit that they were, indeed, a couple?

She sighed, defeated at the moment. She had no idea what to do. If only she could talk to someone. . . .As if they'd just heard her thought, Harry and Ron came through the portrait hole, followed by Neville.

" Hey." She greeted them unenthusiastically.

" Hi Herimone!" Neville responded. There was an awkward silence and he cleared his throat hastily. " Well. . . . I, uh. . . . . . . . .I think I've forgotten something. . . . . up in our room. . . . . .so I'll just be going then. . . ." he scurried from the room, nearly tripping over himself in the process.

Hermione wondered if Harry and Ron could possibly be mad at her, as they hadn't said anything yet.

" You two seem awfully quiet," she observed, " What's wrong?"

" What's wrong is, that once again, you left us looking like complete and total idiots while you ran off to Malfoy!" Ron said darkly as he flopped onto a couch across from where Hermione sat.

" Yeah, it wasn't very pleasant being woken up by Neville and seeing a bunch of people laughing at us." Harry added crossly as he fell into an armchair near the couch.

" Well I can't help it if the two of you decided to stay up all night waiting for me to come back to the common room." Hermione answered hotly.

" You thought it was sweet about an hour ago." Harry reminded her.

" Women and their hormones." Ron said, an air of sarcasm in his voice.

Hermione glared at both of them. " I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to just leave you there, but I simply had to find Pansy Parkinson."

" Pansy Parkinson? What in the world did you need to find her for? Harry asked, disgusted.

" Well, Neville told me that she was spreading rumors around that Malfoy and I were going out." Hermione said with a shrug.

" But the rumors are TRUE, then aren't they??" Ron demanded.

" Well yes, but I don't want people to know just yet!" Hermione said defensively.

" Why the bloody hell NOT?" Ron asked, irritation rising in his voice.

" Because, Ronald, it would change EVERYTHING! Don't you see that?" Hermione screeched.

" Even so, Hermione, you don't honestly think you can hide it forever, do you? I mean, you and Malfoy are going to have to tell everyone eventually." Harry told her.

" Well he's completely ready to do that!" Hermione said, burying her face in her hands. " I'm the one with the problem!"

" You're just going to have to get over that, aren't you?" Ron said, rather unsympathetically. " I mean, what exactly is it that you're so afraid of, anyway?"

" I don't KNOW!" Hermione wailed. " I have no idea! It's all so complicated!"

She was close to tears by now. Harry got up from where he was sitting and walked over to Hermione. He sat on the ledge of her armchair and patted her shoulder comfortingly.

" It's okay. It's going to be fine. You're just a little confused right now." Never before had her or Ron seen her so upset. She was really conflicted over the entire thing. Harry let her lean her head on his shoulder. The three of them sat there for the longest time as Hermione quietly sobbed into Harry's shirt.

" Hermione, I'm really sorry." Ron said softly. " I didn't mean to be so harsh. . . . I'm just tired from last night. . . . . .I really didn't know you were this upset over it. . . . ." He too got up and went over to Hermione. He put his arm around her shoulder and rested his chin on her head, trying to comfort her as best he could.

"I. . . . don't. . . . .know. . . . what . . . I'd . . . . do. . . .without. . . . you. . . .guys." Hermione choked out between sobs.

" Shhhhh, we know. You don't have to talk." Ron said gently.

A few minutes passed by before someone entered the common room. Looking up, Ron saw that it was Ginny.

" Omigosh, what's wrong with her?" Ginny asked, alarmed. She practically ran over to where they were sitting and knelt down in front of Hermione.

" She's just upset right now, Ginny. She's got a lot on her mind." Harry explained.

The redhead peered into Hermione's face. " Upset?" she shrieked, " She's distraught! Clearly, she's heartbroken!"

Harry and Ron exchanged surprised looks over Hermione's head.

" How could you possibly know just by looking at her?" Ron asked incredulously.

Ginny rolled her eyes. " Honestly, Ron, I am a girl! We tend to catch onto these things rather quickly!"

Shooing the boys out of the way, she put her hand on Hermione's arm.

" Hermione," she said soothingly, " I'm going to take you up to your room, okay? And I'll stay with you as long as you want. Now don't you worry about crying. Just let it all out."

Hermione nodded slowly, tears streaking her face. She gave Harry and Ron a weak smile as she allowed Ginny to lead her up to the girls' dormitories.

Ginny stayed with Hermione and comforted her until the crying had subsided and all that remained were sniffles.

" Thanks, Ginny. I really appreciate you being here for me. But you go. I'm fine now." Hermione told her.

" You're sure?" Ginny asked.

Hermione nodded. " I've already wasted enough of your Saturday. Go have fun."

" Well, okay. If you're absolutely sure. . . ."

" I'm sure! Now go!" The girls exchanged smiles as Ginny left.

Not a moment later, there was a loud CRACK and Dobby, the house elf, appeared.

" Hello Hermione Granger!" he greeted excitedly.

Hermione sat up in surprise. " Dobby! What are you doing here?"

" Dobby was asked to bring this to you!" the elf squeaked as he handed her an envelope.

" Awwww, you're so sweet. Thanks Dobby!" she said, taking the envelope from his tiny hands.

The elf beamed at her. " Does Herimone Granger need Dobby's assistance for anything else?"

Hermione smiled down at him. " That's okay, Dobby. I'm good. But thanks!" She bent down to give the tiny creature a hug.

The elf beamed at her once more before leaving with another CRACK!

Once Dobby had vanished, Hermione turned her attention to the envelope in her hands. She slowly (and neatly) tore it open and found a small bit of folded parchment. Unfolding it, she read:


I'm sorry if what I said earlier upset you. The truth is, I really do like you. And I'd be willing to tell the entire wizarding world, starting with my father, if necessary. I know it may take you a little longer to feel the same way. The problem is, I don't know how to convince you that you feel that way. Believe me, if I knew how, I would. But since I can't, it looks like I'm going to have to leave that up to you. If you want to talk or something, meet me in front of the Great Hall in fifteen minutes.


Hermione stared down at the parchment. Draco didn't seem at all hopeful about their relationship. She didn't want him feeling miserable, especially because of her. She had to go and reassure him. She got up to wipe her face, desperately hoping that she could erase the tell tale signs that she had been crying. Once she felt like she had accomplished this feat, she straightened her corner of the room before dashing out the door.

Upon arriving at the Great Hall, Hermione saw that Draco was already there, waiting for her.

" I was afraid you weren't going to come." He said to her, relief in his voice.

" How could I not?" She answered. " You sounded really unhappy in your note. I couldn't bear thinking it was all because of me."

He stepped closer to her. " Hermione, you're what makes me happy. I just wish everyone could know that."

She sighed. " I want everyone to know too! But, it's all so complicated."

Malfoy stepped even closer and wrapped his arms around her waist. " What makes it so complicated?" he wanted to know.

" I don't know." She mumbled into his chest. " Maybe I'm just afraid of what people will say. Especially the professors."

" Who cares about what they have to say?" he asked, releasing her from his grip so he could face her. " Isn't the fact that we like each other the only thing that matters?"

" Well, yes, of course." She responded, a bit surprised at the sharpness of his tone. " But. . . . . .Gryffindors and Slytherins don't mingle! It just doesn't happen!"

" Well then it's about time they did, don't you think?" Malfoy asked.

" Absolutely! But it's just so hard to be the first ones! I mean, think about what we'll have to face!" Hermione said.

" What if I told you I didn't care?" he asked.

" What if I told you I did?" she retorted.

Malfoy looked taken aback. He considered her carefully before speaking. " Do you even want to be with me anymore, Granger?"

It was Hermione's turn to be shocked. " Wha--? Of COURSE I do!!!!!!"

" So PROVE IT!" He demanded.

" HOW EXACTLY DO YOU WANT ME TO PROVE IT?" They were shouting now. It was a wonder nobody came running to see what was happening.


Hermione stood there, completely shocked, as Draco stormed out of the entranceway, back in the direction of the Slytherin common room.

Over the next few days, Hermione and Draco didn't see each other much, nor did they speak. He was sending her lavish gifts every day, she suspected, just so she would know that she was still his. She tried getting his attention several times, but he would never meet her gaze. It was clear to Hermione that he was avoiding her.

" I don't know what to do!" she confided to Harry and Ron as she paced in the common room that night. " He won't look at me, he won't talk to me. . . . ."

" Bloody hell, Hermione, you've got to calm down!" Ron said, grabbing her hand and leading her over to an armchair.

" I mean, how am I supposed to prove to him that I want to be with him?" she wailed, her voice panicked.

" Didn't he tell you he wants you to openly admit it?" Harry asked, rather absentmindedly.

" Yes, Harry, we've been OVER this!" Hermione said impatiently. " The problem is, I'm not quite sure how to do that!"

" Couldn't you just, I dunno, make an announcement tomorrow at the Quidditch game? You know, ask McGonagall if you can borrow the megaphone?" Ron suggested, unable to keep the boredom out of his voice.

" Oh yes, Ronald, what an excellent idea! Making that kind of announcement over a megaphone while he's 300 feet in the air!"

" I'm only trying to help! It's not like it'll be my fault if the idiot falls off his broom!"

Hermione gasped when he said this and Harry quickly moved in between them to keep the peace.

" I think it would be good if we all just calmed down." He said to the two of them.

When Ron and Hermione relaxed a little, Harry said, " Now, although Ron's idea was a little. . . out there. . . it doesn't mean we can't come up with something else. I don't think you'll need to do something quite that extreme."

The three sat in silence for a few minutes, thinking to themselves.

" Should I wear Slytherin colors to the game?" Hermione asked.

" NO!" Harry and Ron said together.

" You're supporting one person, not the entire house." Harry reminded her.

Again, there was silence as each of them tried to come up with a different solution.

" Oh, this is hopeless!" Hermione cried, her voice full of despair.

" Don't worry, Hermione, we'll come up with something. We always do." Ron assured her.

And sure enough, ten minutes later, they did.

Hermione woke up the next morning, feeling refreshed and light-hearted. She was finally ready to openly admit that she liked Draco Malfoy. She so badly wanted to wish him luck before the match; it was the championship game after all. But she knew that he wouldn't pay any attention to her if she tried. He wanted her to prove that she wanted him; and that was exactly what she intended to do.

All during breakfast, Hermione was nervous and jittery. Her entire plan rested on Slytherin winning the championship.

" Do you really think Slytherin can beat Hufflepuff?" she asked Harry and Ron for the hundredth time.

" YES, Hermione!" Ron answered impatiently as he stuffed a pancake into his mouth.

" It'll be a really intense game, but Slytherin should pull it out." Harry reassured.

They could only hope.

After breakfast, the trio walked down to the Quidditch pitch together. They joined the mob of Gryffindors in the stands and waited anxiously for the game to start. Hermione resisted the urge to cheer Malfoy on as the Slytherin team flew out onto the pitch. Madam Hooch, the referee, stepped onto the field to start the game. Hufflepuff managed to get first possession of the Quaffle, which terrified Hermione.

" It's only the first possession, Hermione. Try to control your nerves!" Ron told her.

" He has to be in a celebratory mood! There's no way I can pull this off if Slytherin loses!" she screeched.

" It'll be FINE!" Harry hissed.

The game went back and forth nearly the whole way through. Hufflepuff would score, and so would Slytherin. Hufflepuff would score again, and Slytherin would follow suit. It didn't help that Hermione's nerves were getting the better of her. Harry and Ron spent the entire game trying to calm her down.

Finally, Slytherin managed to gain some distance from Hufflepuff. The score was in their favor when Malfoy finally tracked down the snitch. As the team huddled in celebration and the crowd looked on, Hermione managed to slip away without being noticed.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she made her way to the Slytherin common room. Any minute now, the entire house would be coming down the corridor she was standing in. Any minute now, Draco Malfoy would be walking in her direction and she would finally prove to him that she wanted to be with him.

Hermione jumped as loud shouts and cheers erupted from down the corridor. They were coming. Suddenly, a parade of Slytherins flooded down the corridor, Malfoy in the lead. He had the trophy in his hands and everyone around him was congratulating him. " Hey, why is that Gryffindor Mudblood standing in our corridor?" someone shouted. All eyes turned to look at Hermione, and she knew that this was the moment.

Malfoy's jaw dropped as she ran towards him. He tossed the Quidditch trophy to the ground as she jumped into his arms. Throwing her arms around his neck and draping her legs around his waist, she straddled him in front of the entire Slytherin population.

" Wh-what are you doing?" he stammered.

" Proving that I want to be with you!" she responded happily.

And then she kissed him. It was a kiss ignited by a burning hunger and desire that filled them both. Gasps rippled through the crowd as the two snogged in the middle of the corridor. Time seemed to stand still and they were in a world all their own, even though all eyes in the hallway were locked on them. As their tongues intertwined and as her body melted into his, Hermione realized then that she could care less about what anyone thought. She was the happiest she had ever been. And that was all that mattered.

And that, my dears, is the end of the story! How was it?? I'm simply DYING to know what everyone thought!!! So. . . . how bout it?? Reviews? For old time's sake?? Pretty please???